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Local time : 17:03 +03 (GMT+3)
Native in : Russian (Variants: Standard-Uzbekistan, Standard-Lithuania)
, Belarusian (Variant: Standard-Belarus)
What EnDeRuIT is working on A stitch in time saves nine
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber .
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, MT post-editing, Training, Copywriting, Language instruction, Native speaker conversation Specializes in: Engineering (general) Automotive / Cars & Trucks Business/Commerce (general) Religion Law: Contract(s) Law (general) International Org/Dev/Coop Finance (general) Education / Pedagogy General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Also works in: Tourism & Travel Marketing Engineering: Industrial Computers: Software Construction / Civil Engineering Energy / Power Generation Architecture Electronics / Elect Eng Environment & Ecology Food & Drink Insurance Transport / Transportation / Shipping Nutrition Petroleum Eng/Sci Ships, Sailing, Maritime Mechanics / Mech Engineering IT (Information Technology) Internet, e-Commerce Automation & Robotics Advertising / Public Relations Agriculture Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Computers (general) Economics Medical (general) Medical: Health Care Printing & Publishing Sports / Fitness / Recreation Telecom(munications) Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
English to Russian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour German to Russian - Rates: 0.03 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour Russian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.12 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour Belarusian to English - Rates: 0.05 - 0.12 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour Belarusian to Russian - Rates: 0.05 - 0.12 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour German to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.12 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour Russian to German - Rates: 0.07 - 0.12 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour English to German - Rates: 0.07 - 0.12 EUR per word / 20 - 40 EUR per hour
PRO-level points: 48 , Questions answered: 58 PayPal, Visa, Wire transfer, Money order Sample translations submitted: 2 English to Russian: Pipeline General field: Tech/EngineeringDetailed field: Petroleum Eng/SciSource text - English Design overview
The operator defines, as a first step, the general design data such as the diameter, the design pressure, the safety factors, the wall-thickness, the distance from buildings, the grade of the steel, the routing, the stations, the line systems etc.
Some of the most important aspects for the safety and environmental protection are reported in the following:
Route selection
The pipeline route is selected with regard to soil characteristics, other pipelines and nearby buildings, sensitive areas, environment impacts and economical aspects.
In the areas crossed by the pipeline, the operator adopts the necessary safety measures that have been taken according to legislation or applicable standards.
Wall thickness specifications
The required pipeline thickness and the related safety factor, depending on steel quality and on the population distribution, are fixed in the legislation or standards.
Crossing of railways, waterways, roads, flood defences can be subjected to special conditions.
The additional stress with respect to that determined by the internal gas pressure can also be evaluated for the relevant sections (i.e. non-stable soil, waterways, water formation, high traffic condition and so on). Special pipe geometry and wall-thickness should be chosen to obtain a lower stress level.
Where external interference is a potential hazard, significant prevention measures such as increasing of wall thickness depending on steel quality and safety factor or depth of cover or mechanical protection can be considered.
Pressure control
It can be assured, by means of suitable equipment, that the intended maximum operating pressure cannot be exceeded.
Besides, the line can be sectioned by means of shut-off devices located at a distance depending on pipe diameter, pressure, typology of valves (remote controlled or not), population and dwelling distribution around the pipeline.
Corrosion protection
Buried pipelines are provided with a coating aiming at protecting them against the corrosive action of the soil into which they are laid down.
Coatings are made of suitable materials having particularly adequate qualifications as far as electric resistively, adhesion to the steel, plasticity, strength, non-hygroscopicity, impermeability and inalterability by the aggressive agents of the soil.
Furthermore, the pipeline should be protected against corrosion by means of cathodic protection systems.
The sections of above ground pipelines are protected by means of coating or painting suitable to their environment.
According to the importance of the pipeline and to relevant internal standards, the line may be pig gable.
The above design element list does not have to be considered exhaustive and each measure could be implemented according to technical and economical constraints that the designer has to evaluate case by case.
Translation - Russian Обзор проекта
В первую очередь оператор определяет общие параметры проекта, такие как диаметр, расчетное давление, коэффициенты безопасности, толщину стенки, удаленность от строений, марку стали, маршрут, станции, линейные системы и т.д.
Некоторые из наиболее важных аспектов безопасности и охраны окружающей среды отражаются в разделах:
Выбор маршрута
Маршрут трубопровода определяется в зависимости от свойств почвы, положения других трубопроводов и близлежащих зданий, экологически уязвимых территорий, воздействий окружающей среды и экономических факторов.
Оператор, в соответствии с законодательством и применяемыми стандартами, принимает необходимые меры безопасности в зоне пролегания трубопровода.
Спецификации толщины стенки
Законодательство или стандарты определяют требуемую толщину трубопровода и соответствующий коэффициент безопасности в зависимости от качества стали и плотности населения.
Пересечение железнодорожных и водных путей, дорог, противопаводочных плотин может подпасть под особые требования.
