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What translation project are you working on right now?
Just finished translating a series of internal and external documents for a major conservation non-profit related to their GDEI policy and Pride Month
Translating a World Bank report on social protection delivery programs.
Just finished selecting a set of sci-fi social-justice-related short stories for an English>Spanish literary translation workshop I'll be teaching next month
Reviewing and edting an English>Spanish translation of a report on femicides
Translating a World Bank report on the impact of COVID-19 on education.
Translating a series of internal and external documents for a major conservation non-profit.
Building a glossary for a major conservation NGO, which will mandatory for future English>Spanish translations.
Translating a report on climate crisis. 5,000 words. Global NGO
Just finished subtitling a documentary on feminism. Spanish>English
Selecting mystery and detective short stories for my upcoming literary translation workshop. English>Spanish 1 user Subtitling a documentary on Malvinas War and how people's donations to the soldiers were robbed. Spanish to English
Translating a report on gender & SDGs. 30K words
Planning my upcoming literary translation workshop (English>Spanish) 1 user Just finished proofreading a series of documents on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights
Translating strategical communication documents. Environmental global NGO. 5700 words. English > Spanish
Just finished translating a survey on teachers unions. 3500 words. English>Spanish
Translating a series of flyers with eco-friendly tips. English > Spanish
(edited) Translating a series of documents and slides on conservationist work. NGO. 2,000 words
I'm co-writing an article on gender-neutral language and ethics of translation. English.
1 user
(edited) I've just started co-translating a novel with a colleague.
Preparing a workshop on non-binary language for English>Spanish translators.
I'm co-writing a paper on gender neutral language and ethics of proofreaders and editors. Spanish. Just finished translating movie script. Fiction. English. 1 user Just finished editing and proofreading a children's fantasy novelle. Spanish. 80 pages
Translating a series of flyers on cultural & religious diversity, English>Spanish, 5,700 words. 1 user Editing and proofreading a crime novel. Spanish. 232 pages Translating a series of flyers and documents on environmental activism and inclusion, diversity and social justice. Major global NGO.
I'm currently translating a fantasy novelle. Italian to Spanish. 51,00 words 2 users I'm currently translating a fantasy novelle. Italian to Spanish. 51,00 words 1 user Just finished subtitling a documentary on Argentina's Martín García Island. 120 minutes. Spanish>English
1 user
Proofreading and editing a novelle. Spiritual-related. 60 pages. Spanish. Elaboración del manual de estilo para la comisión de prensa y comunicaciones de una organización sin fines de lucro que aboga por la laicidad del Estado. Español.
Translating a series of corporate and communication-to-staff emails. Conservancy international NGO. 1,500 words.
Just finished translating and subtitling a series of corporate videos. 72 minutes.
Translating a Victim Impact Statement. 700 words.
(edited) Working on close captioning several videos for a NGO advancing secular State. Spanish.
(edited) Just finished translating an internal staff communication on racial & social justices and inclusion policies and practices. Global NGO. 1,800 words. English to Spanish.
Editing and proofreading a book on church management. 170 pages. Spanish.
Translating a series of conservationist NGO press releases. 6,000 words
1 user1 user
Just finished subtitling a webseries.
(edited) Editing & proofreading a sci-fi soccer-related novel. Spanish. 250 pages
1 user
(edited) Translating several press releases from NGOs on climate change, land tenure, and Indigenous Peoples' rights. 5,000 words. English to Spanish. 1 user Just finished translating a press release on land tenure and climate change. 2,000 words. ONG
Just finished editing a paper on early childhood education in Latin America. 7,000 words. Spanish. Just started the translation of a production bible and script of an independent film. 9,000 words. English. Just finished proofreading a short-stories book, Spanish, 150 pages
Just finished translating a press release on global food system, NGO, 1800 words.
Just finished editing & proofreading a paper on early childhood education continuity in times of Covid-19. Spanish. 4,000 words
1 user
I've just started proofreading and editing a new book. Spanish. Short stories. 90 pages Just finished a press release on economic benefits of nature protection, English To Spanish, 1600 words, NGO.