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Clients can now give translator feedback (WWA) without registering
Thread poster: Jason Grimes
Jesper E
Jesper E  Identity Verified
English to Swedish
At least include them all in the WWA total Sep 28, 2013

Now I got a big fat zero, and some grey hidden text under the zero....Include them all in the WWA number then perhaps divide them.

Catherine GUILLIAUMET  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:43
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Wise arguments Sep 28, 2013

Shai Nave wrote:

First, why not use the most straightforward terms such as 'Proz member' and non-ProZ member (or outside entity, or similar)?
Secondly, clearly presenting feedbacks from entites who don't have a BB entry as inferior is a big problem, but first a little about online feedback, testimonials, endorsements, recommendations, and so forth. Generally, they are useless (not only on ProZ). If no strict identity authentication mechanism is in place they could be easily falsified, thus losing their value (think LinkedIn's endorsements or even recommendations in many cases); and let's not pretend that there isn't quite a bit of barter reputation trading on ProZ as it is. Conversely, if a strict identity authentication is in place, this becomes a commercial security problem, because one actually exposes the information of his or her business partners.

Recommendations, testimonials, and endorsement have limited value in today's online world, and they do not apply equality to everyone. They are probably more relevant to employees than for independent, sole-proprietor type of service providers.

In ProZ's own little world WWA and LWA might make some sense, especially for new members who like to present the WWAs as some kind of trophy. Although there is some business espionage going on there as well and I'm always amused by some agencies who try to compartmentalized the translators they work with - even when a direct line of communication would benefit everyone involved, while having tenths or hundreds of LWAs or other type of feedbacks that clearly expose the identity of the translators (and even some clients) they work with. Mind you, even ProZ itself doesn't take the WWA into account in its own directory ranking formula or otherwise, and that's saying a lot. However, having to create a BB entry for direct clients or agencies, the latter probably know about Proz but chose not to register for their own reasons, is something completely different. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind creating a BB entry for a client who didn't opt do to it themselves. I can almost guarantee that the minute one does, this client will be flooded with emails and/or phone calls by unscrupulous "colleagues" and agencies offering the same, as well as other and irrelevant, services. If that client digs a little and finds out that one is responsible for this flood of unsolicited communications, I can imagine that the business partnership won't last long in most cases.

Having the client corroborated and appear as confidential is not a good solution to me either, simply because, and no insult intended, I wouldn't trust a commercial third-party service (which is what ProZ is) with my confidential business information. This is an unnecessary risk. It is not uncommon for databases to be hacked or for commercial services to sell the information that they have gathered. I, and I believe that more than a few others, prefer not to have outside WWAs than having them displayed as inferior or being conditioned on creating a BB entry for someone that didn't ask for it. It is one thing to create a BB entry for an agency that didn't pay - this is considered to be a community service - and completely different to turn the BB into a database of translation buyers.

[Edited at 2013-09-28 01:22 GMT]

To tell the truth, I totally share Shai's views, which reflect my deep feeling.

Catherine GUILLIAUMET  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:43
English to French
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In memoriam
Stigmatizing, depreciating the translator value Sep 28, 2013

Jesper E wrote:

Now I got a big fat zero, and some grey hidden text under the zero....Include them all in the WWA number then perhaps divide them.

As I have not the "uncorroborated" feedback problem on my own profile, I had a look at Jesper's profile.

It looks really terrible. The zero is starring the reader right in the face in such an extent that one does not even notice the grey hidden text.

Actually, this has a depreciating impact. If any potential client valueing other client feedback sees that, s/he will look for another professional immediately.

At least, wouldn't it be possible - particularly as far as newcomers to our profession are concerned - not to use the digit "0" when there is no(t yet) "corroborated" feedback ? It would look better if either the "corroborated" box were left blank or a simple dash were substituted for this pitiable zero.

Patricia Patho
Patricia Patho
Local time: 15:43
Member (2013)
German to Spanish
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Old system or include them all in the total Sep 28, 2013

Jesper E wrote:

Now I got a big fat zero, and some grey hidden text under the zero....Include them all in the WWA number then perhaps divide them.

I have to agree with Jesper. I prefer the old system and not the new one with "corroborated" or "uncorroborated" entries.

