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AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI)
Thread poster: Susana E. Cano Méndez
Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:57
English to Italian
Looks like they got the message... Apr 15, 2016

Teresita Garcia Ruy Sanchez wrote:

I was looking for my name and the list of English to Spanish translators shrunk from more than 3000 to 7 from one page to the next. And my name is not one of those 7, thank God.

I think it would be a good idea to keep monitoring the place.

You're right. Translators listed in the EN>IT pair went from 1876 to... 1 (actually 0).

Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:57
French to English
@tsdirectory on Twitter Apr 15, 2016

Well worth a look at today's timeline (if that is the word) for more details and information.

Although now only 2 Fr-Eng so it seems to have been cut drastically!

Local time: 00:57
The database is cleared and under review Apr 15, 2016

Hello fellow translators,
We have heard a lot of concern about how your names are listed on our website. I understand why some of you are upset, so I have instructed our IT department to remove all the accounts from the website except for those users who signed up for themselves. We supposed to send invitation to everybody first, but a mistake was made so some of you received the message about the translation contest instead.

Just like you, I am a hard working translator who s
... See more
Hello fellow translators,
We have heard a lot of concern about how your names are listed on our website. I understand why some of you are upset, so I have instructed our IT department to remove all the accounts from the website except for those users who signed up for themselves. We supposed to send invitation to everybody first, but a mistake was made so some of you received the message about the translation contest instead.

Just like you, I am a hard working translator who started working from his home and growing. never meant to do any harm to anybody but aiming to build a community and marketplace that will attract customers without being limited to borders. There are some misunderstanding about us and we'd like to clarify the facts. What I can tell you is that nobody has even lost a dollar to us. You have my word. as a not for profit organization is aimed to establish internationally compatible standards for translation, so that service providers listed on can be recognized by customers who are not translation savvy. We take every effort to keep everything legitimate here. We are small now and have big goals to benefit customers and language workers alike. We are not born a giant multinational, but we are not ashamed of it. Life is worth living for because we have dreams, isn't it?

You are welcome to check back at and make sure you are not listed if you have not given us the permission.

Yours truly,
Lixin Cheng, "Clint"

[Edited at 2016-04-15 17:27 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-04-15 17:29 GMT]

João Roque Dias
João Roque Dias
Local time: 08:57
English to Portuguese
ClintCheng Apr 15, 2016

1. You were forced to scrap your illegal and fraudulent database.

2. On your last (first) post, you are, once again, trying to confuse people with your outfits:

aatii.COM = the "Alliance" created by you and your translation company, "Princemountain Transnational Services Inc."

aatii.ORG = a "Translators Association" with the same name as the Alliance's, also created by you and your translation company, in which the "certification examinations"
... See more
1. You were forced to scrap your illegal and fraudulent database.

2. On your last (first) post, you are, once again, trying to confuse people with your outfits:

aatii.COM = the "Alliance" created by you and your translation company, "Princemountain Transnational Services Inc."

aatii.ORG = a "Translators Association" with the same name as the Alliance's, also created by you and your translation company, in which the "certification examinations" are to be done by your Princemountain translation company!!! I also read the "Bylaws".

3. Dream all you want, just not at other people's professional reputation and credentials' expense.

[Edited at 2016-04-16 13:33 GMT]

Maria Filippini
Maria Filippini
Local time: 05:57
English to Spanish
+ ...
You are kind of lying... Apr 15, 2016

ClintCheng wrote:

Hello fellow translators,
We have heard a lot of concern about how your names are listed on our website. I understand why some of you are upset, so I have instructed our IT department to remove all the accounts from the website except for those users who signed up for themselves. We supposed to send invitation to everybody first, but a mistake was made so some of you received the message about the translation contest instead.

Just like you, I am a hard working translator who started working from his home and growing. never meant to do any harm to anybody but aiming to build a community and marketplace that will attract customers without being limited to borders. There are some misunderstanding about us and we'd like to clarify the facts. What I can tell you is that nobody has even lost a dollar to us. You have my word. as a not for profit organization is aimed to establish internationally compatible standards for translation, so that service providers listed on can be recognized by customers who are not translation savvy. We take every effort to keep everything legitimate here. We are small now and have big goals to benefit customers and language workers alike. We are not born a giant multinational, but we are not ashamed of it. Life is worth living for because we have dreams, isn't it?

You are welcome to check back at and make sure you are not listed if you have not given us the permission.

