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Search results: (126 matches)
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT tool compatible with idml and pdf that could be used as a proofreading tool for English What I usually do Hi, none of my editors has a cat tool. What I do
have, is Studio Trados 2019. The following
function helps you convert your bilingual CAT tool
interphase into word bilingual file for revie
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jan 15, 2021
Off topic Slovenia Thank you S P Willcocks Dear S P, I have just started to compile
information about Slovenia and it really looks and
sounds more than just good. Thank you very much
for sharing your knowledge and good day!
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jun 8, 2012
Money matters Which is the safest payment method? Oups, this sounds like an attempt to theft [quote]Hipyan Nopri wrote: Indeed, MoneyBookers
and PayPal facilitate fast payment by clients to
translators. Nevertheless, it should be noted
that our PayPal accounts may be access-
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren May 31, 2012
Money matters Which is the safest payment method? Paypal Firstly I don't bear the transfer costs of my
clients. Yet, it is always explicit on my
invoice what my client will have to pay in case
s/he will use paypal for money transfering. As
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren May 31, 2012
Off topic Slovenia Dear Slovenian colleagues, My family is finally
going to Slovenia. Do you recommend us any special
traject, venues or events in August? Thank you
for your answers, bye for now.
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren May 31, 2012
Turkish Dünya Kadınlar Günü(müz) Kutlu Olsun Çok cici olmuş.... Çok sağol Adnan arkadaş!!!! Müthiş bir
zevkle okuduk güzel dileklerinizi... Dünya
Kadınlar Günümüz (ve belki de farklılıkları
hoş görme, tolere etme, bundan zevk alma
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 8, 2011
Trados support Trados2009 DragDrop registration did not succeed Well done Deike Great Deike... You worked out most of the
problem by yourself.... I was not aware of any
freeware as Ccleaner. But I am happy my
guidance brought up something... Best regards
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Sep 10, 2010
Trados support Trados2009 DragDrop registration did not succeed I may have some answers. Hi Deike, It can be useful to know the final
error messages you are receiving... When you
will call me tomorrow, we will wipe the slate
clean and start from the scratch with this rem
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Aug 23, 2010
Trados support Trados2009 DragDrop registration did not succeed Resolution Hello collegues and Trados users, Before I will
close my thread, I wanted to inform you how the
error (the core reason why I opened the post) has
been resolved. My real problem was t
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jul 27, 2010
Trados support Trados2009 DragDrop registration did not succeed Paul! You are great! Dear Paul, Thank you very much! I have been
already going around the ''TM repopulate'' in line
with your first suggestion, and this suggestion
has already created some wonder (yeah,
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jul 27, 2010
Trados support Trados2009 DragDrop registration did not succeed In two ways Hi Paul, The partial problem has been resolved:
I mean, I now have an access to Trados
Studio. But the second problem persists (This is
basically, not being able to read the TM I built
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jul 27, 2010
Trados support Trados2009 DragDrop registration did not succeed Could you please explain it a bit mor clearly Dear Paul, Thank you very much for your
help. However, as a result of this crash, I was
busy manually putting my TM's from one file to
another. (I am still not done with it). The mos
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jul 27, 2010
Trados support Trados2009 DragDrop registration did not succeed Dear all, Hello from the trados 2009
error-tired people's platform!! Some of you may
know the problem, you may even know me as this is
not the first problem I have had with Trados, a
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jul 26, 2010
Trados support Difficulties with initialising Trados (error description) Here comes the solution Again I am coming up with a solution myself and
therefore wanted to help those who may face the
same type of problem: If this problem occurs,
what you have to do is just go to ...SDL
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jun 26, 2010
Trados support Difficulties with initialising Trados (error description) Hello every one who gets frustrated and forced to
learn all the engineering subtelties of PC thanks
to our Trados tool.... Today, when I was
working with Trados Studio, all of a sudden
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jun 25, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 _ project settings for Text files Thank you both Thank you Selçuk and Paul. I will try your
suggestions sometime next week and give you my
feedback. No need to say, I have declined the
work for obvious reasons. Even though my clie
