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Thread poster: RominaZ
RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
May 29, 2008

Dear All,

As announced in previous threads, some changes will be implemented in the qualification round of this contest.

As you all know, the qualification round of the 7th Translation Contest currently underway will start next Wednesday, June 4 at 14 GMT. You are all invited to try and test the new features of the qualification round interface and leave your comments before then
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Dear All,

As announced in previous threads, some changes will be implemented in the qualification round of this contest.

As you all know, the qualification round of the 7th Translation Contest currently underway will start next Wednesday, June 4 at 14 GMT. You are all invited to try and test the new features of the qualification round interface and leave your comments before then.

Qualification round: new features

Raters will be defined in two categories:

a- translators that work in the same language pair and
b- translators that are native in the language of the entries but do not work on that pair.

Raters that work in the same language pair will be asked what category they would like to rate: either "Quality of writing", "Accuracy of translation", or both.

Raters that are native speakers of the target language will be able to judge "Quality of writing".

To rate these categories raters should click on the star that indicates the rating they would like to assign to a given entry on an "absolute scale of 1 ("poor") to 5 ("perfect"). The entries that advance to the finals will be the 3-7 with the highest average ratings.

The following instruction will be shown:

To rate an entry, simply click on a star:

-Expressing likes and dislikes:

- Translators reviewing entries will have the opportunity to tag portions of the text that they like or dislike. A comment and reference link can be entered to support the position. These tags will be anonymously shown to others.
- Other viewers, in turn, will be able to agree or disagree on the likes and dislikes entered by others, adding reference links of their own.
- Comments will be restricted in length. By rule they may only be linguistic in nature.

The following instruction will be shown:
To "tag" a section of a translation, highlight it as if you were going to "copy and paste" it, then click on "Like" or "Dislike" .

Raters will see their tags in a darker shade.

The entries used for this test correspond to some winning entries from the last contest and some machine translations. In all cases entries will be shown at a different random order set for each viewer.

The language pairs in the TEST are English>Spanish, English >Russian, English >Italian, English> Japanese and English >Italian.

To start testing, just click on the source language "TEST"at the contest page.

Start testing now and leave your feedback in this thread, please.

I hope you like it.


[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2008-05-30 13:10]

KathyT  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:54
Japanese to English
Wow! May 30, 2008

I'm really impressed with this new system! I love the function for tagging dis/likes.
Hopefully this will generate lots of interesting and helpful discussion about the translations submitted.
Nice work, Romina and team

Annamaria Arlotta
Annamaria Arlotta  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
English to Italian
Control panel (?) May 30, 2008

Hello! The new sysitem is quite impressive. In the past there has been talk about involving outside experts whose role would be to prevent texts with grammar or syntax flaws from qualifying, and I wonder if this idea is still considered. Ciao to all for now

patyjs  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:54
Spanish to English
+ ...
I like it! May 30, 2008

Particularly the 1-5 scale and the likes and dislikes feature which will no doubt please a lot of us. Being able to rate "quality of writing" for any pair into English (in my case) should attract more voters.

My questions are: do we have to vote for every entry in the pair?
and, if we only rate "quality of writing" can we also see the likes/dislikes for "accuracy of translation"?

Good stuff!


S_Angel (X)
S_Angel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
German to Italian
+ ...
I like it! May 30, 2008

I tried it and I really like the new features.
The only thing that did not always work well was the like/dislike tagging: sometimes I would select the text, click on the tag symbol and a pop-up message would ask me to first select a section of the text, although I had already done that.
I don't know if the same has happened to other people too... (I'm using Internet Explorer, if that might help).

Alicja Weikop
Alicja Weikop  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:54
English to Polish
+ ...
Voter's language restriction works for sure May 30, 2008

Dear Romina,

as much as I would like to help with the testing of the new voting system (I have received an email invitation) - I am not allowed to do so due to the language restriction (I am not a native speaker of any of the target languages used in the test). I guess this is one way of testing this particular feature!

I like the idea in theory. Please let me know if you intend to allow other language speakers to try this new system out.


Alexander Onishko
Alexander Onishko  Identity Verified
Russian to English
+ ...
Everything seems fine but ... May 30, 2008

Everything seems just fine but I do not understand this -

RominaZ wrote:

The entries that advance to the finals will be the 3-7 with the highest average ratings.

I do not understand how many EXACTLY entries will go to the final.

For example, if there was 10 entries total?

