Working languages:
English to Spanish
French to Spanish

Raúl Tomassini
Reliability Accuracy, fair fees

Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Local time: 05:08 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Spanish Native in Spanish
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Transport / Transportation / ShippingTourism & Travel
RetailShips, Sailing, Maritime
International Org/Dev/CoopGovernment / Politics
MeteorologyComputers: Software
Telecom(munications)Real Estate


KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 19, Questions answered: 29, Questions asked: 1
Payment methods accepted Visa, Wire transfer, Money order
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Experience Years of experience: 45. Registered at Mar 2009. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDLX, Trados Studio
Events and training
Professional practices Raúl Tomassini endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
I have obtained the Advance II English degree at the Argentine-American Cultural Institute at Buenos Aires. I am a Commercial Pilot and I have worked as a Copilot for a cargo airline. I took part in the translation of operational as well as maintenance aircraft’s manuals. I have experience as a translator of telephone sets user’s manuals for an important importer.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 19
(All PRO level)

Language (PRO)
English to Spanish19

See all points earned >
Keywords: Aviation, aircraft, air transportation, maintenance, management, books, tourism, aeronáutica, aeronaval, mantenimiento. See more.Aviation, aircraft, air transportation, maintenance, management, books, tourism, aeronáutica, aeronaval, mantenimiento, turismo, narrativa, safety, seguridad laboral, technical, business, finance, comercio, certified, conference, equipment, simultaneous, consecutive, documents, written, translation, interpretation, interpreter, traductor, traducción, intérprete, certified, certificado, pharmaceuticals, compressor, patents, laboratory, Instrumentation, manufacturing, IT engineering, medical, charts, medical test, guidelines, neuroscience, microbiology, nursing, nutrition, pathology, physiotherapy, history, medication, guides, pharmaceutical, guides, patient, information, soccer, agronomy, forestry, cancun, cinema, criminology, criminología, patent, application, solicitud de patentes, traduccion de canciones, song translation, history, records, life sciences, methodology, newsletters, social sciences, contracts, biology, scientific papers, China, chemistry, crude-oil, yahoo, medicine, experience insulation english embryology genetics health care therapies, lab equipment, lab, practice, marketing, flyers, bibliographies, trade, electronics, welding, mechanical, Spanish localization, freelance, Spain, traductores, pipeline, press releases, banks, platform, oil, offshore, gas, piping, process, compression, tractor, accès, motor tools, balance, machinery, isolation, construction, compressor turbine steel economía electricity google computers internet, biology, genetics, mechanics, equipment, instruments, safety, environmental, science, finanza, technical, electrical, computer, hardware, aerospace, nuclear, chemistry, satellite, cellular, network, publications presentations brochures press releases websites books web red bolsa package closure paquete cierre pacote switch mobile móvil cable conector connector savings mortgage credit debit hipoteca crédito débito aérosol aerosol inhalador inhalator, agents inventory work area syringe, vacuna Education, Contracts, Public relations, Birth Certificates, Acta de nacimiento, Advertising & Public Relations; Law (general), Legal, Medicine, Heath Care, Medical Instruments, Dentistry, Science (general), Engineering (general), Computers (general), Business (general), Finance & Economics (general), Industry and Technology (general) Cosmetics, Printing & Publishing, Automotive Industry, Transportation, Literature, Arts and Humanities (general), Military, Multimedia, Insurance, Music, Biology, Architecture, Marketing, Psychology, Agriculture, Energy, International Development, Business (general), Sociology, Biochemistry, Machinery & Tools, Tax Law, Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights, Sports, Government, Travel & Tourism, Telecommunications, Banking & Financial Law, Corporate Law, Accounting & Auditing, Art, Mining & Minerals, Gastronomy, Shipping & Maritime, Ecology & Environment, Film & Television, Real Estate, History, European Union, Food & Dairy Technology, translation, traducción, english, spanish, inglés, español, castellano, proofreading, editing, corrección, edición, revisión, subtitling, transcription, localization, localización, transcripción, culture, IT, computers, music, software, hardware, media, marketing, tourism, medicine, social, sciences, telecommunications, journalism, informática, computadoras, social science, linguistics, linguist, information, engineering, literary, literatura, ingeniería, medicina, paypal, moneybookers, websites, páginas, web, música, guitar, guitarra, CAT, tools, freelance, freelancer, independiente, autónomo, PC, Trados, adobe, acrobat, arte, cultura, medios, periodismo, ciencias, sociales, turismo, certificates, letters rogatory, resume, transcript, accounting, birth certificate, passports, agreements, patents, bylaws, articles of incorporation, market research, marriage certificates, banking, finanzas, medios, contratos, certificados, actas, CV, analítico universitario, certificado analítico, documentos, partidas de nacimiento, partidas de matrimonio, pasaportes, convenios, maracas, patentes, estatutos, investigación de mercado, jurado, juicio, tribunal, compraventa, articles of incorporation, constitucion de sociedad, fundamentos de derecho, sentencia juzgado, junta de andalucia, acuerdo entre los accionistas, Shareholders Agreement, informe de Revision fiscal. See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 28, 2021

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