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Off topic: Eurovision Song Contest
Thread poster: Elena Robles Sanjuan
Rad Graban (X)
Rad Graban (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:57
English to Slovak
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Point four May 29, 2008

Elena Robles Sanjuan wrote:
+ As many countries have realised that the contest ceased to be serious a long time ago, they send off ridiculous performers, just to make a statement in that direction.

I think that Ireland made an excellent statement with their song. Looks like though, that not many voters understood it (language barrier) and didn't get a message. If they'd had, they'd laughed their heads off and Ireland would had won. Well done Ireland!!! It's hilarious!

Zamira B.
Zamira B.  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:57
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Turkey is a part of Europe May 29, 2008

John Paul Weir wrote:

And while we're at it, what's Turkey and Israel doing in there? Are they even part of Europe?

Turkey is geographically, politically and officially part of two continents - Europe and Asia. The smaller northwestern portion (Thrace) is part of Europe, ... - 27k

Boris Sigalov
Boris Sigalov
Local time: 10:57
English to Russian
It's disgrace of European art... May 29, 2008

Nesrin wrote:

the countries of the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia and their neighbours quite blatantly vote for each other, ignoring the musical quality of the songs.

Absolutely. This 'festival' has nothing to do with music. It's disgrace of European art... The only really interesting act this year were two aged street singers from Croatia:

It was nothing special but unlike others their performance was real and moving, it conveyed the spirit of their country. All the others in my opinion were just faceless BS!

Unfortunately it seems very few people noticed Croatian guys...

Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 09:57
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English to Slovenian
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A loud thump is all I heard May 29, 2008

...countries have realised that the contest ceased to be serious a long time ago, they send off ridiculous performers, just to make a statement in that direction.

It was No Angels, landing on their behinds.

A sigh of relief could be heard throughout Germany: the statement was understood and thank God not found funny. Some people just dont get the sarcasm, whatever you do.

Mykhailo Voloshko
Mykhailo Voloshko  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
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This oppinion is most unbiased i think May 29, 2008

Jan Willem van Dormolen wrote:

I believe that Eurovision is simply taken more seriously in East and SE countries, then in the west. In Eastern European countries, it still is an honour to be the composer of your countries' Eurovision song, whereas in the west, the good composers look down on it. Therefore, the west systematically doesn't send their best songs, whereas the east does. And it shows.

Some countries send in ridiculous songs, and didn't get any votes - rightly so. Some countries tried to copy a past success, and didn't manage to repeat it (Finland, Sweden) - rightly so. In the end, the songs with the most appeal to the public at large, came in top - rightly so. I STILL can't get the Greek song out of my head... Sure, it isn't a great masterpiece of Western culture, but it IS an earworm, a commercial achievement.

Neighbours blatantly voting for each other, right. But, until western countries start actually sending in good songs, they shouldn't moan so much.

I fully agree.

As for botox... I hardly think that Ukrainian and Armenian singers had any drop of it in their bodies. Don't you think that people CAN be naturally beautiful???

avsie (X)
avsie (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:57
English to French
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Of course May 29, 2008

Of course people can be naturally beautiful - what I'm trying to illustrate is that the contest isn't about the singing quality, it's about the act. The more outrageous, the better, so it seems. I don't want to take anything away from Finland's winning entry in 2006, but it wasn't about their voices...

I admit it: the act is important! But other aspects shouldn't be left out... like singing It's a SONG contest,
... See more
Of course people can be naturally beautiful - what I'm trying to illustrate is that the contest isn't about the singing quality, it's about the act. The more outrageous, the better, so it seems. I don't want to take anything away from Finland's winning entry in 2006, but it wasn't about their voices...

I admit it: the act is important! But other aspects shouldn't be left out... like singing It's a SONG contest, isn't it?

Or maybe it's just me, maybe I'm too old-fashioned and I'm lacking a sense of humour, who knows...

Juliana Brown
Juliana Brown  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:57
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Spanish to English
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As for Israel May 29, 2008

John Paul Weir wrote:

waste of time

And while we're at it, what's Turkey and Israel doing in there? Are they even part of Europe?

