Feedback from the Powwow-Workshop event in Warsaw, Poland
Thread poster: Magda Dziadosz
Magda Dziadosz
Magda Dziadosz  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:56
Member (2004)
English to Polish
+ ...
Jan 6, 2003

Dear Powwow Organisers,

I thought it might be useful to share with you the experience from the latest Powwow in Warsaw, Poland which took place on Jan. 3rd. It was an unusual Powwow because it had a theme – CAT tools. In fact, it became a workshop.

The idea was born some time in November on the discussion forum when examining CAT tools issues many people felt that it would be useful to actually see how certain things are done and talk directly to expe
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Dear Powwow Organisers,

I thought it might be useful to share with you the experience from the latest Powwow in Warsaw, Poland which took place on Jan. 3rd. It was an unusual Powwow because it had a theme – CAT tools. In fact, it became a workshop.

The idea was born some time in November on the discussion forum when examining CAT tools issues many people felt that it would be useful to actually see how certain things are done and talk directly to experienced users. And two power users of Trados, Transit and Wordfast volunteered to make a presentation on how things are done, strengths and weaknesses of individual software, etc. The date was set. Third day of January was very convenient for two members (including one of the presenters) since they both live in Germany but spend Christmas in Poland, for others it was also a quiet time so they could reserve an entire day for the event. In order to have two presentations and usual powwowing we decided to meet at 2 pm. The venue took place in a pub. Now, one may wonder if a pub is the best place for the software presentation. It proved to be a good idea: the pub located in the middle of a park at winter (the temperature in Warsaw is around –10C) and at 2 pm on a weekday does not have enough patronage thus the owner welcomed a group of 20 and was very supportive. He made it available for us at no charge to use the TV projector and a large wall screen so we could all see laptop screens without renting an expensive beamer. Initially, we expected the presentations to take 2 or 3 hours, however, they were so interesting that we finished the workshop part of the day at 6:30pm. There were 19 participants which made it the largest of four gatherings so far where attendance varied from 5 to 15 members. The venue attracted also 2 new members who decided to join after they had learned from colleagues about the CAT’s Powwow. At 6:30pm the laptops were switched off, music went on and everybody enjoyed food and drink, jokes, discussions and networking. The last group left at 22:00, it was the pub closing time. The initial feedback from participants was very positive. Some mentioned that they would welcome for every next Powwow to have a workshop part of some kind. The possible topics yet to be developed. The feedback from the pub staff was also very positive: they said they would welcome this group at any time again. No wonder – now they know everything about concordance and placeables and clean-up!

I hope this report will be helpful to you.

Have a nice evening,


[ This Message was edited by:on2003-01-06 22:37]

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 00:56
:D Jan 7, 2003

Thanks for the entertaining was a great idea to have this workshop powwow!


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Feedback from the Powwow-Workshop event in Warsaw, Poland

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