But If you are not willing to change it back - even if the most of us, the real users of the website, don't agree - at least include them all in the total. The client is not going to notice the tiny tiny grey text underneath.

vera panno
vera panno  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:43
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English to Italian
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Remove "corroborated" and include them all in the WWA total Sep 28, 2013

I don't agree with the new system and agree with what most of the other colleagues wrote.
I have one "uncorroborated" entry which has been given by one of my best clients that is not registered on Proz.
I think the terms "corroborated" and "uncorroborated" should be removed because the WWA can be given by direct clients or companies that don't need or don't want to register on Proz and have other ways to find translators and interpreters.
Outsourcers could not understand the m
... See more
I don't agree with the new system and agree with what most of the other colleagues wrote.
I have one "uncorroborated" entry which has been given by one of my best clients that is not registered on Proz.
I think the terms "corroborated" and "uncorroborated" should be removed because the WWA can be given by direct clients or companies that don't need or don't want to register on Proz and have other ways to find translators and interpreters.
Outsourcers could not understand the meaning of that wording and could choose only translators with corroborated entries.
My suggestion is to:
- remove the "corroborated/uncorroborated" terms
- include all entries in the total
- use the terms "Proz/non-Proz member"


Laura Daly
Laura Daly  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:43
Member (2012)
Spanish to English
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I agree with everyone else. Sep 28, 2013

I disagree with this new system, I don't think that it is a good idea or that it will benefit anybody. I already "hassled" a direct client for a WWA, now I have to bother them again to ask them to register so that people won't think its fake?

Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:43
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
Total WWA number with breakdown Sep 28, 2013

Laura Daly wrote:

I already "hassled" a direct client for a WWA, now I have to bother them again to ask them to register so that people won't think its fake?

As I understand it, we have to hassle other translators to leave a BB entry for any uncorroborated outsourcers, rather than hassling the latter to register.

In any case, I would vote for a total WWA number, and below that figure, a breakdown by registered/non-registered outsourcer.
I really don't like the 2nd level uncorroborated grey. I don't want any of my outsourcers being labelled as lower caste.

Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:43
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
Thank you Sep 28, 2013

Jason Grimes wrote:

Hi Emma, I was able to corroborate your remaining feedback entry by linking it to a Blue Board record.

Thank you, Jason. This outsourcer will be pleased that she is no longer labelled as a 2nd class outsourcer.

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Portuguese
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In memoriam
IMHO, it's poor allocation of programming resources Sep 28, 2013

The WWA simply shows how many clients are willing to stand up and state that they would use that translator again.

Let's compare two situations...
  • I translated an agreement for a direct client, and it enabled one of the largest contemporary e-businesses to quickly set up their operations in Brazil. Some 10-15K words over a weekend. Quality must have been good, as the client returned with more work later. All obviously covered b... See more
The WWA simply shows how many clients are willing to stand up and state that they would use that translator again.

Let's compare two situations...
  • I translated an agreement for a direct client, and it enabled one of the largest contemporary e-businesses to quickly set up their operations in Brazil. Some 10-15K words over a weekend. Quality must have been good, as the client returned with more work later. All obviously covered by the strictest NDA. There will be no WWA/LWA about it, ever. This client has no reason to ever be on Proz.
  • I did a sworn translation of a foreign immigrant's driver's license. He settled in a remote part of the country, where he started a small translation agency. He is on Proz, and was quite enthusiastic about my service when he wrote his WWA on my profile.

In statistics, this is called negative correlation.

Meanwhile, the Blue Board is ailing with its LWAs. I have made it a "house rule" not to take jobs from outsourcers having over 100 LWA entries, most if not all of them being 5s. My one-night-stand experience with a bunch of these leads me to believe that most if not all of them were obtained by telling translators, when their invoices were past overdue for a few months, If you give us a LWA=5 on the Proz Blue Board now, you'll get paid next Monday.

A closer look on these specific agencies' Blue Board record will show "spurts" of many LWA=5 entries from time to time. My reading is that these (possibly under-capitalized) outsourcers now and then have an inrush of cash, when they pay all outstanding translator invoices, regardless of how long they have been outstanding. Their PMs are usually well trained into the art of stalling, convincing the translators that if they enter a LWA=1, it's likely that their pay will be downgraded to the batch to be paid on second next cash inflow wave.

More than four years ago I suggested a market-proven way of improving the Blue Board via benchmarking, when programming resources were available. Apparently they are now.

[Edited at 2013-09-28 13:46 GMT]

Ronja Addams-Moring
Ronja Addams-Moring  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:43
Finnish to Swedish
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Re: Only a Blue Board record is required for corroboration Sep 28, 2013

Jason Grimes wrote:

Your clients don't need membership or even a account to be corroborated. There simply needs to be a Blue Board record in their name, which needs to have an entry from at least one translator who has worked for them besides you.

Does that make sense?

Am I interpreting this correctly?

  • I am allowed to create a Blue Bord entry for a direct client

  • I must give a (working?) email address for the client to create said BB entry

  • I may (but don't have to) give a website URL for the client, ditto for telephone and fax numbers

And here are a few more questions:

  • How long will it approximately take for a BB entry to be approved?

