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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Thinking Out Loud 3: Translator Toolkit

May 7, 2020, 3:00 pm
The third in this series of virtual powwows. Each week we take a topic of conversation which I introduce, then we break off into small subgroups in separate virtual rooms to discuss it.

See for a guide to how it works.

In this next powwow we'll be talking about what belongs in a translator's toolkit: not just in terms of kit, but skills, knowledge and attitude.
Event Organizer:

Lau Wei Tsinn

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Click here to register. (It is free.) Users attending this Powwow

: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (46) / Confirmed: 12
Name NoteWill Attend
Andrew Morris  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  
Lau Wei Tsinn  \"Organizer\" ...  
Suzie Withers  \"Photographer\" ...  
Norhan Mahmoud   ...  y
Eder Jonathan Tchouela   ...  
Séverine torralba   ...  
Wendy Lewin   ...  
Michel de Ruyter   ...  
Zahra-Claire Bahrani-Peacock   ...  y
Gilane Hassan   ...  y
Katalin-Kinga Borsos   Katalin-Kinga Borsos  
Isabelle Struk-Thibert   Isabelle Struk-Thibert  y
Axelle H.   ...  
Sonia López   Sonia López  
Anja Wagner   ...  y
Marlys Estrada   ...  
Natalia Pedrosa   ...  
Monica Maiolo   ...  y
Ahmed Badran Bedir  \"Host\" Ahmed Badran Bedir  
Qudsia Nasir   Interested in attending this powwow.  
Chel Dowdie   ...  
Milena Chkripeska   ...  
Adaobi Okorafor-Nwosu   Excited about my first Powwow  y
Esther Dodo   ...  
Aurelia Popa   ...  
Paul Urwin   ...  
Perry Zamek   ...  y
Tabitha Bartolini   Tabitha Bartolini  
Nathalie Beaudelot   ...  
Victoria Porter-Burns   ...  n
Ayumi Anraku  \"Photographer\" Audiovisual/games EN-PT/JP-PT translator, looking forward to meet colleagues all over the world!  y
Sylvie Pelissier   ...  
Djilali NACEUR   Djilali Naceur  y
Alice Bellia   ...  
Villő Ujvári   I'd like to join you guys this week as well!  y
Danielle Coleman   ...  
Lusine Sargsyan   ...  
Magamed Aslanov  \"Reporter\" ...  
Natalia Slipenko   ...  
Caroline Durant   Caroline Durant  
Robin Dufaye   Robin Dufaye  
Kamal Idkaidek   ...  
Édith Koumtoudji   ...  y
Yoana Ivanova   ...  
Retno Damajanti   ...  
Mary McCullough   Laura Coyt  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Virtual Powwow -
Ayumi Anraku
Ayumi Anraku  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:11
Japanese to Portuguese
+ ...
Where the link will be posted? May 6, 2020

Hello, I read in the guide that the address to join the virtual powwow will be posted every Friday, but it didn't say where. May I ask where the link was posted?
Thank you.

[Edited at 2020-05-06 21:29 GMT]

Villő Ujvári
Villő Ujvári
Local time: 07:11
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Link to join May 7, 2020

Hello there!
I believe we can just join the powwow here on this very page.
At least last week we were able to just join in on the call from the page of the powwow a little after it started.
Just in case, I'm leaving the link here: - Hopefully it works!icon_smile.gif

[Edited at 2020-05-07 11:13 GMT]

Ayumi Anraku
Ayumi Anraku  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 01:11
Japanese to Portuguese
+ ...
Thank you. May 7, 2020

Hello Villő, thank you for the link. It is working now.

[Edited at 2020-05-07 13:06 GMT]

Suzie Withers
Suzie Withers  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 06:11
Member (2006)
French to English
+ ...
Can't get in on mobile phone 🙄 May 7, 2020

My partner is using the laptop for his teaching, so I tried to get in from my phone, but it won't let me join from a mobile. Ah well, one day I'll make it for a whole session I hope. 🙄

Caroline Durant
Caroline Durant  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:11
Member (2019)
German to English
+ ...
Virtual socialising May 7, 2020

Thanks for organising this, Andrew. I had a great time discussing the knowledge necessary for a translator in my group today. I shall certainly be coming back again.


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