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Powwow: New Delhi - India

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Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
Congratulations, Nitin.... Dec 8, 2007're the first one to sign up! Thanks, and I look forward to meeting you!

Best regards,

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
Will keep you informed Dec 14, 2007

Thanks to all who have signed up for the powwow so far. I am waiting to see how many people sign up by the first week of January and will then proceed with further arrangements.

All the best,

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
Update Jan 2, 2008

Hi all,

A very Happy New Year to all of you!

Once again, thank you for signing up for the powwow and for your interest.

Please confirm your participation by *13th January* at the latest.

As I already mentioned, food and drink for this picnic are contributory, i.e. each participant will bring one item, which is to be shared by everyone attending. After you have confirmed that you will be attending, I will contact you and ask you what item you
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Hi all,

A very Happy New Year to all of you!

Once again, thank you for signing up for the powwow and for your interest.

Please confirm your participation by *13th January* at the latest.

As I already mentioned, food and drink for this picnic are contributory, i.e. each participant will bring one item, which is to be shared by everyone attending. After you have confirmed that you will be attending, I will contact you and ask you what item you would like to bring. Here are some suggestions:

- Idlis

- Dhokla

- Parathas (stuffed or plain)

- Veg. Pulao

- Samosas, Pakoras and similar items

- Sandwiches

- Salad items

- Fresh fruits and dry fruits

- Cakes and biscuits

- Other sweets, such as barfi, chocolate, etc.

- Flasks of tea and coffee

- Bottles/cartons of soft drinks

- Bottles of water

- Any other item you can think of that would be suitable for a picnic

As you can see, I have selected items that are easy to eat outdoors. Please remember that you will have to *share* with everyone else, so please bring a sufficient quantity of your item.

I will be providing paper plates, cups, etc., so there is no need for you to bring these.

You can also bring old bed covers and sheets to spread on the grass for us to sit on.

More details about this event will be posted here as the day approaches.

I’m looking forward to the picnic and to meeting all of you!

Thanks a lot for your cooperation.

Best regards,
Niraja Nanjundan

Brigitte Kröll
Brigitte Kröll
Local time: 13:08
English to German
+ ...
Confirmation Jan 4, 2008

Iwant to attend the meeting. I have a new Indian mobile number 9983001712, better send text as sometimes no receottion. Best item to bring is probably cake or chocolate as I do not know best Indian food.. Brigitte Kroell

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
Thanks, Brigitte Jan 4, 2008

Hi Brigitte,

Thanks for confirming. Cake or chocolate would be great! I will post more information about the event closer to the date. Looking forward to meeting you!

Best regards,

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
ID verification Jan 16, 2008


I will be able to verify identities at this powwow. Once your identity is verified, a check mark will appear on your profile with "Verified member/user" next to it. This check mark will also appear whenever your name is mentioned on the site.

If you would like to have your ID verified, please bring a valid photo ID, such as your passport, voters identity card, driver's licence etc. with you to the powwow and I will verify your ID.

I will be p
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I will be able to verify identities at this powwow. Once your identity is verified, a check mark will appear on your profile with "Verified member/user" next to it. This check mark will also appear whenever your name is mentioned on the site.

If you would like to have your ID verified, please bring a valid photo ID, such as your passport, voters identity card, driver's licence etc. with you to the powwow and I will verify your ID.

I will be posting the exact location of our meeting in Lodhi Gardens on Thursday or Friday, so please keep looking on the powwow page.

Looking forward to meeting you!

Thanks and regards,

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
Further update Jan 17, 2008


Thanks to all those who have contacted me by e-mail or phone, confirming their attendance and letting me know what they are bringing.

We will meet on Sunday at 12 p.m. When you enter Lodhi Gardens from the Lodhi Road entrance, walk straight until the lawn between the two monuments (tombs). I plan to have the picnic on this lawn. I will be wearing a green sweater. I am short with short hair and glasses, slightly overweight - so, look out for me! Some of you may have
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Thanks to all those who have contacted me by e-mail or phone, confirming their attendance and letting me know what they are bringing.

We will meet on Sunday at 12 p.m. When you enter Lodhi Gardens from the Lodhi Road entrance, walk straight until the lawn between the two monuments (tombs). I plan to have the picnic on this lawn. I will be wearing a green sweater. I am short with short hair and glasses, slightly overweight - so, look out for me! Some of you may have seen my previous photo on You may have to walk around a bit before you find us - sorry about that.

Please do call me at 9312400240 if you have any questions.

Thanks once again for your cooperation and I'm looking forward to Sunday!

