Problems running MemoQ in WINE
Thread poster: J Brandt Badger
J Brandt Badger
J Brandt Badger
United States
Local time: 00:00
Spanish to English
+ ...
Feb 18, 2010

Hi there,

Has anyone had success running MemoQ in linux using WINE? If so, which versions did you use? I haven't been able to make it past the errors caused by installing Microsoft .NET Framework, and .NET is required for MemoQ. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:00
French to Polish
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VirtualBox? Feb 19, 2010

J Brandt Badger wrote:

Has anyone had success running MemoQ in linux using WINE? If so, which versions did you use? I haven't been able to make it past the errors caused by installing Microsoft .NET Framework, and .NET is required for MemoQ. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

If you can't install .Net on Wine, try another virtualization software, e.g. Virtual Box.


J Brandt Badger
J Brandt Badger
United States
Local time: 00:00
Spanish to English
+ ...
VirtualBox questions Feb 19, 2010


Thank you for the tip. I was hoping to make WINE work because I am very inexperienced with setting up virtual machines. I'm running Linux alongside a copy of Windows XP. If I want to run Windows in VirtualBox, do I need to obtain an additional copy or can I use the one I already have?

Gyula Erdesz
Gyula Erdesz
Local time: 05:00
Member (2009)
English to Hungarian
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not possible without WB Feb 21, 2010


One week ago I asked Kilgray if there is any possibility to operate memoQ under Linux without virtual machine. The answer was negative, since memoQ is connected to Windows in several points; besides .Net, memoQ needs for example Word to display the texts.

If you have Linux or Mac, Virtual machine is the only possible way to to use memoQ.

Regarding to your second question, you definitely need an extra (unused) license to install XP under virtual mach
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One week ago I asked Kilgray if there is any possibility to operate memoQ under Linux without virtual machine. The answer was negative, since memoQ is connected to Windows in several points; besides .Net, memoQ needs for example Word to display the texts.

If you have Linux or Mac, Virtual machine is the only possible way to to use memoQ.

Regarding to your second question, you definitely need an extra (unused) license to install XP under virtual machine.

Good luck!


[Módosítva: 2010-02-21 17:02 GMT]


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Problems running MemoQ in WINE

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