Yours truly,
Lixin Cheng, "Clint"

[Edited at 2016-04-15 17:27 GMT]

[Edited at 2016-04-15 17:29 GMT]

I was happy to read this, but you only "hid" the profiles. When searching the database, my name doesn't come up. HOWEVER, I tried asking for a password reset (to check my email was actually deleted), and I got it. I also got to log in into a profile I NEVER created.

There's no way for users to delete their profile (have I already mentioned I didn't create it?), nor change their information. If you modify anything and click "save", it appears to have saved the changes, but when you reload the page the information is just as before.

Are you going to actually delete the profiles? Or are you just waiting for us to look the other way to pop them up again?

Paulinho Fonseca
Paulinho Fonseca  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:57
Member (2011)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Most importantly Apr 15, 2016

Right now I am sure that the most important thing here is to explain how all data was taken and registered on the site. I am sure it did not simple appear there. This was an illegal action which must be explained and such tale about context is manipulating or distorting.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:57
Dutch to English
+ ...
the ‘how’ part is easy enough to explain Apr 15, 2016

Paulinho Fonseca wrote:

Right now I am sure that the most important thing here is to explain how all data was taken and registered on the site. I am sure it did not simple appear there. This was an illegal action which must be explained and such tale about context is manipulating or distorting.

Just find a site with lots of translator data, and point this at it:


Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:57
Spanish to English
+ ...
Could we copy their web site? Apr 15, 2016

Michael, could we use that nifty tool to copy "their" website to see whether we are still there, hidden in it?

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:57
Dutch to English
+ ...
ha ha Apr 15, 2016

Jessica Noyes wrote:

Michael, could we use that nifty tool to copy "their" website to see whether we are still there, hidden in it?

That might actually be possible. Depends on the structure of the site and its data. It might not be a bad idea for anyone planning legal action, before they take it all down. No time for this myself, just throwing it out there as an idea...


Local time: 00:57
Further explanation on how works, not scamming Apr 16, 2016

Dear fellow translators,

As you might have known, we have taken steps to remove any undesired information from the platform, and we will continue to address any concerns from you because we respect hard-working professionals like you.

There seems a lack of understanding or even misunderstanding about how works here. We act like an eBay in the translation industry by matching the customers and the translators. The prices will be set only between customers and t
... See more
Dear fellow translators,

As you might have known, we have taken steps to remove any undesired information from the platform, and we will continue to address any concerns from you because we respect hard-working professionals like you.

There seems a lack of understanding or even misunderstanding about how works here. We act like an eBay in the translation industry by matching the customers and the translators. The prices will be set only between customers and translators themselves. Only translators registered with the platform can take orders, not us. Customers can communicate with selected translators via an imbedded messenger, so nobody's emails are exposed. The payment will be put into escrow and then released to the translator who has delivered to the customer and get approved by the latter, thus both sides will enjoy secured transactions. For more details, please check out our help center at

If you don't like to be listed on this platform or you don't like the rating at any time, just let us know and you will be removed, and we have done that already. We meant to promote this platform so that customers will find qualified translators with ease from anywhere in the world and both sides will benefit from it. We trust this will be the most efficient way for everybody, and translators don't have to pay anything upfront.

Anybody signed up with the platform will be either unrated, or apply for a professional rating subject to the approval by We understand some concerns about the namesake issues between and, but we believer our practice is perfectly legal and one of's directors is actually a lawyer himself who have practiced for over 20 years in British Columbia, Canada. In the future we will be open to more qualified professionals who wish to play active roles with Forgive us for indulging in the beauty of AATII, simple, easy to remember and pronounce, that's why it is shared for both the for profit platform and the not for profit organization.

Probably some individuals don't like the competition a platform like ours poses, especially those who act like a middleman and take the price differences for a living. But that's the trend and you might have been aware of other similar platforms which have started doing the same. Competition and globalization is not something invented by us, and that's the reality that nobody can stop from happening. We trust we can actually help translators who share the vision and embrace trend by getting themselves ready. We aim to minimize the seeking and transaction costs so that both the customers and the translators will be better off.

We welcome everybody to keep checking back our website and let us know how you like it or not. It's been quite a buzz today but it is a good problem to have. We will continue to fix problems and make a better place for everybody. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts with us.

Have a nice weekend,


Paulinho Fonseca
Paulinho Fonseca  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:57
Member (2011)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Hey, Micheal, thanks for the info. Did you find your profile at AATI? Apr 16, 2016

Michael J.W. Beijer wrote:

Paulinho Fonseca wrote:

Right now I am sure that the most important thing here is to explain how all data was taken and registered on the site. I am sure it did not simple appear there. This was an illegal action which must be explained and such tale about context is manipulating or distorting.

