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Search results: (48 matches)
Portuguese Especialização no ensino de português a estrangeiros? PLNM na UAb; materiais e docs de referência na DGIDC Há um Mestrado em PLNM na UAb, online
os.php?curso=50 Na DGIDC irá encontrar docs de
referência e módulos (sugestões de actividad
Maria Castro Sep 8, 2014
Portuguese Prémio por uma tradução Parabéns! Parabéns, Ekaterina. Maria Maria Castro Jan 26, 2012
Portuguese Posso enviar recibos verdes a uma empresa estrangeira? consulta no fórum Olá spee, Este é um assunto recorrente no
fórum pelo que aconselho uma pesquisa, pois irá
encontrar muita informação útil. Clique
Maria Castro Aug 8, 2011
Portuguese Boas Festas Boas Festas! A todos os colegas votos de um Feliz Natal e um
Ano Novo repleto de coisas boas! Maria
Maria Castro Dec 24, 2010
Portuguese Negociei em Euros e a Cliente pagou-me em dólares Uma sugestão Olá Ivana, Parece-me estranho o programa
(qualquer que seja) alterar os dados nas mensagens
que enviamos. Ainda assim, porque não verificar
todos os mails que lhe enviou e confirmar s
Maria Castro Oct 15, 2010
Teaching and Learning Languages Looking for grammar exercises including present/past English Grammar Secrets Hi, You will find lots of grammar exercises
covering all verb tenses here, as well as other
After registering you may
Maria Castro Sep 26, 2010
Wordfast support start a translation with wordfast Restart Hi, You can do it by clicking in the wordfast
dropdown menu > more... > restart. It will take
you to the last translated segment. Maria
Maria Castro Feb 13, 2010
Pronunciation Wording and pronunciation of '(', '[' and '{' Portuguese () - parênteses (curvo) [] - parênteses
recto { - chaveta
Maria Castro Feb 10, 2010
Pronunciation Wording and pronunciation of '*' asterisco Portuguese. Maria Castro Feb 10, 2010
Portuguese Should Euro Pt translators translate into Br Pt and vice-versa? 2 motivos Olá Bruno. Pela parte que me toca, respondi em
Inglês por dois motivos: 1º - o autor da
sequência iniciou o debate em Inglês; 2º -
(talvez o mais importante) os clientes ainda nã
Maria Castro Jan 21, 2010
Portuguese Should Euro Pt translators translate into Br Pt and vice-versa? No! No, I don't think they should. I completely agree
with José Henrique (and Janisa, too) and his
article demonstrates in a very accurate way the
differences between European and Brazilian
Maria Castro Jan 15, 2010
Portuguese Bom Natal Bom Natal Bom Natal para todos! Maria Castro Dec 23, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Accuracy of the expression "Translator's Note" yes [quote]Jenn Mercer wrote: I use them to denote
illegible signatures and to clarify the
translation of graphic elements such as seals.
