Creating a secure folder
Thread poster: Lagom
Lagom  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:07
Swedish to English
May 29, 2006

Does anyone know of an application that I can use to secure access to a folder without actually encrypting the contents of the folder?

I want to ensure that when I am travelling with my laptop that if it were stolen I would not risk losing any sensitive client data that I may be working on at that time. At the same time I do not want to encrypt the contents of the folder as this would end up being a 'pain in the bum' everytime I needed to send any of the contents to a third party.... See more
Does anyone know of an application that I can use to secure access to a folder without actually encrypting the contents of the folder?

I want to ensure that when I am travelling with my laptop that if it were stolen I would not risk losing any sensitive client data that I may be working on at that time. At the same time I do not want to encrypt the contents of the folder as this would end up being a 'pain in the bum' everytime I needed to send any of the contents to a third party.

Any suggestions gratefully received,

Local time: 13:07
English to Danish
On an ftp-site? May 29, 2006

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but if you need to make absolutely certain that you can access this folder at any time from any computer, I would save the folder on an ftp-site!

And obviously, you need to protect the site with a password and make sure you have not checked the option in Windows saying something like 'Would you like Windows to remember your password?'.

Just an idea.

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:07
Member (2003)
English to Latvian
+ ...
HideFolders? May 29, 2006

Maybe this? But it's shareware. I downloaded Demo version some years ago, but actually haven't tried it out.

What's new in Hide Folders XP

+ Added feature
* Improved/changed feature
- Bug fixed (we hope)

Hide Folders XP 1.3

+ Added an option to hide folders automatically when a screen saver starts
+ You can open fo
... See more
Maybe this? But it's shareware. I downloaded Demo version some years ago, but actually haven't tried it out.

What's new in Hide Folders XP

+ Added feature
* Improved/changed feature
- Bug fixed (we hope)

Hide Folders XP 1.3

+ Added an option to hide folders automatically when a screen saver starts
+ You can open folder instantly by double clicking on it in the folder list
+ Startup options group added
+ "Strict" password policy implemented
* Some user interface improvements
* Window captions are added to the language files
- Fixed an incompatibility with some registry cleaners
- Some minor bugs fixed.

Hide Folders XP 1.2

* Internal structure optimized
- Minor bugs fixed

Hide Folders XP 1.1

+ Clear Recycle Bin items originally located in hidden folders option added
+ Hide folders in Windows safe mode option added
+ Hide uninstall information option added
+ Now it is possible to minimize Hide Folders XP to tray at startup
+ Hot keys support added
* Folders named with national language symbols also can be hidden
* New user interface languages support added
- Fixed serious security flaw with Hide Folders XP password protection
- If one of the folder was off-line Hide Folders XP could work incorrectly

Hide Folders XP 1.0 - first public release


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Creating a secure folder

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