Opening a bilingual word document in Fluency
Thread poster: Gabriella Maldonado
Gabriella Maldonado
Gabriella Maldonado
United States
Local time: 05:28
English to Spanish
+ ...
Dec 13, 2011


I am trying to open a bilingual word document created in TRADOS in the CAT tool Fluency. When I try to do it, I get a message saying "error reading th bilingual file".

Is somebody familiar with this?

Thank you so much for the help!



Michael Grant
Michael Grant
Local time: 19:28
Japanese to English
Try saving as RTF then opening in Fluency... Dec 14, 2011

Hi Gabriella,

I am sorry I don't know anything about the Fluency CAT tool, but you might try saving your Word .doc as an .rtf file. Saving as RTF from Word often helps fix file corruption issues, or at least it will inform you if your file has problems when saving it.

Also, check the Fluency Web site for support, if you haven't already...

Best regards,

Gabriella Maldonado
Gabriella Maldonado
United States
Local time: 05:28
English to Spanish
+ ...
It worked. Dec 14, 2011

Hello Michael,

Thank you so much!! It worked. I contacted tech support from Fluency, and they asked me to send you the file but I did not want to send it b/c of cofidentiality and they told me that they could not do anything without more information.

Thank you very much!!!!

Alll teh best,


Michael Grant
Michael Grant
Local time: 19:28
Japanese to English
Great! Dec 15, 2011

Thank you so much!! It worked.

That's great, Gabriella! Not knowing anything about Fluency it was just a "shot in the dark", but I'm glad it worked!



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Opening a bilingual word document in Fluency

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