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Powwow: Barcelona - Spain

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Maeva Cifuentes
Maeva Cifuentes  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:55
French to English
+ ...
Should be fine May 15, 2015

Hi Calum!
Thanks for this!
1) When I spoke with the woman from the restaurant she just spoke of the menu, but I guess you should be able to order items separately if you want!
2) Bringing an extra person should be fine as I have a reservation for 20 and there are only 12 who have confirmed positively so far.
Hope to see you later!

[Edited at 2015-05-15 11:04 GMT]

CalumR  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:55
Japanese to English
Perfect! May 15, 2015

OK, thanks a lot for your message. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
I'm going to confirm just now for myself, but I will be bringing one more person.

Diana Llorente
Diana Llorente  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:55
Member (2014)
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks for organising and yes, it would be nice to have more regular meetings :-) May 16, 2015

Hi Maeva, thanks a lot for organising. @all: I enjoyed meeting you yesterday. It would be nice to meet some other time! Have a nice weekend!

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Powwow: Barcelona - Spain

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