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Powwow: Rome - Italy

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United Kingdom
Local time: 20:27
Member (2004)
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Metheny idea May 4, 2007

Pat who? OK, I'll try and figure out from here to September. You take care of Roman arts meanwhile !



Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2007)
English to Italian
Pat is Great! May 4, 2007

Also a PM Group fan here! Seen the band twice in Perugia @ Umbria Jazz. What a musician! Pausini simply makes me feel sick

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2003)
French to Italian
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PAT! May 4, 2007

Venite al concerto a luglio?
facciamo un powwow nel powwow. eheheheh

United Kingdom
Local time: 20:27
Member (2004)
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BoBo Music May 4, 2007

Booo, Bohemian Bourgeois strike again (just listened to Pat what's his name on You Tube: hardly strikes a chord in me). I'll stick to Laura Pausini. Pop music comes from "popular", remember. Besides, think it's a shame Italian people should not support their own artists !

Forza Italia !!!

Ciao, arivedeci

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2003)
French to Italian
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Sure I do... May 4, 2007

I support Italian "artists" and not those who are not artists!!!!!

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2007)
English to Italian
x Hugues May 4, 2007

there's pop AND pop! I do enjoy italian pop artists, but I stick more to people who rather don't sing about "my-darling-left-me- and-I-am-desperate-because-nobody-loves-me".

Instead, check Elisa or Carmen Consoli. You won't regret it

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2007)
English to Italian
x Manu May 4, 2007

Mmmmm... Pat a Roma mi stuzzica non poco! Dov'è, al Foro Italico?

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2003)
French to Italian
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Pat a Umbria Jazz May 4, 2007

no no non a Roma, sorry, a Perugia il 13 luglio.

Io ci vado e mi sa che prenderò una casa dal 6 al 13 con tutti quei grandi artisti!

Chi ci viene mi contatti in privato.


United Kingdom
Local time: 20:27
Member (2004)
Swedish to French
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x Gianni May 4, 2007

Buena sera,

Lucky you, who never were left behind... Anyway, thanks for the tips, I'll definitely check Elisa and Carmen. I see from your proz page that you surely know more about music than I do, so won't argue further...

... but Laura is great !



Claudia Marino
Claudia Marino  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2006)
English to Italian
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off topic! May 4, 2007

attenzione però...tutti riceviamo i non sono proprio attinenti al powwow...abbiate pietà!

Gianni Pastore
Gianni Pastore  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2007)
English to Italian
x Hugues May 4, 2007

Unfortunately that's not my case (not being left behind), but as someone said "happy music don't make feel sad people happy; sad music can instead do the trick" and I believe Laura Pausini knows this very well. Anyway, I've been in the biz long enough to know that you can't possibly argue about music. It's a matter of personal taste, and if it works for you, well enjoy it!

United Kingdom
Local time: 20:27
Member (2004)
Swedish to French
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x Claudia e Gianni May 4, 2007

E vero, scusi !

Gianni, te contesto offline


Elizabeth Hill Barsanti (X)
Elizabeth Hill Barsanti (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Italian to English
guided tours May 12, 2007

ti dirò, mi interessa proprio; non ho mai visitato la 'mia' città. Avendo appena partecipato ad un walking tour a Budapest , ho scoperto che è molto interessante e gradevole

Emanuela Galdelli
Emanuela Galdelli  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:27
Member (2003)
French to Italian
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Guided Tours May 18, 2007

Those who are interested in the possibilities I have seen for the moment for the guided tours are kindly invited to contact me, I will send links to them.

I am waiting for some other answers for cheaper proposals.

I'll make you know.


Local time: 06:27
Italian to English
If I'm still in Italy Jun 2, 2007

I might see to this if I'm still in RM on that date.
Good day all.

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