Best regards,

PRAKASH SHARMA  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
English to Hindi
+ ...
A nice get-together with colleagues! Jan 26, 2008

It was the first time perhaps that I came face to face to my colleague translators. We discussed about some issues and the most, were enjoying sunny weather. As stated earlier, I confirmed my arrival at 9.00 am that day and rushed to the venue. It was really nice to have views from Niraja herself, Brigitte, sonia and other fellows. I would surely like to see some formal gatherings wherein agencies can also come up, sponsor such meetings, can put in the issues they face, can place ideas of modern... See more
It was the first time perhaps that I came face to face to my colleague translators. We discussed about some issues and the most, were enjoying sunny weather. As stated earlier, I confirmed my arrival at 9.00 am that day and rushed to the venue. It was really nice to have views from Niraja herself, Brigitte, sonia and other fellows. I would surely like to see some formal gatherings wherein agencies can also come up, sponsor such meetings, can put in the issues they face, can place ideas of modern days tools required and can arrange stuffs for their own and translators' benefits. Niraja was really very nice by arranging such a nice feast, chandan's parathas and brigitte's pastries (however I couldn't enjoy pastries due to some reasons). Brigitte lent her words to us by telling her experience of interpretation inside and outside India. I was very keen towards those words as I am still looking for a good project in my language pair of interpretation. Overall, it was really nice experience having around 8 platforms in one platform and sharing common stuffs. Being Sunday and out of any project, I was free that day and enjoyed that day to it's full in glorious Lodhi Gardens. Thanks to all of you!Collapse

Rajesh Srivastava
Rajesh Srivastava  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
English to Hindi
+ ...
More sincerity needed Jan 26, 2008

I was the first timer in the meeting held in Lodhi Gardens but suprisingly and interestingly all others were also there for the first time except Neerja. It was a good gathering in the sense that we saw each other face to face for the first time and discussed some points. But I think more sincerity should be there. There should be someone who could guide and direct the right way to proceed on We expected some seniors and translation companies to be there and to have had some real tips... See more
I was the first timer in the meeting held in Lodhi Gardens but suprisingly and interestingly all others were also there for the first time except Neerja. It was a good gathering in the sense that we saw each other face to face for the first time and discussed some points. But I think more sincerity should be there. There should be someone who could guide and direct the right way to proceed on We expected some seniors and translation companies to be there and to have had some real tips from them. So next time, I hope, some great and meaningful gathering in Powwow. Thanks to Neeja who organised this short but lovely meeting which gave me chance to interact with Swati, Chandan, Prakash, Sonia, Brigitte and others. Thanks to all of you again.Collapse

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
Thanks! Jan 27, 2008

Thanks, Rajesh and Prakaash for your kind comments.

Rajesh, I don't think "sincerity" is the right word. I think everyone who attended was very sincere.

If you want to know about, you can also ask questions in the forums - I've never seen you doing that.

Best regards,

Rajesh Srivastava
Rajesh Srivastava  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
English to Hindi
+ ...
What I mean by sincerity Jan 27, 2008

By sincerity I mean that some important topics of discussion should be on the agenda in advance in such type of important meetings rather than waiting for the points coming from the participants. It should not be taken otherwise. Overall, it was a very good meet and we are thankful to Neerja for that.

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
Please note the following: Jan 27, 2008

1. This powwow was announced at the end of November 2007. I think it was very clear from the beginning that it was going to be a picnic. A picnic, as everyone knows, is an informal get-together and usually does not have an agenda.

2. The powwow was approved by It is quite common for translators all over the world to meet informally, e.g. powwows in London and Edinburgh held in pubs, powwows elsewhere held in restaurants, etc.

3. There is a space provided on
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1. This powwow was announced at the end of November 2007. I think it was very clear from the beginning that it was going to be a picnic. A picnic, as everyone knows, is an informal get-together and usually does not have an agenda.

2. The powwow was approved by It is quite common for translators all over the world to meet informally, e.g. powwows in London and Edinburgh held in pubs, powwows elsewhere held in restaurants, etc.

3. There is a space provided on the powwow sign-up page for people interested to make comments. If you wanted a set agenda, you could have proposed it to me. There was enough time. You could have suggested, on the powwow page, what points you wanted to discuss, and please don't tell me that I should have done that as the organiser. You can also take initiative!!!

4. is a very well organised website and everything is explained somewhere if you take the time to *look* and *read.*

5. Instead of coming to a powwow and then complaining afterwards, I suggest one of you takes the intiative and organises the next powwow according to how you want it.

Best regards,
Niraja (not "Neerja")

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
@Rajesh Jan 27, 2008

Dear Rajesh,

Please look up the meaning of "sincerity" in the dictionary.


babli  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
English to German
+ ...
Powwow on 20th Jan. Jan 27, 2008

It would be better if for the next powwow, we note down beforehand our points of discussion. Then it would be easier for us to start discussions right away instead of brooding over what to discuss.

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:38
German to English
@Swati a.k.a. "babli" Jan 27, 2008

Dear Swati,

I don't think anyone was "brooding," but, yes, it is a good idea to note down points for discussion.


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