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Back from the winter vacation, full of energy and eager to do more words this year, than the last one. Legal and medical translation, here I come!:) 1 user Environmental and Social Framework, English into Ukrainian, ca. 1500 words UN- and EU-related projects involving Ukrainian and Russian translations of various documents. Translating WHO website from English into Ukrainian, COVID-19 warnings and precautions, etc. Just finished German-Ukrainian translation of instructions for use of medical equipment produced by ITD GmbH, ~5200 words I finished an ENG to RUS project, Human Rights, 4422 words for Translators without Borders I used MatchCat. Survey on implementation of human rights standards
EN>RU Investigator's Brochure for Celgene, ~40,000 words, nearing completion. I finished an ENG to RUS project, Medical, 406 words for Translators without Borders I used Wordfast. Still fighting malaria in Africa:)
Merck Manual, >200,000 words, English-Russian, long-term, big scope project Investigator's Brochure, ~56,000 words, English to Russian Protocol of clinical studies, En>Ru, ~61,000 words. Deadline on Monday, wish me good luck! European Medicines Agency decision on the acceptance of a modification of an agreed investigation plan, ~4300 words I finished an ENG to RUS project, Medical, 409 words for Translators without Borders Fighting infectious diseases
I finished an ENG to RUS project, Medical, 232 words for Translators without Borders Tropical Diseases
I finished an ENG to RUS project, Medical, 435 words for Translators without Borders Infectious diseases in Africa
Clinical study protocol, >35,000 words, English to Russian The Lancet Oncology articles