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Powwow: Vitoria - Spain

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English to French
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Sorry Mar 16, 2006

Kaori, sorry for the misspelling in you name in my previous e-mail !!!

Helene Diu
Helene Diu  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
Member (2004)
English to French
Not able to confirm yet Mar 16, 2006

Hello Chieko, well done for locating a restaurant so quickly! Although my intention is to come, I won't be able to confirm until the end of next week. There are 50% chance I may not be able to attend. I hope i'll be able to make it though!

Kaori Myatt
Kaori Myatt  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
English to Japanese
+ ...
No worries! Mar 16, 2006

no worries Julia! Thanks for your information.

I still do not know my work schedule but will find out soon.

I hope I can eat with you...

Kit Cree
Kit Cree  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
French to English
+ ...
better from irun Mar 16, 2006

train times slightly better from irun with a couple of trains that get in before midday. we'll get you there kaori!!!!!

Patricia Prevost
Patricia Prevost  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
English to Spanish
+ ...
Más info / More info Mar 17, 2006

Quería comentarles algunos detalles sobre el restaurante. El precio del menú es de 30€ más 7% de IVA y no está incluido el café, así que Julia y yo pensamos que no llegará a 35€ por persona. Los entrantes son muy buenos (¡son 6!) y después tenemos para elegir entre varios platos principales. También está incluido el postre (3 para elegir) el pan, el vino de año, Lambrusco (?) y el agua.
Además, está bien situado y creemos que estaremos muy a gusto.
¡Espero verlos a
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Quería comentarles algunos detalles sobre el restaurante. El precio del menú es de 30€ más 7% de IVA y no está incluido el café, así que Julia y yo pensamos que no llegará a 35€ por persona. Los entrantes son muy buenos (¡son 6!) y después tenemos para elegir entre varios platos principales. También está incluido el postre (3 para elegir) el pan, el vino de año, Lambrusco (?) y el agua.
Además, está bien situado y creemos que estaremos muy a gusto.
¡Espero verlos a todos!

Hi, I just wanted to tell you a bit more about the restaurant:
-Price: 30€ + 7% tax
-6 first courses
-1 main course to choose between lots of possibilites
-bread, wine, Lambrusco (?) and water.

See you all there!!!!

Caroline Loehr
Caroline Loehr  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
Spanish to German
+ ...
Alojamiento / Acommodation Mar 22, 2006

Hola a todos de fuera! Puedo ofrecer dos habitaciones. Vivo en un pueblo a 20 km de Vitoria. Para los con alergias: tengo 1 perro y 2 gatos ... ;o)

Hi there! I offer two rooms for those who are not from Vitoria. I live in a village 20 km from Vitoria. For all allergic persons: I have 1 dog and 2 cats ... ;o)

El Poliki está muy bien ... seremos fumadores o no fumadores (los separan)?


English to French
+ ...
Bienvenida Caroline Mar 23, 2006

Hola Caroline y bienvenida al powwow.

Lo del Poliki, no lo sé (fumado o no) pero lo averiguamos y os lo decimos. Creo que Patricia sabrá...

Kaori Myatt
Kaori Myatt  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
English to Japanese
+ ...
Thanks Caroline! Mar 23, 2006

Now I can confirm my visit! I can not take my car so I will go by train. Thanks Caroline for offering a bed. I already sent Caroline an Email to confirm my visit! So here you go!

Patricia! 6 course meal sounds a bit much for me...I might just take something from "a la Carte" Do they have individual menu? Some salad or little spanish spaghetti or something light?

Akebono  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
Japanese to Spanish
+ ...
Great! Mar 23, 2006

I'm so glad almost everybody is confirming they are coming. Hope Inés, Idoia and Penélope are coming too. Pity you can't, Helene, but perhaps we will have a chance to meet in the future.

So far we've got collegues coming from Pamplona, Castro Urdiales, Arrasate and even the south of France. And there is still enough time for someone else to join us!

Thanks Julia and thanks Caroline for offering accommodation, good idea!

Patricia Prevost
Patricia Prevost  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
English to Spanish
+ ...
Yo también/ Non-smokers area Mar 23, 2006

Andrea, Alejandro, yo también vivo en un pueblo y tengo lugar para hospedarlos, así que ya saben, si no les apetece coger el coche después de la comidita...
Y si alguien más se anima, ¡bienvenido!

Kaori, it's true that in Spain people eat a lot...but this is nos exactly the case (I think!). The starters (6) are to share, so you choose only what you like. And then you order one main course (meat or fish) and then of course, dessert. Anyway, you can decide in the restaurant
... See more
Andrea, Alejandro, yo también vivo en un pueblo y tengo lugar para hospedarlos, así que ya saben, si no les apetece coger el coche después de la comidita...
Y si alguien más se anima, ¡bienvenido!

Kaori, it's true that in Spain people eat a lot...but this is nos exactly the case (I think!). The starters (6) are to share, so you choose only what you like. And then you order one main course (meat or fish) and then of course, dessert. Anyway, you can decide in the restaurant and order something different, I'm sure it will be all right.

I've just found out there is an area for smokers and another for non-smokers in the restaurant.
I know that four of us are non-smokers so I think we'll go for the non-smoking area, if you don't mind...???

Kit Cree
Kit Cree  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
French to English
+ ...
y yo Mar 23, 2006

non smoking please! i think the pregnant ladies amongst us (of which I am NOT one) would appreciate it!

Inés Sancho-Arroyo
Inés Sancho-Arroyo
Local time: 15:46
French to Spanish
+ ...
No fumadores también, please Mar 23, 2006

Hola a todos!
I'm sure I'll be able to come. Thanks for booking the restaurant. Sounds perfect!
See you soon

Inés Sancho-Arroyo
Inés Sancho-Arroyo
Local time: 15:46
French to Spanish
+ ...
Vaya, Hélène, qué pena! Mar 23, 2006

À la prochaine alors

Alejandro García
Alejandro García
Local time: 15:46
English to Spanish
Gracias Patricia por la invitación Mar 23, 2006

Ya lo veremos sobre la marcha. Yo soy fumador sin embargo no me importaría estar en non-smoking area y salir de vez en cuando por mis taquitos de cáncer. Aprovecho para mandar un hola a todos!!!

Caroline Loehr
Caroline Loehr  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:46
Spanish to German
+ ...
Sigo teniendo 1 cama libre / There's still one bed left Mar 23, 2006

Sooo ... anyone else who hasn't a bed yet? ;o)

I'm a smoker, not pregnant and as tolerant to accept poliki's non-smoking area.

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