Working languages:
German to English
Italian to English
English to Romanian

Armand C.
Keeping the meaning invariant...

Local time: 10:24 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: German Native in German, Romanian Native in Romanian
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With more than ten years of experience as a freelance translator, I specialize in STEM fields, particularly chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, and IT/computer science. I also handle user manuals in a variety of fields, transcription and subtitling, and general content. I am dedicated to providing accurate and culturally sensitive translations tailored to my clients' needs.

In addition to translation, I have honed my skills in layout and desktop publishing (DTP) while working for a local advertising agency and a national newspaper in Romania, and I have continued to gain experience as a freelancer.
Keywords: romanian, română, rumänisch, german, germană, tedesco, deutsch, french, français, franceză. See more.romanian, română, rumänisch, german, germană, tedesco, deutsch, french, français, franceză, französisch, italian, italiană, italiano, italienisch, english, engleză, inglese, englisch, traduceri, traduzione, traduzioni, traduttore, traducător, localization, translation, übersetzung, computer, it, computer science, informatică, informatik, software, chemistry, chimie, chemie, medicine, medizin, medicină, physics, fizică, physik, literature, letteratura, literatură, literatur, science, scienze, știință, wissenschaft, pharmacology, farmacologie, pharmakologie, arzneikunde, arzneimittelkunde, biochemistry, biochimie, biochimica, biochemie. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 25