Translation glossary: Financial Terms

Showing entries 1,451-1,500 of 2,176
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op�ration d'�changeexchange transaction 
French to English
op�ration de couverturehedging transaction 
French to English
op�ration de maintenance d'un fichierfile maintenance transaction 
French to English
op�ration hautement influenc�e par la directiontransaction having a high degree of management involvement 
French to English
op�ration interne significativesignificant internally generated transaction 
French to English
French to English
opinionappreciation / opinion 
French to English
opposerinvoke (to) 
French to English
oprbuy-back (repurchase of remaining minority interests based on a fairness opinion) 
French to English
option de remboursement anticipéprepayment option 
French to English
option de vente ou d'achatput or call option 
French to English
option venduewritten option 
French to English
options de souscription d'actionsstock options market 
French to English
ora obligations remboursables en actionsconvertible debt 
French to English
ordonnancement des opérationsoperations scheduling 
French to English
organes de pilotagesteering bodies 
French to English
organigrammeorganisation chart / flow chart 
French to English
organisme à but non lucratifnon-profit making organisation / not-for-profit organisation 
French to English
organisme publicgovernment agency 
French to English
outillagetooling / tools 
French to English
outils de banque � distanceremote banking tools 
French to English
paiepayroll (us) / pay / salary 
French to English
paiement d'avanceprepayment 
French to English
paiement �lectroniquesame day electronic payment 
French to English
paiements par annuités constantesfixed annual payments (in) 
French to English
par nature et par destinationby nature and by destination 
French to English
paradis fiscauxtax haven 
French to English
French to English
parit� de changeparity exchange / equivalence of exchange 
French to English
parit� entre deux devises par comparaison avec une troisi�mecross rate 
French to English
parrainmentor / counsellor 
French to English
part d'intérêtequity interest / beneficial interest 
French to English
partage des responsabilitésdivision of responsibility 
French to English
partage du travailwork sharing 
French to English
participant aux capitaux propresequity participant 
French to English
participationparticipating interest 
French to English
participation à l'effort de constructioncontribution to government housing fund 
French to English
participation réciproquescross shareholding 
French to English
participations et activit� de portfeuilleparticipating interests and equity securities held for investment 
French to English
participations fiduciairestrustee shareholdings 
French to English
participations mises en équivalenceinvestments in companies accounted for by the equity method 
French to English
partie doubledouble entry 
French to English
partie léséeinjured party 
French to English
partie liérelated party 
French to English
parts dans les entreprises mises en équivalenceshares in companies accounted for under the equity method 
French to English
passé en chargesexpensed 
French to English
passer outreoverride 
French to English
French to English
passif au titre des prestations définiesdefined benefit liability 
French to English
passif éventuelcontingent liability 
French to English
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