[/quote] I do this, too. The same applies when
Maria Castro Nov 19, 2009
Office applications How do I unlock keyboard? I may have found the answer @Milan It's Fujitsu Amilo M1425, Windows XP I
think I found the answer here;
en-us;q126449 Thanks for your
tips Maria
Maria Castro Nov 12, 2009
Office applications How do I unlock keyboard? thanks Hi Lucia, Thanks for the link. The tips are
useful but the boxes are already unchecked in the
acessibility options. It has to be some other
way. [quote]LuciaC wrote: Just google
Maria Castro Nov 12, 2009
Office applications How do I unlock keyboard? just keyboard Hi Mohamed, Thanks for your reply, but it's not
the computer, it's just the keyboard. I was told
it has a security function that allows us to lock
it and I think that's what I did uninten
Maria Castro Nov 12, 2009
Office applications How do I unlock keyboard? Hi all, I need your help, please. I have locked
the keyboard of my laptop unintentionally and
don't know how to unlock it. In fact I don't
recall how I did it. I've tried all possible
Maria Castro Nov 12, 2009
Money matters What would be a reasonable price for notarizing a translator's declaration? Not unreasonable at all Hi Alexandra. When a client wants a notarized
translation it is reasonable to include the
following in the price: - translation or minimum
fee (hour fee?) for small amount of words: y
Maria Castro Oct 21, 2009
Portuguese Conversão de moedas no Paypal - algum problema? Sim O problema persiste, mas como o valor em euros
era pouco significativo acabei por levantar só
dólares (cujo montante é apresentado em euros na
notificação que recebi). Admito que nã
Maria Castro Oct 21, 2009
Portuguese Conversão de moedas no Paypal - algum problema? Já somos duas! Olá Fernanda. Aconteceu o mesmo comigo. Também
trabalho com as duas moedas, embora o euro seja a
minha moeda principal. Tentei convertei os
dólares em euros para fazer um lavantamento
Maria Castro Oct 21, 2009
Off topic Certificate of translation over the internet NYU - SCPS Hello Mohamed, New York University - School of
Continuing and Professional Studies offers a
Certificate in Translation. They have the Distance
Learning option for some language pairs.
Maria Castro Oct 18, 2009
Portuguese Compra de livros usados pela Internet Alfarrabistas Olá Deolindo, Fiz uma pesquisa e encontrei os
abaixo: www.livrariaesqui (Porto) não sei os custos de envio para
o estrangeiro, mas é uma q
Maria Castro Aug 31, 2009
Portuguese Acordo de Londres E eu também! Olá Susana. Já assinei. Obrigada. Maria Maria Castro Jul 8, 2009
Portuguese A importância de uma vírgula A importância da vírgula... e restantes sinais de pontuação Ele morreu naturalmente. Ele morreu,
naturalmente. A equipa está lá como vocês
pediram. A equipa está lá, como vocês
pediram. E uma bem velhinha.... O
Maria Castro Jul 1, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: My hobbies include: a mixture of the above reading, listening to music, watching films...
sorry, no sports, although I should. It's hard
for me to consider sleeping a hobby. I need to
sleep, recharge batteries, it's inevitable. :D
Maria Castro Apr 3, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Stubborn client insists on no Sex gender Vs sex Yes, there is a difference. In Portuguese I would
also use 'sexo' instead of 'género'. But is it
totally wrong, absurd using 'gender' in
application forms? Here are two
Maria Castro Apr 3, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Stubborn client insists on no Sex what's wrong with "gender"? Hi, I don't see the point. Maybe the client wants
to use a more euphemistic word. gender: tech or
euph the division into male or female; sex. eg:
gender differentiation within a species
Maria Castro Apr 3, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp If you think you have a messy desktop... I shouldn't have seen the pictures... ... now my desk will have to wait a few more weeks
for tidying up! I'm joking. But I feel much
better now that I saw these pictures. After all my
desk is not that messy, just a few pape
Maria Castro Apr 1, 2009
Getting established How to prove work experience (in case of small assignments) project history Hi Valentina, You can use the project history
section in your profile. This way you can keep
record of the translations you have done and, at
the same time, show potential clients which
Maria Castro Mar 15, 2009
Office applications Urgent...Problem with Word, help needed same problem [quote]corinne durand wrote: There seems to
be some kind of bug, I have been having problems
opening documents (it takes a couple of time and
and an error message) for a few weeks but
Maria Castro Mar 13, 2009
Portuguese Uma verdadeira barbaridade: a tradução de jogos para o computador "Magalhães" Lamentável, de facto! Pois é! Ontem, ao comprar o Expresso também
fiquei revoltada, embora não surpreendida. É
