Deleting line breaks from Kudoz comments is a bad idea
Thread poster: kd42
Local time: 03:05
English to Russian
Jun 10, 2020

I asked a Kudoz question, the answer was unusable, but I did some research and came back with my findings, to help a colleague in the future. I have discovered that some extremely bright mind decided that line breaks are bad. Proz deletes them when the comment is posted.

Here's the ques
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I asked a Kudoz question, the answer was unusable, but I did some research and came back with my findings, to help a colleague in the future. I have discovered that some extremely bright mind decided that line breaks are bad. Proz deletes them when the comment is posted.

Here's the question:

I would advise not to stop halfway and merge everything in one sentence, in Kudoz, on forums, everywhere. This will make Proz unique. (demotivator_image_with_forks.jpg)

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:05
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Off-topic: demotivator image Jun 11, 2020

kd42 wrote:
This will make Proz unique. (demotivator_image_with_forks.jpg)

Google gives just one result for "demotivator_image_with_forks.jpg":
demotivator image

I agree that it is annoying that line breaks are removed in this particular case. I have noticed it, too, and it is always unexpected (and unwanted). It is as if thought that these types of comments would always be short, one-sentence posts.

[Edited at 2020-06-11 07:21 GMT]

Local time: 03:05
English to Russian
I meant tha unique site features must also be useful Jun 11, 2020

Samuel Murray wrote:
Google gives just one result for "demotivator_image_with_forks.jpg":
demotivator image

I suspected a bored programmer who wanted to introduce a new feature.
Turned out to be classic.

demotivator image

United States
Local time: 20:05
English to Spanish
+ ...
Demotivator Image with Forks Jun 11, 2020

Actually, Google gives tons of hits for that oldie but goodie. Here is one:

Back on subject, perhaps the issue is that the software is not replacing newline characters with HTML
tags? It seems to happen quite often in online forms everywhere, not just here.

Local time: 03:05
English to Russian
I think this is magnificent Jun 22, 2020

As a translator I process texts, I know about segmentation, I use wildcards, regular expressions and SQL queries. No rocket science.

It is natural for me to assume that a programmer who codes websites must understand why text is grouped in lines, the role of punctuation and so on.

I have recently started this thread owing to an unorthodox approach of some bright mind to Kudoz comments. I did not check if this issue was addressed, because I use Kudoz very seldom, I don't
... See more
As a translator I process texts, I know about segmentation, I use wildcards, regular expressions and SQL queries. No rocket science.

It is natural for me to assume that a programmer who codes websites must understand why text is grouped in lines, the role of punctuation and so on.

I have recently started this thread owing to an unorthodox approach of some bright mind to Kudoz comments. I did not check if this issue was addressed, because I use Kudoz very seldom, I don't think it was.

In addition, last week I got a message via Proz, where all the lines were broken. I cannot publish it here. But I can publish today's email informing me about approval of my forum post.

Here it is:
--- [snipped quote] ---
Forum: Russian
Topic: Где берут заказы бюро

View this post:

Post by: kd42

~~~~~~~~~ new post ~~~~~~~~~~

Почему только NDA?

Anna B. wrote:
Заказчик решил не искать, где
дешевле, а обратился в Lionbridge.
Другой вопрос, что у Lionbridge должна
быть какая-то платформа или
что-то типа такого, с помощью
которой они обеспечивают
конфиденциальность полученного
на перевод документа, а
добавление в цепочку посредника
может нарушать NDA.

[Edited at 2020-06-21 17:19 GMT]

Вы прям как дети.
Добавление в цепочку посредника
нарушает NDA.
Работа по низким расценкам
нарушает трудовое
Исполнитель без образования -
это несоответствие сертификации
ISO, гордо указанной на сайте.
Исполнитель на пиратском софте -

Ну и что? Кто-то должен enforce это
Как недавно написали на другом
сайте, «Конституция — это просто
Книжка не может никого защитить,
сколько ты её не ламинируй и не
переиздавай в каких угодно
Почему же тогда часто говорят —
"Основной Закон гарантирует",
"Конституция защищает"? Потому
что за конкретной книжкой,
зачастую, стоят миллионы,
десятки, сотни миллионов
человек, которые выйдут на улицы
и совместно...»

Переводчики и в лучшие времена
были разобщены и беспомощны, а
сейчас и подавно.

Зайдите на сайт GALA и найдите
агентство из Украины.
Напишите им, что хотите работать.

Вам предложат расценки 0,0087 евро
за новое слово.
Бесплатный пробный перевод 600
У них в клиентах порядочные
фирмы из Европы.
А они сами -- предпоследнее звено
в пищевой цепочке.
По сути - падальщики, но носят
гордое звание члена GALA.
Nobody cares. Это не мое предположение,
а знание, я писал в руководство
GALA, им наплевать. Они заняты
съездами, конференциями,
презентациями, то есть, типичным
ничегонеделаньем бюрократов.

У меня есть клиент, менеджер
которого иногда в спешке ........

--- [unquote] ---

Someone added line breaks to the text of my forum post.

Could it be some recycling program run by Proz? The line breaks deleted from Kudoz comments are stored somewhere for a while, and then generously added to Proz outgoing emails? Whoever invented this must be awarded.


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Deleting line breaks from Kudoz comments is a bad idea

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