Just find a site with lots of translator data, and point this at it:


[Edited at 2016-04-16 02:10 GMT]

Katarzyna Slowikova
Katarzyna Slowikova  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:57
English to Czech
+ ...
Thanks! Apr 16, 2016

Catherine V. Howard wrote:

Here's a follow-up: members of the regional association to which I belong, New England Translators Association (NETA), have been discussing the AATII scam. One of the members, Isabel Leonard, decided to follow up the link in the Translation Scammers Directory and gave the AATII owners a call. Here's what she reported, which I'm copying here with her permission:

"I looked up the address in Google Maps (tiny building in Richmond BC’s Chinatown, apparently), talked to [name withheld] (the registrant, according to the scammers directory), asked for details about the AATII, was told it has been going for six months, and has about 20,000 translators in its database, more joining all the time, asked about its bylaws, board of directors, voting procedures, etc., and was put on hold. A man with better English pronunciation came on the line, I asked these questions again, he asked for my number so he could call me back, I refused and kept asking; finally he referred me to their website, which has nothing at all about association bylaws in it; it’s just your regular ol’ 'platform.'


[Edited at 2016-04-15 01:19 GMT]

Just a big WOW to you and the translator-scammers website, you're great as always!!
But it's said this link has been ignored by so many here, also as (almost) always.... looks like some people just love to "keep wondering".

So for everybody who wants to know and not speculate, see this:

Katarzyna Slowikova
Katarzyna Slowikova  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:57
English to Czech
+ ...
The "purchase" function Apr 16, 2016

Somebody here described how the purchase function works now and the "registered" translator really gets a "job alert".
I just wanted to point out, I attempted similar experiment at the time the thread was created and it didn't work then. When I tried to submit my request nothing happened.
So I think they may have "fixed" it as a way to appease us, just as they apparently removed the profiles - where in fact (as somebody here pointed out), they've just been hidden. Wh
... See more
Somebody here described how the purchase function works now and the "registered" translator really gets a "job alert".
I just wanted to point out, I attempted similar experiment at the time the thread was created and it didn't work then. When I tried to submit my request nothing happened.
So I think they may have "fixed" it as a way to appease us, just as they apparently removed the profiles - where in fact (as somebody here pointed out), they've just been hidden. Which makes it even worse, since now nobody is able to check, whether they're there.

And even if they, by any means, were forced to take the whole "platform" down, is there a way to coerce them to delete all the data? And verify they did it? Seems like rhetorical questions to me... correct me if I'm wrong.

As for myself, I think I've never been there, also am not on TD, but as I said, no way to check now... :/

Local time: 00:57
If you accuse somebody a scammer, at least let him explain Apr 16, 2016

Yesterday I tried to post an explanation but still unable to go through.
We have taken steps to address the concerns of some translators, but not getting the chance to explain what exactly works as a platform, not a scam.
If you accuse somebody a scammer, at least let him explain. Even some technical issues could be demonized out of proportion. Aren't we all in a civilized world?
We have the right to serve signed up translators, and nobody can shut us down.
... See more
Yesterday I tried to post an explanation but still unable to go through.
We have taken steps to address the concerns of some translators, but not getting the chance to explain what exactly works as a platform, not a scam.
If you accuse somebody a scammer, at least let him explain. Even some technical issues could be demonized out of proportion. Aren't we all in a civilized world?
We have the right to serve signed up translators, and nobody can shut us down.
Please check out this:

Maxi Schwarz
Maxi Schwarz  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:57
German to English
+ ...
other particular concerns Apr 16, 2016

This entity is based in Canada. The types of membership and "certification" that it describes closely mirror the existing actually recognized certification as it exists both federally and provincially in this country. These people seem to be self-appointed. In this country a lot of translations require actual certification and I can imagine a great deal of confusion among clients. This is just one more disturbing element.

There is a "certificatio"n course. The pdf describing it
... See more
This entity is based in Canada. The types of membership and "certification" that it describes closely mirror the existing actually recognized certification as it exists both federally and provincially in this country. These people seem to be self-appointed. In this country a lot of translations require actual certification and I can imagine a great deal of confusion among clients. This is just one more disturbing element.

There is a "certificatio"n course. The pdf describing it is in Chinese.

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AATII (no, not argentinian legit AATI)

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