I agree with all the '+' points mentioned in Elena's posting, especially the first four.

[Edited at 2008-05-29 09:19]

They (we) would be very happy to participate in song contests/ football leagues, etc. in their own region, unfortunately the neighbours, even those with diplomatic relations with them (only 2 or 3) won't have them...

Having said that, the Eurovision, in its current pathetic form is still a guilty pleasure for lots of Israelis (thought most deny it). They still send singers who are respected, not just novelty acts.

BTW, I agree wholeheartedly that countries ought to sing in their own languages!

[Edited at 2008-05-29 12:00]

German to English
+ ...
Sour grapes, innit? May 29, 2008

Do me a favour.

Looking at it from a UK/German perspective, the best songs took the top places once again. The UK singer was far too camp to be doing that kind of R&B. And while I would be first in line to admit that two of the No Angels have spectacular legs, only one of them has any kind of stage presence and only about one and a half of them can sing. That's why they turned the music up and the voices down. People with confidence in their singing ability don't do that.

... See more
Do me a favour.

Looking at it from a UK/German perspective, the best songs took the top places once again. The UK singer was far too camp to be doing that kind of R&B. And while I would be first in line to admit that two of the No Angels have spectacular legs, only one of them has any kind of stage presence and only about one and a half of them can sing. That's why they turned the music up and the voices down. People with confidence in their singing ability don't do that.

And the Spanish? When have they ever been good at anything? Apart from nightlife, guitar playing and dancing? Duh!

Of course, the one big positive for fiftysomething MLC males like myself in recent years is the abundance of t*ts and a*s on show at the ESC.

My heart goes boom
Bang-a-bang, boom
Bang-a-bang when
You are near boom
Bang-a-bang, boom
Bang-a-bang loud

Michał Szcześniewski
Michał Szcześniewski  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:57
English to Polish
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agree May 29, 2008

Dagmara K wrote:

Jan Willem van Dormolen wrote:

The Polish woman, who was totally devoid of humanness,

I couldn't agree more, but in fact she was only representing Poland as she is in fact American. All of the sudden last year she appeared in the VIPs dancing programme and now, no idea how, got to the Eurovision.
And to show another aspect of the Eurovision - gossips, I can tell you that there was at some point a big doubt if she was a woman at all. There were some who claimed she used to be an American man...
And so it is the clou of the Eurovision contest: not the quality of songs, but the show around and the advertisement.
Not to mention the fact that the only votes she got were from the UK and Ireland, countries where lots of Poles live and so could give their votes...

Totally with you on this one. I really have no idea how this lady made it to the Eurovision.

But her case proves that neighbours support neighbours only if they like their songs:) As Dagmara pointed, Isis Gee got points only from Poles in the UK and Ireland.

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:57
Member (2003)
Finnish to German
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The best performance won again May 29, 2008

I hope I do not offend anyone, but the last four winners were Greece, Finland, Serbia and Russia. They all ly somewhat east of Berlin, but are culturally totally different from each other. The fact that Finland could ever win proves those totally wrong that believe in neighbor's support.
It looks like countries like Ireland, UK, Germany, France have given in and don't believe in their possibilities. But if you send crap to the competition you cannot expect to get points. And the fact that
... See more
I hope I do not offend anyone, but the last four winners were Greece, Finland, Serbia and Russia. They all ly somewhat east of Berlin, but are culturally totally different from each other. The fact that Finland could ever win proves those totally wrong that believe in neighbor's support.
It looks like countries like Ireland, UK, Germany, France have given in and don't believe in their possibilities. But if you send crap to the competition you cannot expect to get points. And the fact that the big countries do not have to compete in the semi-finals puts many potential voters off.
The worst entries this year all are found at the bottom, Germany, Ireland, Finland, UK...


Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)
Jan Willem van Dormolen (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:57
English to Dutch
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Bad songs don't get voted May 29, 2008

Michał Szcześniewski wrote:

But her case proves that neighbours support neighbours only if they like their songs:) As Dagmara pointed, Isis Gee got points only from Poles in the UK and Ireland.

