10th Brazilian Translation Forum
4th International Translation Forum
September 7-10, 2009
Ouro Preto – MG – Brazil
The enormous growth of the discipline of Translation Studies in the last 30 to 40 years has led to its expansion into different specialties, encompassing disparate subareas such as Audiovisual Translation, Corpora Studies, Translation Teaching, Terminology, Translation... See more ALONG THE PATHS OF TRANSLATION: WHERE ARE WE HEADING?
10th Brazilian Translation Forum
4th International Translation Forum
September 7-10, 2009
Ouro Preto – MG – Brazil
The enormous growth of the discipline of Translation Studies in the last 30 to 40 years has led to its expansion into different specialties, encompassing disparate subareas such as Audiovisual Translation, Corpora Studies, Translation Teaching, Terminology, Translation Competence and Expert Performance Research, Textual and Cognitive Approaches, Historiography, to name just a few.
This Conference will discuss the following questions: What are the core concepts which link these subareas under the umbrella term of Translation Studies? Have they followed very different paths with their own theoretical bases and methodologies? Have we reached a level of expansion that calls for a reformulation of the long-sought-for unity of Translation Studies?
The Brazilian Association of Translation Researchers (ABRAPT), after rebuilding its own paths, is once again bringing together Translation Studies researchers at the 4th International Translation Forum in Brazil. With the support of the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), this Conference will be held in the town of Ouro Preto, a world heritage site, where culture, literature, history and architecture provide the setting for the debates on the paths of translation.
The Conference subareas are:
1. Historiography
2. Audiovisual Translation and Accessibility
3. Translation Technologies
4. Teaching, Evaluation, and Accreditation
5. Translation and Psychoanalysis
6. Corpora Studies
7. Translation Modelling, Translation Proces s and Expert Performance
8. Sworn and Technical/Specialized Translation
9. Terminology
10. Literary Translation
11. Translation and Text Analysis
12. Sign Language Translation
13. Interpreting Studies
14. Translation of Sensitive Texts
15. Ethics of Translation
To submit a paper to the Conference, please send name, affiliation, title and abstract (max. 300 words, single-spaced, Times New Roman 12) to the e-mail address [email protected] by April 30th, 2009.
Papers may be given in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French.
Please mention which subarea of the Conference you wish your paper to be included in.
Rua do Seminário S/N. – Centro – Mariana – MG – Brazil. 35420-000
Fone/Fax: +55 31 3557 9400