  • Who will be able to edit the BB entry later, if I make a typo or if the contact email address changes?

  • Who will be able to see the contact information that I enter - am I potentially exposing a valued client to (more) spam, weird phone calls, whatever? The BB listings that I have looked at don't look like the email address would be visible, but causing a good client to be burried in spam is not my idea of good customer relations...

Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
United States
Local time: 09:43
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What about the need to protect against fake entries? Sep 28, 2013

Thank you all for the comments. I need to take some more time this weekend to digest them all. But I want to raise a point that seems to have been overlooked in the discussion so far: the need to protect against fake entries by others (who may compete with you).

If feedback from those whose identity hasn't been corroborated to some minimum degree is given the exact same weight as corroborated feedback, it opens the potential for abuse.

For example, an unscrupulous tran
... See more
Thank you all for the comments. I need to take some more time this weekend to digest them all. But I want to raise a point that seems to have been overlooked in the discussion so far: the need to protect against fake entries by others (who may compete with you).

If feedback from those whose identity hasn't been corroborated to some minimum degree is given the exact same weight as corroborated feedback, it opens the potential for abuse.

For example, an unscrupulous translator could use multiple email accounts (possibly taking an extra moment to create fake profiles) to give himself dozens of glowing feedback entries, from anyone he claims to be. This is the reason that uncorroborated feedback should be identified as such.

An alternative way to protect against abuse would be to simply not allow uncorroborated feedback at all, but that seems unfair to translators whose clients would leave feedback but don't want to register at

Please consider this while you're evaluating the new approach.



Patricia Patho
Patricia Patho
Local time: 15:43
Member (2013)
German to Spanish
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the remedy is worse than the disease... Sep 28, 2013

Jason Grimes wrote:

Thank you all for the comments. I need to take some more time this weekend to digest them all. But I want to raise a point that seems to have been overlooked in the discussion so far: the need to protect against fake entries by others (who may compete with you).

If feedback from those whose identity hasn't been corroborated to some minimum degree is given the exact same weight as corroborated feedback, it opens the potential for abuse.

For example, an unscrupulous translator could use multiple email accounts (possibly taking an extra moment to create fake profiles) to give himself dozens of glowing feedback entries, from anyone he claims to be. This is the reason that uncorroborated feedback should be identified as such.

An alternative way to protect against abuse would be to simply not allow uncorroborated feedback at all, but that seems unfair to translators whose clients would leave feedback but don't want to register at

Please consider this while you're evaluating the new approach.



Hello Jason,

even what you said is actually true, I think we all "overlooked" it because that risk already existed with the old WWA system. But in this case, I think the remedy is worse than the disease.



Hubert Brychczyński (X)
Hubert Brychczyński (X)
Local time: 15:43
English to Polish
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Bypassing the BB entry requirement Sep 28, 2013

Just a day or two ago, when I logged in to my account, I saw a list of qualified and unqualified feedback. After a few links I got to a form where I could submit a request to verify unqualified feedback. I could do so, instructions said, by providing a scan of a document, for example: an in-voice, a contract, a letter of recommendation, or, say, a book or a brochure where I am credited as translator. Now this option is either off, or hidden so that I can't find it.

What I'm getting
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Just a day or two ago, when I logged in to my account, I saw a list of qualified and unqualified feedback. After a few links I got to a form where I could submit a request to verify unqualified feedback. I could do so, instructions said, by providing a scan of a document, for example: an in-voice, a contract, a letter of recommendation, or, say, a book or a brochure where I am credited as translator. Now this option is either off, or hidden so that I can't find it.

What I'm getting at is that I think this would be a much better way to verify whether feedback is valid or not. I wouldn't have to create a Blue Board entry for an outsourcer without his or her knowledge and/or approval. Instead, I would share with ProZ exclusively documents that - in many cases - I am already sharing with everyone on my homepage: like letters of recommendations and such. As for contracts and in-voices, I can conceal sensitive information in any of the widely available image manipulation programs (such as Gimp, IrfanView, etc.).

What do you think?

Jessica Noyes
Jessica Noyes  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 09:43
Spanish to English
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Another simple way Sep 28, 2013

Have it look like this, for example:
WWA again entries verified by 12
Other WWA entries: 7

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:43
English to Portuguese
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In memoriam
This definitely makes sense! Sep 28, 2013

Jessica Noyes wrote:

Have it look like this, for example:
WWA again entries verified by 12
Other WWA entries: 7

I second that.

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Clients can now give translator feedback (WWA) without registering

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