This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Let's meet each other !

January 27, 2012, 8:30 pm
PortugalLisbonIn personPortuguese
Hello !
I propose to meet and know each other better for a nice relax dinner in the fully refurbished Hennessy's Irish Pub, in Cais do Sodre nº 32, in Lisbon (
Hennessy's Irish Pub was established in 1996 in an old tailor's shop located at the riverside of downtown Lisbon. Having kept a great deal of the antique furniture untouched, it features a mix of old and new woodwork all in accordance with the traditional look of Irish public houses.
The pub/restaurant disposes of a “tasty and healthy food made from exclusively fresh ingredients” menu along side a wide selection of top-quality beverages, at very affordable prices.
I hope we shall be numerous for this powwow !

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (26) / Confirmed: 10 / Tentative: 3
Name NoteWill Attend
Isabelle Buratti  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" Vamos passar um momento juntos e podem levar um amigo também...  y
Bruno Fonseca   Word For Word um grupo Meetup de e para tradutores!   y
Patrícia Cardoso Ferreira BA MA MBA   Estarei presente!  
XCarlos Fiuza (X)   Sounds interesting. Conto aparecer.  m
Isabel Cisneiros   É o meu primeiro Powwow também! Estou curiosa...  
Margareth Santos  \"Photographer\" Wouldn't miss it for the world =))  y
Vincenzo Di Maso   Vincenzo e namorada, 2 pessoas. Obrigado!  y
mariajorge   Local muito bem escolhido! Um abraço a todos  y
Rafaela Mota Lemos  \"Photographer\" Vamos a isso!   
Bettina Myers   I'm really looking forward to this as I missed the last one!  y
João Roque Dias   ...  
Susana Ferreira   susana ferreira  m
Cristina Greene   Hi, I'm looking forward to meeting fellow translators in person!  
Helena Almeida  \"Photographer\" Looking forward to my third powwow and being together again!  y
Nadia Morais   Confirmed!  y
Jacqueline Sarbib   ...  
Svetlana Podkolzina   Thank you for organising this event! Am looking forward to meeting everyone!  y
Jeff Steffin   ...  y
Catarina Aleixo   I'll try to find a babysitter!  
Isabel Remelgado   Unfortunately I won't be able to attend this one :( Have a great time!  n
Maria Santinho   I confirm I am attending to this powwow  
Rafael Rogel   ...  
Maria João Ivo   Impossível... Não consigo, que pena, estou muito doente, não vai dar. Beijos a todos e todas!  n
Filipa Silva   Podemos aparecer após o jantar? Não consigo arranjar babysitter e gostaria imenso de aparecer... Tentarei aparecer for drinks :D  m
Vanda Barbosa   ...  
Isabel Avelino   Confirmo a minha inscrição. Até lá.  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Lisbon - Portugal
Margareth Santos
Margareth Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
Portuguese to English
+ ...
This'll be my 4th Powwow - count me in!! (Myself +1) Dec 26, 2011

Can't wait to see you all there, usual translators and newcomers alike!!

Isabelle Buratti
Isabelle Buratti  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
Portuguese to French
+ ...
Great !! Jan 4, 2012

Obrigada Margareth !!! See you soon !

Jose Pereira
Jose Pereira  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
English to Portuguese
+ ...
So sorry!!! Jan 4, 2012

I'm leaving for Australia next week and therefore I regret not being able to enjoy your company. Wish you all a great time and may 2012 bring you all Wonderfull Memories and a lot of Successes either personally or jobwise.

Maria Matta
Maria Matta  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
Spanish to Portuguese
+ ...
Gostaria muito Jan 7, 2012

Mas ainda não sei se estarei disponível nesse dia. Há alguma data limite para a confirmação?


Patrícia Cardoso Ferreira BA MA MBA
Patrícia Cardoso Ferreira BA MA MBA
Local time: 08:48
German to Portuguese
+ ...
I'll be there! (Myself+1) Jan 16, 2012

See you!

Bruno Fonseca
Bruno Fonseca  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
English to French
+ ...
Unless there are unforeseen circumstances I will attend the Powow Jan 16, 2012

See you there!

[Edited at 2012-01-16 11:21 GMT]

Cristina Greene
Cristina Greene
Local time: 08:48
English to Portuguese
+ ...
count me in! Jan 16, 2012

Confirming my reservation! Looking forward to it!

Margareth Santos
Margareth Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
Portuguese to English
+ ...
count me in! Jan 17, 2012

Just like my colleague cgreene said: "Confirming my reservation! Looking forward to it!"
My hubby & I.icon_biggrin.gif

Nadia Morais
Nadia Morais  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
Member (2006)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
I'll be there Jan 17, 2012

Just to confirm I can definitely make it, so count me inicon_smile.gif

Vincenzo Di Maso
Vincenzo Di Maso  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
Member (2009)
English to Italian
+ ...
Confirmo Jan 18, 2012

Confirmo, Vincenzo e namorada, 2 pessoas

Rafaela Mota Lemos
Rafaela Mota Lemos
Local time: 05:48
Italian to Portuguese
+ ...
Confirmed Jan 23, 2012

Hello everyone, I look forward to seeing you all there and have some Guinness with my fellow translators.icon_smile.gif

Rafael Rogel
Rafael Rogel
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Passada rápida Jan 23, 2012

Olá pessoal,

Ainda estou planejando minha ida à Lisboa para visitar uns parentes. Queria dar uma passadinha para dizer um "olá" e duas canecas de Guiness. É possível?

Svetlana Podkolzina
Svetlana Podkolzina  Identity Verified
English to Russian
+ ...
confirmed Jan 25, 2012

Hi Isabelle, I confirm my reservation and have also invited 2 more friends, who are translators but not Proz members. Also my husband might come for a drink later in the evening, so it might be 4 of usicon_smile.gif Thanks and see you on Friday!

Bettina Myers
Bettina Myers  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:48
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Confirmation Jan 26, 2012

Very confirmed!!! See you tonight


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