Freelance translators » Korean to English » Medical » Page 3

Below is a list of Korean to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Medical field. You may choose a more specific field to the right.

156 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Jae Kim
Jae Kim
Native in Korean Native in Korean, English Native in English
Korean, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Legal, Patent, Automotive,
CJ Colling
CJ Colling
Native in English (Variant: Canadian) Native in English
Rich and diverse experience in texts unique to Korea, scientific documentation, academic literature, technical information, litigation discovery materials, handwritten Korean, audio/visual files, marketing surveys, 비영리단체, 과학 관련 문서, ...
Ji Won Sea
Ji Won Sea
Native in Korean (Variant: South Korea) Native in Korean, Spanish (Variant: Argentine) Native in Spanish
korean, spanish proofreader, Latam Spa, kor>Latam Spa, kor>Spa, kor>eng, eng<>Latam Spa, Argentina, Neutral Spanish, Certified Spanish Teacher, ...
Harry Park
Harry Park
Native in Korean Native in Korean
ArrayMedical: Oncology, Safety, Psychology, Nutrition, ...
Juheui Han
Juheui Han
Native in Korean (Variant: South Korea) Native in Korean
English, Korean, Medical, Cosmetic, Translator, Education, Beauty, Social science, Drink, History, ...
Jiyoun Lee
Jiyoun Lee
Native in Korean Native in Korean
Kickwords Limited
Kickwords Limited
Native in English Native in English
translation services, translation online, translator, certified translations, usa, canada, uk, translate, word translate, language translator, ...
Jin Han
Jin Han
Native in Korean (Variant: South Korea) Native in Korean
Academic, technical, chemical, engineering, architecture, art, art history, humanities, social science, civil engineering. medical, ...
San Le Naing
San Le Naing
Native in Burmese (Variants: Hakha Chin, Falam Chin, Tedim Chin, Zou/Zomi Chin, Sagaw Karen) Native in Burmese
English, Burmese, Myanmar, translator, proofreader, editor, tep, content translation, website translation, website localization, ...
Francis Kim
Francis Kim
Native in Korean Native in Korean
financial, finance, legal, medical, life science, contract, accurate, law
Juyeon Jeong
Juyeon Jeong
Native in Korean Native in Korean
Interpreter, Korean Interpreter, Simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, 동시통역, 순차통역
Jeong-yi Lee
Jeong-yi Lee
Native in Korean Native in Korean
meditation, philosophy, politics, literature, social sicence
James Martinson
James Martinson
Native in English (Variant: US) Native in English
IT, Computers, legal, medical, Engineering, Programming
Sung-Hoon Park
Sung-Hoon Park
Native in Korean (Variant: South Korea) Native in Korean
Medical translator, health care, medicine, pharmaceutical, medical instrument, clinical trial, sports, health marketing, health care business, medical magazine, ...
Johnson Hou
Johnson Hou
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese
English<>Chinese, English<>Japanese, English<>Korean, software localization, website translation, game localization, video translation, mechanical, chemical
Native in Korean Native in Korean
ArrayMedical: Pharmaceuticals, Psychology
Mee Sook Kendall
Mee Sook Kendall
Native in Korean Native in Korean
KGMP Certification Audits, ISO 13485, Korean KC Audits, Golf, IRB and ICF Arizona, Documents, Depositions, PTO meetings, Elections, Business meetings, ...
Jihye Shin
Jihye Shin
Native in Korean Native in Korean
Korean, English, KOR, localization, Linguistic Specialist, Communication, Literature, Publishing, Editing, Marketing, ...
Sangyub Song
Sangyub Song
Native in Korean (Variants: Gyeongsang, South Korea) Native in Korean
English to Korean, Korean to English, Korean native speaker, Medical, Life Science, Localization, Translation, Editing, Post-Editing, Proofreading, ...
Vera Ahn
Vera Ahn
Native in Korean (Variant: South Korea) Native in Korean
English, Korean, Bilingual, automotive, science and technology, computers, technology, beauty products, Advertising translation in Korean to English and English to Korean, medical device translation, ...

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