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Why aren't my quotes accepted?
Thread poster: Elena Pavan
Sven Petersson
Sven Petersson  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
English to Swedish
+ ...
Lack of Credibility Aug 13, 2005

You ask: ”Why aren't my quotes accepted?”

- You claim to be an expert on almost everything.

- You don’t bother to provide any information about yourself.

- You offer to work for peanuts.

- You are not among the top KudoZ scorers in any of your language pairs.

Compare your page,
... See more
You ask: ”Why aren't my quotes accepted?”

- You claim to be an expert on almost everything.

- You don’t bother to provide any information about yourself.

- You offer to work for peanuts.

- You are not among the top KudoZ scorers in any of your language pairs.

Compare your page,, with my page, !

Who would you chose?

[Edited at 2005-08-13 11:31]

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
English to German
+ ...
Some reasons for not accepting quotes Aug 13, 2005

Hi Elena,
Of course I cannot tell you why your quotes weren't accepted, but I can give you examples for turning down quotes on a few jobs I posted on

- Quotes were non-specific. Quotes posted had little or no relevance to the specific job description.

- No professional presentation. In a quote, I expect the service provider to make a convincing case why, as an outsourcer, I should choose him or her.

- Price too low.<
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Hi Elena,
Of course I cannot tell you why your quotes weren't accepted, but I can give you examples for turning down quotes on a few jobs I posted on

- Quotes were non-specific. Quotes posted had little or no relevance to the specific job description.

- No professional presentation. In a quote, I expect the service provider to make a convincing case why, as an outsourcer, I should choose him or her.

- Price too low. If I'm looking for a duly qualified translator for a demanding job, rock-bottom prices tend to make me suspicious.

HTH - best regards,

Stephanie Wloch
Stephanie Wloch  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
Member (2003)
Some things you cannot know Aug 13, 2005

It is true, what the others say: Your profile is crucial.
It is your business card, resume,portfolio and so on.
You even got the possibility to show translation samples.
You can build glossaries too.
But still ....sometimes you cannot get the job for things which are really out of your control.
Example: I have seen a job offer done by a translation agency who
provide me with regular work.
I thought: 'Why didn't they contact me? Did they want to ge
... See more
It is true, what the others say: Your profile is crucial.
It is your business card, resume,portfolio and so on.
You even got the possibility to show translation samples.
You can build glossaries too.
But still ....sometimes you cannot get the job for things which are really out of your control.
Example: I have seen a job offer done by a translation agency who
provide me with regular work.
I thought: 'Why didn't they contact me? Did they want to get lower quotes?' I was a bit suspicious and slightly disappointed.
Maybe they don't like my work?
But I submitted a quote as well with the addition:"I hope I am allowed to partecipate too, although I am in your database?"
The PM anwered:"Yes of course, I prefer working with people I know, but I couldn't reach you by phone."
So I got the job.:-)

Elena Pavan
Elena Pavan  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
Member (2005)
French to Italian
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FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!!! Aug 13, 2005

Thank you everybody for those who gave advises on the profile, less to those whos said "Shame on you! Look at your profile!!!", but everybody was off topic!!!!
The question was: "Would anybody like to know the reasons why his/her quote has not been accepted".
Actually, changed my question. The original was "What about an explanation" and they turned it into a personal question. I DON'T CARE ABOUT IT!!!! I have a lot of work, I have great customers I work with, I had almost
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Thank you everybody for those who gave advises on the profile, less to those whos said "Shame on you! Look at your profile!!!", but everybody was off topic!!!!
The question was: "Would anybody like to know the reasons why his/her quote has not been accepted".
Actually, changed my question. The original was "What about an explanation" and they turned it into a personal question. I DON'T CARE ABOUT IT!!!! I have a lot of work, I have great customers I work with, I had almost no problems with the payements.... I'm not desperately looking for new clients!
I just thought it might be interesting to know why. Well, I look to be the only one who cares. I was probably wrong. But just say "I don't care to know, everything is fine for me like this" and it would be enough.
Probably should ask before changing the title of the Forum. I think I will never post a new forum again!!!!