Same with Sweden. A flagrant ripoff of a former ripoff of a ripoff of Abba. Even the Scandinavians didn't buy that.

And Ireland, the worse song EVER, was immediately kicked out, like it should.

Heinrich is totally right, the best performance has won, at least for the last four years. Performance = Music + lyrics + arrangement + singing + stage act. Though I hated the Russian song personally (not only because it sounded suspiciously like something else), the guy had a great performance (as he had already proven two years ago, when he came in second - he would have won THEN if the Fins hadn't been so outrageously, erm, different).

Alfredo Fernández Martínez
Alfredo Fernández Martínez  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:57
English to Spanish
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Eurovision songs are simply not representative May 29, 2008

I simply think, for example, France's entry was so not representative of their national music.

Spain's entry was, in my view, rather shameful, with an unprofessional,le't call him, singer, with an easy catchy and freakish tune.

TonyTK wrote:

Do me a favour.

Looking at it from a UK/German perspective, the best songs took the top places once again. The UK singer was far too camp to be doing that kind of R&B.

Why can you not sing R&B if you are camp? I simply cannot see the correlation there.

And the Spanish? When have they ever been good at anything? Apart from nightlife, guitar playing and dancing? Duh!

Well, let's remember the UK entry ended up in the last place
While the UK does actually have one of the most famous (let's say best too) groups in the world, it goes without saying, music tradition (Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc.), a powerful music and entertainment industry, and the lingua franca language are reasons for this.

However, Spain has many world-acclaimed artists and singers too. I just can't see the point of this personal attack against Spain.
Obviously, you do not seem to know very much about Spain and Spanish music at all.

Likewise, there are not very world-wide well known groups from, let's say, the last country's winners, like Finland, Serbia or Russia.

The voting in this music festival seems to be about geographic, historical and political affinities.
The songs seem to be about marketing, being sung in English to have a later possible success.
And many people spend their money voting, oblivious to all this.


Anabel Canon
Anabel Canon
Local time: 09:57
English to Spanish
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I don't get it... May 29, 2008

TonyTK wrote:

And the Spanish? When have they ever been good at anything? Apart from nightlife, guitar playing and dancing? Duh!

Ehemmm... I'm sure you are trying to state something in an ironic or humorous way, but I don't get it. I mean, you don't really think that, do you?

By the way, I really liked the UK song and was surprised to see it in the last place; specially taking into account that so many other poor and pathetic performances (yes, like Spain!!!) got more points. Eurovision remains a big mistery to me!

Nesrin  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:57
English to Arabic
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I would gladly believe you both May 29, 2008

Jan Willem van Dormolen wrote:
Heinrich is totally right, the best performance has won, at least for the last four years.

...if it wasn't for the fact that my kids started to believe I was a fortuneteller that night, as I was able to correctly predict who will give whom the 8-12 points almost everytime.

Aaanyway, not being British by birth, I'm certainly no sour grape, and I'll survive.

By the way, those questioning why Finland won a few years ago: the only chance of getting proper points now if you're not from Eastern Europe, is if you present a "protest song" that goes everything ESC stands for, or a silly song with pirates, bearded ladies or whatever.

German to English
+ ...
Manitas de Plata, where are you now? May 29, 2008


I just can't see the point of this personal attack against Spain.


On balance, my assessment of Spain was intended as a compliment. I can think of even fewer good things to say about the French - or God forbid - the nation of my birth, whose main achievements appear to be binge drinking, teenage pregnancies and invading other countries, faults only partly offset by the invention of one of the crowning achievements of world cuisine (Branston Pickle) and BBC 4.

And don't get me started on Spanish telly (Código Fuego - ugh!), although I do like the teletext and the live bullfighting.

P.S. Word on the street is that you have some pretty useful painters as well.

[Bearbeitet am 2008-05-29 16:14]

[Bearbeitet am 2008-05-29 16:18]

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Eurovision Song Contest

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