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Serikbol Qondybai's reconstructions of pre-Kazakh mythology: Volume 1 of 4. I'm translating the best and strangest postmodern Uzbek novel you will ever read! 1 user
A novel in 5 books, covering all of Russian history (though I only need to translate 4 of them!)
The last chapters of a slapstick space comedy! The big crisis has been resolved, and now we're setting things up for the sequel... 1 user
An essay about Russian World War II poetry to be used as the foreword to a bilingual anthology
A moving story about real-life events in Kazakhstan that I never learned about in my Soviet history classes.
Adventure screenplay from Kazakhstan: ancient artifacts, time travel, fighting monks, and more! Scholarly articles on Russian foreign policy
The script to a Russian TV show for kids about animals in space, full of adventures and jokes.
Translating scripts of an adorable Russian-language TV show for children. Revisions to my translation of Hamid Ismailov's novel "Of Strangers and Bees: A Hayy ibn Yaqzan Tale", coming out from Tilted Axis Press this autumn.
(edited) The last chapter of a new telling of the New Testament - an Even Newer Testament? - from Kazakhstan, in free verse.
(edited) Contemporary, witty, pun-riddled science fiction from Russian. A scholarly article examining Florensky's "Iconostasis" in a new light I finished an RUS to ENG project, Legal, 52 words for Translators without Borders.. 5 minutes to do some good for the world!
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