[Edited at 2005-08-13 16:58]

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
English to German
+ ...
Eaasy... Aug 13, 2005

Before blaming and those who participated, may I draw your attention to the hints given regarding forum postings:

First of all, in the Forum Rules of Etiquette (which you accept by posting):

1. Write detailed titles

Posting titles should be as descriptive of their content as possible. If they are not, they may be edited. (For more info, see the FAQ.)

"What about an explanation?" is not a descriptive title.
"Why do outsourcers turn down quotes?" would have been, for example.

Actually, changed my question. The original was "What about an explanation" and they turned it into a personal question.

"They" did not - I did. But you could have adapted it, of course.

I just thought it might be interesting to know why.

...and didn't you get responses on that as well?

Probably should ask before changing the title of the Forum. I think I will never post a new forum again!!!

That would be a pity. But in all fairness, the rules are stated very clearly - please do not hesitate to contact staff (using a Support Request) or a forum moderator if you have any questions.

Best regards,

[Edited at 2005-08-13 18:41]

[Edited at 2005-08-13 18:41]

[Edited at 2005-08-13 18:42]

Stephanie Wloch
Stephanie Wloch  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
Member (2003)
A lot of possibilities and all might be personal Aug 13, 2005

Salve, Elena,
I am a bit surprised that you are that much displeased.
There a lot of answers given here and fellow translators took the time
- putting themselves in the position of the outsourcer
- telling about their experiences (even very personal like my story)
UPDATE: I have overseen the answer of Sven Petersson, which is not very diplomatic, but it is ONE answer out of_.
You wrote in the beginning:
"Only it would be interesting to know why our qu
... See more
Salve, Elena,
I am a bit surprised that you are that much displeased.
There a lot of answers given here and fellow translators took the time
- putting themselves in the position of the outsourcer
- telling about their experiences (even very personal like my story)
UPDATE: I have overseen the answer of Sven Petersson, which is not very diplomatic, but it is ONE answer out of_.
You wrote in the beginning:
"Only it would be interesting to know why our quote has not been accepted. Am I too expensive? Do I lack experience? "
Hans was (very friendly) referring to that.

You wrote in the end:
"I'm not desperately looking for new clients!"
Nobody made an allusion or something like that.
Just giving you hints that you win clients with a
detailed profile.
And why do we repeat this?
In order to put you down? Assolutamente no!
Because nobody got the perfect profile in the beginning?
Ecco, si.
Because we want to share the good experiences with you?
Ma si!
Allora siamo colleghi o mostri?

Saluti dall' Olanda
dalla Stefania che ancora ha tantissimo da imperare

[Edited at 2005-08-14 09:01]

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
German to English
+ ...
FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!!! Aug 14, 2005

Elena Pavan wrote:

I just thought it might be interesting to know why.

Why not ask the outsourcers themselves? Yes, I am serious!


Konstantin Kisin
Konstantin Kisin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:38
Russian to English
+ ...
how to not get jobs at Aug 14, 2005

Hello Elena,

Welcome to the forums! I hope you're not taking all of this personally - I think you're being given very helpful advice here, even if it could have been phrased differently.

The _generic_ reasons you may not be getting jobs through yet could be as follows:

1) Your profile is empty. If I was outsourcing a job I would never give it to someone with an empty profile. I have nothing against people with empty profiles it's just I don't know
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Hello Elena,

Welcome to the forums! I hope you're not taking all of this personally - I think you're being given very helpful advice here, even if it could have been phrased differently.

The _generic_ reasons you may not be getting jobs through yet could be as follows:

1) Your profile is empty. If I was outsourcing a job I would never give it to someone with an empty profile. I have nothing against people with empty profiles it's just I don't know who you are and what your experience/qualifications are.

2) You have very few kudoz points. You may have noticed that the directory search function (in my experience by far the most significant source of jobs here) is based on your kudoz points.

