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Mar 5, 2023 (posted Just completed another small translation on a online game introduction, while looking forward to working on translations of other fields....more, + 9 other entries »
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Source text - English 4.0 Maintenance of the Hearing Conservation Program
4.1 Managing Change
4.1.1 Document the criteria and mechanism whereby the hearing conservation program is written and programs/procedures are reviewed/updated. This would include a change to an activity or task, legislative requirements, equipment, technological developments, or the program itself.
4.1.2 Develop a mechanism to assess health and safety hazards and implement risk control actions (Refer to Corporate Guideline No. 2) with changes to an activity, operational control, or hearing protective equipment (that was not a ‘replacement in kind’).
4.2 Program Review and Evaluation
4.2.1 Monitor the use of hearing protection on a regular basis. Establish the review frequency. This review may include job observations, interviews, workplace inspections and audits. Refer to Appendix 1 Hearing Conservation Program Checklist.
4.2.2 Facility designated personnel (e.g. health professionals) shall evaluate the effectiveness of the hearing conservation program on an annual basis to identify opportunities for improvement. Include the hearing conservation program, identification of audiometric trends (including deteriorations) in individuals and workplaces. Note: For an effective hearing conservation program, NIOSH recommends no more than 5% of workers showing 15 dB Significant Threshold Shift, same ear, same frequency. Document results of the review and circulate to appropriate management.
4.2.3 The Corporate Environment and Health Department shall review this Corporate Guideline on an annual basis.
Translation - Indonesian 4.0 Pemeliharaan dalam Program Konservasi Pendengaran
4.1 Mengelola Perubahan
4.1.1 Dokumentasikan kriteria dan mekanisme yang dengannya program konservasi pendengaran ini ditulis dan program-program/prosedur-prosedur dikaji/diperbarui. Hal ini mencakup perubahan terhadap suatu aktivitas atau tugas, persyaratan-persyaratan legislatif, perlengkapan, berbagai perkembangan teknologi, atau program itu sendiri.
4.1.2 Kembangkan suatu mekanisme untuk menilai berbagai risiko bahaya keselamatan dan kesehatan dan untuk menerapkan tindakan-tindakan kontrol risiko (Merujuklah ke Pedoman Korporat Nomor 2) dengan berbagai perubahan terhadap suatu aktivitas, kontrol operasional, atau perlengkapan pelindung pendengaran (hal ini bukan ‘pergantian dalam tipe’ ).
4.2 Kajian dan Evaluasi Program
4.2.1 Pantaulah penggunaan pelindung pendengaran secara rutin. Buatlah kajian terhadap frekuensi penggunaan tersebut. Kajian ini dapat mencakup observasi pekerjaan, wawancara, inspeksi di tempat kerja dan audit. Merujuklah pada Apendiks 1 Daftar Cek Program Konservasi Pendengaran.
4.2.2 Berikan fasilitas terhadap personel yang telah ditunjuk (misalnya profesional kesehatan) yang akan mengevaluasi efektivitas program konservasi pendengaran setiap tahun untuk mengidentifikasikan berbagai kesempatan untuk melakukan perbaikan. Masukkan program konservasi pendengaran, identifikasi terhadap berbagai tren audiometrik (termasuk deteriorasi) pada individu dan tempat kerja. Catatan: Untuk mencapai program konservasi pendengaran yang efektif, NIOSH merekomendasikan tidak lebih dari 5% pekerja memperlihatkan Pergeseran Ambang Signifikan (Significant Threshold Shift) 15 dB, telinga yang sama, frekuensi yang sama. Dokumentasikan hasil-hasil kajian tersebut dan edarkan pada bagian manajemen yang tepat.
4.2.3 Departemen Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Korporat hendaknya mengkaji Pedoman Korporat setiap tahun.
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Keywords: Indonesian business translator, negotiable rates, regular jobs, English-Indonesian, Indonesian management translator, Indonesian market research translator, engineering, Indonesian social sciences translator, business, questionnaires. See more.Indonesian business translator, negotiable rates, regular jobs, English-Indonesian, Indonesian management translator, Indonesian market research translator, engineering, Indonesian social sciences translator, business, questionnaires, Indonesian international relations translation, books, marketing, advertisement, localization, Indonesian management translator, regular jobs, experienced, Indonesian, accurate, penerjemah Inggris Indonesia, Indonesian game translator, full time freelancer, penterjemah Inggris Indonesia, long experienced, popular science, human rights, insurance, excellent, contract, long terms, accurate, Indonesian native translator, bandung translator, lain-lain, Indonesian international organization translator, general, Indonesian business translator, general English. others, subtitling, Indonesian journal translator. reports, periodicals, games, penerjemah Bandung, Bandung translator. penerjemah akurat Indonesia, tarif penerjemah, English-Indonesian translation rate, bandung business translator, Islamic texts.. See less.
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