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Apr 22, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 _ project settings for Text files Dear all, I will address my problem only
partially as I don't want to damage the privacy of
a potential client. Herebelow an extract of the
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Apr 22, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009/ Options locked up Resolution Tools => Manager User Profiles => Reset User
Settings => Don not back up, overwrite my current
settings => OK Options will be used. Best
regards, Binnur
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Apr 22, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009/ Options locked up Dear colleagues, I have a problem. My Studio
2009 runs at Windows XP/Office Package
2003 Studio 2009 is locked up because I have
done something wrong. But, I wonder why I cannot
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Apr 21, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio What to do if other problems arise Dear Joanna, Let's hope SDL Trados recruits me
as their operator or freelance help desk if these
problems show up.... Have a good translation
day! Binnur

[Edited at 2010-04
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Apr 6, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 term recognition stopped working, why? Can this be helpful? Dear Marta, It can be possible that my answer
at this forum can save your time and resolve your
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Apr 1, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio Resolution Hi all, Here I have written down all the steps
one should take in case any you faces the same
type of mismatch problem with Trados
Studio. This is a rather compilation, and the
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 25, 2010
Trados support SDL MultiTerm 8.1.1264.0 (SP2) probem - cannot add or edit terms from inside Studio SP2 Reinstall your Trados Hi Paul, All the good JAVA components are
included within your Trados programme. If it is
broken due to various patches/updates..., I would
recommend you to uninstall and reinstall
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 24, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio Trados SP1 Dear Giles, Thank you for another precious
remark. I updated my Trados 2007 freelance
version to Studio 2009 (SP1). All versions are
installed and running in the same licensed
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 24, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio I have just seen your message Hello Jerzy, [quote]Jerzy Czopik
wrote: Check please, which Java version is
installed on your system. Via Control Panel open
the Java utility and from the last tab there
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 24, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio Thank you a great many times for your time and answer... I am on my way to
solution then. Have a nice working day, Binnur
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 24, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio Am checking Thank you for your remarks PCovs. I have gained
the access to other relevant files just after I
submitted my forum, so I am definitely with you
(indeed there have been sufficient forums on
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 24, 2010
Trados support Trados Studio Dear all, After several crashes I am nearly
giving my Trados up (saying this is easier that
doing. I know I will have to make do with my
Trados until at least I deliver my last
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Mar 24, 2010
Turkish Sanal Tercüme Bürosu.. Sorunuza kismen yanit [quote]nacres wrote: kredi kartlarından tahsil
etmek istiyorum. Bu amaç için ne gibi hukuki ve
resmi prosedürlere uymam gerekir? İzin ya da
ruhsat almam gereken herhangi resmi b
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Feb 3, 2009
Turkish Serbest Meslek Makbuzunun Kesilmesi Makbuz Sevgili Whiz, Ilginc bir soru. Fatura
zaruridir, ama makbuzun gerektigi durumlara cok
siklikla rastlanmaz. Yine de her odeme sonunda bir
makbuz alinmasi, organizasyonun iletisim kurma
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jan 7, 2009
Money matters Do you deserve the rate you charge? CAT tool helps us reduce costs [quote]Viktoria Gimbe wrote: [quote]Tim
wrote: Why should I have to use a CAT
tool?[/quote] You don't have to. In fact, many
of us (Nicole, for instance, based on one of her
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jan 7, 2009
Money matters Do you deserve the rate you charge? Agree with differentiating the qualities in services Dear Viktoria, I definitely agree when you say
we should differentiate our services. On one hand,
it does not only allow our clients to see what
they should expect, it also gives us a c
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Jan 6, 2009
Trados support Will it be a problem to have both Wordfast and Trados SDL on my computer? Wordfast is perfectly compatible with Trados Hi Robert, No problem at all. I use both in my
computer. Lovely regards, Binnur
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Dec 17, 2008
Trados support Trados 2007 crash I hope this helps you Sally Dear Sally, Our problem seems quite similar,
