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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meet your Australian Translators

November 20, 2004, 12:30 pm
AustraliaSydneyIn personEnglish
ET (e-transltors!) calling ALL Sydney and surrounding area translators (and those who happen to be in Sydney at the time.)
Want to come out of hybernation from the "cold" Australian winter into "wet" spring? Celebrate spring with your fellow translators by having a picnic powwow on the ground above Mrs Macquarie's Chair overlooking the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. If you happen to be in or near Sydney Australia on Saturday 20 November 2004, you're cordially invited to this long overdue Australian Powwow to MEET some fellow members in person, get your profile VERIFIED, exchange namecards for future COLLABORATION, etc (agenda open to suggestions!). An informal theme to explore the Australian translation market is made up. Venue is definitely the Domain across the Opera House, specifically the grounds above Mrs Macquarie's Chair. BYO. Bring a dish or two and desserts. Include the family. Make it a fun and relaxing day for all! If you need your id verified, please bring also a photo id of yourself. The powwow is now only two weeks away. Please confirm your attendance now! Thanks and hope to see all of you there!

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Interested members (19) / Confirmed: 6 / Tentative: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
XRafaLee  \"Photographer\" hey, I would like to attend as well!  m
Brian Edwards  \"Reporter\" I'm keen to attend as a newbie from the Blue Mts. Thanks for taking the initiative.  m
Sergei Rioumin  \"Photographer\" How about family members? My wife is a translator, too. However, she is not a member of  
XRichard Benham   I'll go if I'm in Sydney.  n
XVpered (X)  \"Reporter\" I'd like to attend the meeting. I am a newbie too.  
Dogan Sahin   Why Not  
Graciela Vicente  \"Reporter\" I will do my best to attend if I can get one of those cheap flights from Adelaide  
XA Hayes (X)   Sorry guys, I'm crook as a dog, so I don't think I'll be able to make it.  m
Petra Dr. Schmidt-Sarbutt   Sorry guys. I won't be able to attend. Have a great day!  n
Peter Freckleton   Hope to come from Melbourne  n
Simone Ryner   I would be very interested in attending this  
dextof  \"Host\" Might be late as I have hundreds of things to do on that day. Where will you be?  y
rosie12   Rosemary Warner  m
Mohamed Ghazal   Sure will.  y
Savana Simpson   I'll bring a big old blanket for seating.  y
KathyT   Weather doesn't look too promising. Is it still on?  y
Richtrans   Hi, I will do my best to help you  
albuq_simone  \"Reporter\" Yes I am interested in this powwon and willing to play a role!  y
Yungman Chang   My wife happens to have job interview 11 AM on the day in Sydney, so I will be there with my wife after the interview. But might be late a bit.  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: Sydney - Australia
Ozethai  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:29
Thai to English
+ ...
We are sssssix sssstrong! Jul 17, 2004

Well, not as strong as the 99 members in Bueno Aires yet, but getting there!

Ozethai  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:29
Thai to English
+ ...
Bring the family! Jul 18, 2004

Bring your missus! Bring the hubbies! Let the children enjoy the occasion too.

A Hayes (X)
A Hayes (X)
Local time: 14:29
Reply to Ozethai's email Oct 26, 2004

Are we still interested in the powwow on this Sunday? Or do we want to defer it to a bit further down the merry

- I'd be happy to put it off till the weekend of the 20th (November). Otherwise, I'll confirm tomorrow re this weekend.

Are we still happy with the meeting place in Sydney?
- Yes!

Savana Simpson
Savana Simpson  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:29
Japanese to English
powwow Oct 26, 2004

I cannot come this Sunday but more likely to be able to come 20th Nov. as well.

dextof  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:29
English to French
+ ...
powwow meeting Oct 26, 2004

I live in Sydney and will be pleased to meet you, whenever the date, just make up your mind!

Savana Simpson
Savana Simpson  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:29
Japanese to English
nov 20 Oct 27, 2004

Good work - I'll be there.

Savana Simpson
Savana Simpson  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:29
Japanese to English
powow Nov 11, 2004

I will come but cannot stay too long.

A Hayes (X)
A Hayes (X)
Local time: 14:29
Saturday 20 Nov Nov 13, 2004

See you there!

Local time: 01:29
English to Portuguese
Hello all! Nov 16, 2004

I've been once to Sydney it's an amazing and beautiful city, I love this place!

Mohamed Ghazal
Mohamed Ghazal  Identity Verified
United Arab Emirates
Local time: 08:29
English to Arabic
+ ...
Question Nov 17, 2004

I am planning tyo attend but I am new in Town and need more details about venue and time of powow.

Brian Edwards
Brian Edwards
Local time: 15:29
German to English
+ ...
Apologies Nov 19, 2004

Hope everyone enjoys the get together. I've been marking school exams at Homebush every night for a week now & frankly don't have the energy to return to the city tomorrow. Best wishes to all - hope to meet up at a less fraught time.

KathyT  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:29
Japanese to English
Hi all, the weather doesn't look too promising. Is anyone still going?? Nov 19, 2004


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