Colin Brady
Colin Brady  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:54
French to English
+ ...
Tagging improved May 30, 2008

S_Angel wrote:
sometimes I would select the text, click on the tag symbol and a pop-up message would ask me to first select a section of the text, although I had already done that.
I don't know if the same has happened to other people too... (I'm using Internet Explorer, if that might help).

Hi S_Angel,

Thanks for posting. I believe I fixed the problem you are referring to. It should now work in Internet Explorer.

Jacques DP
Jacques DP  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
English to French
Small bug May 30, 2008

Very interesting!
One small bug I noted: I highlighted "elle" somewhere and applied a "dislike" to it. But then some other, unrelated occurrence of "elle" is highlighted in red, too, which is not a desired behaviour.

RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
No need to rate every entry in the pair May 30, 2008

Some answers,

Hello! The new sysitem is quite impressive. In the past there has been talk about involving outside experts whose role would be to prevent texts with grammar or syntax flaws from qualifying, and I wonder if this idea is still considered. Ciao to all for now

Yes, the idea is still being considered. These are the first steps towards that.

patyjs wrote:

My questions are: do we have to vote for every entry in the pair?

No, you don't.

and, if we only rate "quality of writing" can we also see the likes/dislikes for "accuracy of translation"?
Good stuff!


For the time being you can't. The idea behind it is that one category should not influence the other.

I am not allowed to do so due to the language restriction (I am not a native speaker of any of the target languages used in the test).

We will add more pairs to give chances to everyone interested in testing the interface.

Thanks for your feedback.


Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 20:54
A bar will be set on a pair-by-pair basis May 30, 2008

Alexander Onishko wrote:

Everything seems just fine but I do not understand this -

RominaZ wrote:

The entries that advance to the finals will be the 3-7 with the highest average ratings.

I do not understand how many EXACTLY entries will go to the final.

For example, if there was 10 entries total?

Hi Alexander. The exact number, between 3 and 7, will depend. For each pair, a minimum average rating will be set, and all those above it will pass. The idea is to pass to the finals the ones that are best / most likely to win, and that justify the careful scrutiny that is asked of voters.

Where that number is set won't depend on the number of entries. It will depend on the distribution of scores. Faced with a distribution like this:

Entry A: 4.4
Entry B: 4.3
Entry C: 4.3
Entry D: 4.2
Entry E: 3.1
Entry F: 2.9
Entry G: 2.2

then the staff may draw the line at 4.2 (because the drop-off thereafter is significant) causing 4 entries to qualify in this case.

With this distribution:

Entry A: 4.4
Entry B: 4.3
Entry C: 4.3
Entry D: 4.2
Entry E: 4.1
Entry F: 2.9
Entry G: 2.2

then the staff may draw the line at 4.1, causing 5 entries to qualify.

Is this clear?

Larissa Boutrimova
Larissa Boutrimova  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
Member (2006)
English to Russian
+ ...
In the En-Ru pair... May 30, 2008

...why do both categories ("Quality of writing" and "Accuracy of translation") show for Entry #1, and only "Quality of writing" shows for Entries ##2 and 3?

BTW, thanks for the new system - it's fun and functional

P.S. Never mind my question - I have figured it out

[Редактировалось 2008-05-30 18:39]

megane_wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:54
Member (2007)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Hi Colin, highlight still does the same May 30, 2008

Colin Brady wrote:

S_Angel wrote:
sometimes I would select the text, click on the tag symbol and a pop-up message would ask me to first select a section of the text, although I had already done that.
I don't know if the same has happened to other people too... (I'm using Internet Explorer, if that might help).

Hi S_Angel,

Thanks for posting. I believe I fixed the problem you are referring to. It should now work in Internet Explorer.

Hi there,

I just tried it and found this message. I'm using IE 6.0 on Win XP.

Well done anyway


Maria Castro
Maria Castro  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:54
Member (2008)
English to Portuguese
+ ...

language restrictions May 30, 2008

Dear Romina,
I have received your email invitation and I think the whole idea is good. However, I'm not a native speaker of any of the target languages chosen for the test, so unless you add new target languages I won't be able to participate.
Let me know if you decide to do so, please.
Maria Castro

RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
More language pairs added to the TEST May 30, 2008

Dear All,

More language combinations have been added to the test: English -Portuguese, English - Polish, English - Turkish.

We are planning to add English - Romanian soon.



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