Translation glossary: Hardware

Showing entries 301-350 of 559
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Mikroprozessor (der)microprocesseur (le) 
German to French
Mikroprozessorsystem (das)microprocessorsysteem (het) 
German to Dutch
Mikroprozessorsystem (das)système à microprocesseur (le) 
German to French
monitormoniteur (le) 
English to French
Monitor (der)monitor (de) 
German to Dutch
Monitor (der)moniteur (le) 
German to French
mousesouris (la) 
English to French
German to Dutch
nacheinanderl\'un après l\'autre 
German to French
German to Dutch
Nadelmatrixdrucker (der)imprimante matricielle à aiguilles (la, l\') 
German to French
nichtflüchtige(r) Speicher (der)vluchtig geheugen (het) 
German to Dutch
nichtflüchtige(r) Speicher (der)\"mémoire \"\"non volatile\"\" (la)\" 
German to French
non-volatile memory\"mémoire \"\"non volatile\"\" (la)\" 
English to French
note-padmarquage (le) 
English to French
numberchiffre (le) 
English to French
numeric keypadclavier numérique (le) 
English to French
numerische(r) Tastenblock (der)numerieke toetsenbord (het) 
German to Dutch
numerische(r) Tastenblock (der)clavier numérique (le) 
German to French
offene(s) Scheibefenster (das)fenêtre coulissante ouverte (la) 
German to French
offene(s) Schiebefenster (das)schuifje in het venster (het) 
German to Dutch
open sliding windowfenêtre coulissante ouverte (la) 
English to French
operating systemalimentation (la, l\') 
English to French
operatorutilisateur (le, l\') 
English to French
optische(r) Sensor (der)capteur optique (le) 
German to French
optische(r) Sensor(der)optische sensor (de) 
German to Dutch
opto sensorcapteur optique l(e) 
English to French
Organisation (die)organisatie (de) 
German to Dutch
Organisation (die)organisation (la, l\') 
German to French
organizationorganisation (la, l\') 
English to French
outputsortie (la) 
English to French
output unitunité de sortie (la, l\') 
English to French
outside environmentmonde extérieur (le) 
English to French
German to French
English to French
parallel interfaceinterface parallèle (la, l\') 
English to French
Parallelschnittstelle (die)parallelle interface (de) 
German to Dutch
Parallelschnittstelle (die)interface parallèle (la, l\') 
German to French
part of equipmentconstituant (le) 
English to French
parts listliste des pièces détachées (la) 
English to French
pathchemin d\'accès (le) 
English to French
PCmicro-ordinateur (le) 
English to French
PC (der)PC (de) 
German to Dutch
PC (der)micro-ordinateur (le) 
German to French
PC-Einsatzbereich (der)toepassingsgebied van PC (het) 
German to Dutch
PC-Einsatzbereich (der)domaine d\'utilisation d\'un micro-ordinateur (le) 
German to French
peripheral unitéquipement périphérique (le, l\',) 
English to French
peripheral unitappareil périphérique (le, l\') 
English to French
periphere(s) Gerät (das)équipement périphérique (le, l\') 
German to French
periphere(s) Gerät (das)randapparatuur (het) 
German to Dutch
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