although with different starting
points... After my call, I am sending you
herewith the relevant information as to the
solution of th
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Nov 27, 2008
Trados support I cannot load doc files No more problems with a once properly working software! I am using another title for this so that it is
easy to trace back to this important message. If
you have a problem with your software, do not come
to the idea of uninstalling everything v
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Nov 27, 2008
Trados support I cannot load doc files Stanislav! Excellent trick! but I will not rule out synergy... Dear Stanislav!!! I would really never think of
this possibility if you had not brought me the
idea! Thank you very very much! I am sure it
will contribute to others' work in this ge
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Nov 27, 2008
Trados support I cannot load doc files I am sure it helps Stanislav I will send you my feedback tomorrow! Thank you
all! Binnur
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Nov 26, 2008
Trados support I cannot load doc files launching tag editor without Synergy? Dear Stanislav, [quote]Stanislav Pokorny
wrote: Hi Binnur, I strongly recommend that
you forget about Synergy. Unless you're getting
entire translation packages prepared by your
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Nov 26, 2008
Trados support I cannot load doc files More info and feedback to your answers First of all, thank you both for your attendance
to my question. Actually, this type of problems
is routine with Trados, once in a while every time
I download a software. Luisa right
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Nov 25, 2008
Trados support I cannot load doc files Hello technogeniuses of SDL Trados, For two
days I have been struggling with my SDL Trados,
because I cannot upload any files. The SDL prompts
an error at every attempt of uploading fil
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Nov 25, 2008
Interpreting First experience of interpreting at a conference Decalage of one week :))) It takes time to digest, interprete all your
inputs and find tones that are both direct and
polite to convey myself, leave alone how I would
manage in this position to translate someone el
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Oct 24, 2008
Interpreting First experience of interpreting at a conference There was no booth Thank you very much Esther and Williamson for your
invaluable input! I was practically sitting
next to the assignor of the job- There were 10
attendees and they were all speaking fast i
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Oct 17, 2008
Interpreting First experience of interpreting at a conference Dear interpreting collegues and friends, I will
be grateful if you can share with me your first
experience of interpreting. I did my first
professional interpretation 3 days ago, but I
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Oct 16, 2008
Business issues Rates in profiles Price differentiation Hello Astrid and Hello Tomas, Dear Astrid, I
don"t know the answer to your question right now,
but the comment of Tomas was rather
tempting! [quote]Tomás Cano Binder
wrote: H
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Sep 12, 2008
Off topic Boston, tourist attractions Hmm. Shrewsbury is how I should call the name maybe Dear Lucia, [QUOTE]I hate airplanes and
airports all over the world! [/QUOTE] You are
now a certified environment friendly person.
Congratulations! :) I think you put it rightly.
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Sep 11, 2008
Off topic Boston, tourist attractions Massachusetts: my final destination I will stay in Massachusetts, but MA is not far
from Boston (only 50 km) (thus two days in Boston
look feasible) One day Connecticut (only 113 km)
(definite plan) Old Sturbridge Village
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Sep 11, 2008
Off topic Boston, tourist attractions Now is a super time to thank you all for your inputs. Dear friends, Last evening and today until now
have been a prep time for me, in the light of your
directions for Boston. I see that the city has
a lot to offer. I have given two days
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Sep 11, 2008
Off topic Boston, tourist attractions Good morning America Why, I was starting to think if my question was
not really worth answering, when I remembered that
it was a too early a frustration. American friends
and collegues or or residents are most
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Sep 10, 2008
Off topic Boston, tourist attractions Dear collegues, I am planning to spend one week
in Boston (from 30th Sep till 6 October). I will
go there to visit my friend and the city, although
some professional connections are n
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Sep 10, 2008
Business issues Would you sign the contract? Agree with Astrid [quote]Astrid Elke Johnson
wrote: [quote]Charlie Bavington
wrote: Everybody in these threads always
assumes bad faith - that it's always a ruse to
avoid payment etc. If you have
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren Aug 22, 2008

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