Powwow: Lisbon - Portugal
This'll be my 4th Powwow - count me in!! (Myself +1) | Dec 26, 2011 |
Can't wait to see you all there, usual translators and newcomers alike!! | | |
Obrigada Margareth !!! See you soon ! | | |
I'm leaving for Australia next week and therefore I regret not being able to enjoy your company. Wish you all a great time and may 2012 bring you all Wonderfull Memories and a lot of Successes either personally or jobwise. | | |
Maria Matta Portugal Local time: 08:48 Spanish to Portuguese + ... Gostaria muito | Jan 7, 2012 |
Mas ainda não sei se estarei disponível nesse dia. Há alguma data limite para a confirmação?
Obrigada! | |
I'll be there! (Myself+1) | Jan 16, 2012 |
See you! | | |
Unless there are unforeseen circumstances I will attend the Powow | Jan 16, 2012 |
See you there!
[Edited at 2012-01-16 11:21 GMT] | | |
count me in! | Jan 16, 2012 |
Confirming my reservation! Looking forward to it! | | |
count me in! | Jan 17, 2012 |
Just like my colleague cgreene said: "Confirming my reservation! Looking forward to it!" My hubby & I. | |
Nadia Morais Portugal Local time: 08:48 Member (2006) English to Portuguese + ... I'll be there | Jan 17, 2012 |
Just to confirm I can definitely make it, so count me in | | |
Vincenzo Di Maso Portugal Local time: 08:48 Member (2009) English to Italian + ...
Confirmo, Vincenzo e namorada, 2 pessoas | | |
Hello everyone, I look forward to seeing you all there and have some Guinness with my fellow translators. | | |
Passada rápida | Jan 23, 2012 |
Olá pessoal,
Ainda estou planejando minha ida à Lisboa para visitar uns parentes. Queria dar uma passadinha para dizer um "olá" e duas canecas de Guiness. É possível? | |
Hi Isabelle, I confirm my reservation and have also invited 2 more friends, who are translators but not Proz members. Also my husband might come for a drink later in the evening, so it might be 4 of us Thanks and see you on Friday! | | |
Confirmation | Jan 26, 2012 |
Very confirmed!!! See you tonight | | |