mais uma trapalhada destes senhores. Como é
que isto foi possível??? Bem... é a
Maria Castro Mar 8, 2009
General technical issues Anybody experiencing difficulties accessing Gmail? Yes Hi, I'm also experiencing the same problem. My
data are "temporarily unavailable". Fortunately,
this is not my main email account. That one is
working just fine. Anyway, I hope it doesn
Maria Castro Feb 24, 2009 suggestions Responsible contact for translation mistakes Team Coordinator Each localization team is supposed to have a team
coordinator. He/she is responsible for QA. It
seems that there is no team coordinator for the
German so try to contact, again, one of the<
Maria Castro Feb 12, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: What is the view from your workspace? Mountain - Serra da Estrela I live in a small village at the foot of the
highest mountain in Portugal. It's a very pleasant
view, specially now that it's snowing and the
mountain is covered with white. Maria
Maria Castro Jan 9, 2009
Off topic Christmas gifts, my forever headache create your own gifts or do it with the kids This works just fine with my five-year-old
daughter. Whenever there's a birthday or a
special occasion to celebrate we create our own
gifts. Nothing expensive, no shopping, just use
Maria Castro Dec 14, 2008
Portuguese Anúncio de trabalho de tradução com preços escandalosamente baixos Verdadeiramente revoltante [quote]José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote: Eles
vão achar tradutores a esse preço lá no
Oriente Infelizmente não é só no Oriente,
José Henrique. Podem encontrar-se em Portugal
Maria Castro Nov 29, 2008
Portuguese Parabéns aos tradutores de PT-EU o ainda não está totalmente traduzido para português Obrigada, Ivana. Obrigada, Jussi. Tal como foi
dito pela Lígia, a equipa teve pouco tempo para
trabalhar no projecto e conseguiu apenas localizar
as partes consideradas mais important
Maria Castro Oct 8, 2008
Teaching and Learning Languages What are the most amusing mistakes your students made? s instead of th It's not always easy for portuguese students to
spell 'th'. So, when expressing their own
opinions I often hear 'I sink...' instead of 'I
think...' There's a very famous portuguese coach
Maria Castro Oct 3, 2008 technical support Help with kudoz settings Same here I'm having that problem, too. Maybe it's a
translator's day trick... Hope it gets fixed
soon Maria
Maria Castro Sep 30, 2008
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing A client asks me to proofread his translation and stamp it as "official translation" Thank you Hello, everybody Thank you all. Your
explanations have been very helpful. The client
needs the translation internationally so David is
right: the client will go pale! Maria
Maria Castro Sep 30, 2008
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing A client asks me to proofread his translation and stamp it as "official translation" Hello, Probably this is not the right forum
for my question but I will make it here. I would
like to get some advice on this issue, please: a
potential client asked me if I could proo
Maria Castro Sep 29, 2008 Translator Coop New site moderators: Nesrin, Ligia Dias Costa, Fernanda Rocha, Per Bergvall and Attila Piróth Congratulations! Congratulations! Maria Castro Sep 6, 2008 technical support How to disable notifications for translation contest contest page Hi, Go to contest page and you will find a tag
about notifications on your left. Click the
"Click here to unsubscribe" button.
Maria Castro Jun 17, 2008 Translation Contests 7th Translation Contest. Final voting in language pairs with 3-7 entries will start soon. option b I also choose b. Maria Castro Jun 13, 2008
Localization localization - terminology Hi, I've downloaded the file
"proz_common_eng_ept" in order to translate it,
but I need to know what "comm" stands for. Is it
"community", "common" or other? What about "set"?
Maria Castro Jun 5, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Which statement best describes translation? all of the above all of the above, absolutely... humbird
summarises the reasons why very well and I totally
agree with her. I think this option should have
been included in the poll.
Maria Castro May 30, 2008 Translation Contests translation contest. Qualification round test. language restrictions Dear Romina, I have received your email
invitation and I think the whole idea is good.
However, I'm not a native speaker of any of the
target languages chosen for the test, so unless
Maria Castro May 30, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: My email inbox alone (not folders) contains: I need some method I answered "less than 500". Everytime I receive
emails I analyse if it's worth keeping them and
for how long. The important ones I keep in folders
while unfinished items are kept in the i
Maria Castro May 6, 2008

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