3) Although I would prefer not to tell people what rates to set I think yours are in the gap between what cheap translators and not cheap translators charge. To someone looking for a cheap translator your rates look a bit high, whereas someone looking for an expensive translator would be put off by how low your rates are.

I have been a Proz member for just under a year now and it has proved a major source of income for me. I am very happy with my investment ($120) which has paid off 150-fold, however I realise that I also invested a significant amount of time in marketing myself, getting kudoz points, establishing a reputation as a reliable translator (whom colleagues could trust with a part of their job) and so on.

Proz gives you the opportunity to get jobs. You have to use that opportunity.

Good luck!

sarahl (X)
sarahl (X)
Local time: 04:38
English to French
+ ...
Feedback? Aug 15, 2005

Hi Elena

I think what you are after is really some kind of feedback, you would like outsourcers to tell you why they didn't pick you.

I'm sorry to say, that is never going to happen. Put yourself in the shoes of an outsourcer for a second: they receive any number of offers, they pick the best one and discard all the others. Period. Do you really think they're going to take the time to go over every bid they did not select and tell every bidder why s/he did not get the
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Hi Elena

I think what you are after is really some kind of feedback, you would like outsourcers to tell you why they didn't pick you.

I'm sorry to say, that is never going to happen. Put yourself in the shoes of an outsourcer for a second: they receive any number of offers, they pick the best one and discard all the others. Period. Do you really think they're going to take the time to go over every bid they did not select and tell every bidder why s/he did not get the job? I don't think so.

A number of colleagues have tried to give you ideas here, to help you with your future bids. You could also ask a friend to give you an honest opinion next time you bid for a job and you're turned down. Unfortunately, no outsourcer is going to educate you on this.



Local time: 22:38
Italian to English
+ ...
I DID answer your question! :-) Aug 16, 2005

Kimmy wrote:

As for not receiving an explanation as to WHY you haven't been granted jobs, think of the poor outsourcer.
He may have received hundreds of bids! He can't pass his time justifying his final choice to those not as fortunate as the bid winner!


It's hard to say WHY....often it's gut feeling of the outsourcer himself!


As someone else said - We are never going to get a WHY from outsourcers! It's just not a possible scenario!
Whether we are interested in knowing or not!


Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:38
German to English
+ ...
Why aren't my quotes accepted? Aug 16, 2005

I beg to differ with Sarah and Kim.

Outsourcers are hardly going to explain to every bidder as a matter of course why their particular bid was not accepted - this is true. But most bidders are unlikely to ask. If you pick up the phone, there is a good chance that the outsourcer will be willing to talk to you.

If a bid has been requested, submitted and rejected, the minimum business courtesy is for the outsourcer to be willing to talk to the bidder. They are unlikely to
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I beg to differ with Sarah and Kim.

Outsourcers are hardly going to explain to every bidder as a matter of course why their particular bid was not accepted - this is true. But most bidders are unlikely to ask. If you pick up the phone, there is a good chance that the outsourcer will be willing to talk to you.

If a bid has been requested, submitted and rejected, the minimum business courtesy is for the outsourcer to be willing to talk to the bidder. They are unlikely to reveal the name of the successful bidder, perhaps not even key information such as price and location, and they are under no obligation to do so. But the bidder deserves at least a courteous reply, and there is a good chance that the outsourcer will give pointers, such as price, location, qualifications. Multiply this information ten or twenty-fold for a corresponding number of rejected bids, and you have a pattern. Even if only one outsourcer in three is willing to provide any information whatsoever.

If, on the other hand, the group mentality of outsourcers seeking bids on ProZ is that translators submitting bids are the great unwashed to whom one does not deign to speak, then the answer to the original question is clearly that the bidder is bidding in the wrong venue. (I very much doubt this, personally, whatever one may think about ProZ attracting a certain type of outsourcer.)

Equally, if the answer is that hundreds of bids were received, that is in itself an indication why any particular bid is unlikely to be successful, and clearly points to a need for the bidder to target customers more selectively.


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Why aren't my quotes accepted?

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