В этой связи для соответствующих разделов (т.е. неустойчивый грунт, водные пути, пластовые воды, высокая плотность дорожного движения и т.д.) можно рассчитать дополнительное напряжение, вызванное внутренним давлением газа. Чтобы снизить напряжение необходимы особые геометрия трубы и толщина стенки.
При потенциальной опасности воздействия извне, в зависимости от качества стали и коэффициента безопасности, можно рассмотреть применение серьезных превентивных мер, таких как увеличение толщины стенки, толщины покрывающих пород или механической защиты.
Контроль давления
Его можно обеспечить подходящим оборудованием, предотвращающим превышение максимального рабочего давления.
Кроме того, линию можно разделить на части с помощью устройств отключения, установленных с определенным интервалом, зависящим от диаметра трубы, давления, типа вентиля (управляемый удаленно или нет), плотности населения и жилых районов вблизи трубопровода.
Защита от коррозии
Чтобы защитить подземный трубопровод от коррозии в почве, на него наносится защитное покрытие.
Покрытие состоит из подходящих материалов, обладающих в каждом отдельном случае воздействия на них агрессивных компонентов почвы необходимыми характеристиками: электрическое сопротивление, прочность сцепления со сталью, пластичность, крепость, негигроскопичность, непроницаемость, герметичность и стабильность.
Кроме того, трубопровод необходимо защитить от коррозии системами катодной защиты.
Отрезки навесного трубопровода защищают покрытием либо краской, подходящими условиям эксплуатации трубопровода.
В зависимости от внутренних стандартов и значимости трубопровода возможно применение СОД.
Вышеприведенный список элементов проекта не исчерпывающий. Меры безопасности можно применять и в соответствии с техническими и экономическими ограничениями, которые проектировщику необходимо учитывать в каждом отдельном случае.
English to Russian: Electircal wiring General field: Tech/EngineeringDetailed field: Construction / Civil EngineeringSource text - English The widespread use of power, telephone, and of closed circuit television, intercommunication, and security and alarm systems has increased the amount of wiring that must be installed in buildings. Electrical wiring is the system of wires and cables that distributes electricity throughout a building. Main cables run vertically in open shafts, with branches at each floor. One of the most important tasks of such wiring is to supply electricity for lighting. Translation - Russian Широкое использование электричества, телефона, кабельного телевидения, средств внутренней связи, систем безопасности и охранной сигнализации увеличивает объемы электропроводки, монтируемой в зданиях. Электропроводка – это система проводов и кабелей, распределяющая электричество по зданию. Магистральный кабель идет вертикально в открытых шахтах, разветвляясь на каждом этаже. Одна из наиболее важных задач такой проводки – обеспечить электроосвещение.
Bachelor's degree - Minsk State Linguistic University (Minsk, Belarus) Years of experience: 27. Registered at Jan 2009. English to Russian (Minsk State Linguistic University, verified) German to Russian (Minsk State Linguistic University, verified) Russian to English (Minsk State Linguistic University, verified) Russian to German (Minsk State Linguistic University, verified) Belarusian to English (Minsk State Linguistic University) N/A Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio CV available upon request EnDeRuIT endorses's Professional Guidelines .
Sale : discount available for my professional exclusively human translations , please see rates in "Display standardized information" (click the phrase in red above near the "+" sign)!
English-Russian German-Russian Russian-English Belarusian-English English-Belarusian German-English qualified certified individual freelance translator and interpreter (self-employed, freelancer , vendor , contractor , entrepreneur): Payment via Payoneer also available individual Russian freelance translator (vendor , contractor )
notarized (sworn ), certified translations and interpreting over 17 years translating and interpreting translate texts: human translations (text translation) individual Russian freelance INTERPRETER (vendor , contractor )
(simultaneous interpreter = conference interpreter , consecutive interpreter )
remote interpreting :
telephone interpreting (phone interpreter ) interpreting Zoom / Skype talks remote conference interpreting = remote simultaneous interpretation interpreting = interpretation = spoken translation interpreting talks of foreign representatives with factories (plants) the Belarusian-American Business Symposium the Belarusian Investment Forum 2008 – present: full time freelance translator & interpreter sustainable development medicine: hematology, general website translation and localization
in-code translation content translation construction law medicine marketing technical (refrigeration equipment, dispensers) road building general economics business sociology international economic relations human resources logistics 2003 – 2008: full time in international economic relations (Europe; Asia; Middle East, Americas):
- interpreting (in Belarus and Western Europe): escort, business meetings, negotiations, phone talks;
- translating : law (contracts), automatics, robotics, automotive , electronics, technical , business
correspondence, marketing, logistics, shipping documentation 1997 – 2003: part time interpreter & translator (escorting, negotiations, public speaking)
dwg translation , translate dwg , freelancer
Account manager IT SaaS English Russian trucking SaaS points to consider annd pitfalls to avoid - including SaaS for trucking
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided. Total pts earned: 48 (All PRO level) Top languages (PRO) English to Russian 24 Russian to English 16 German to English 4 German to Russian 4 Top general fields (PRO) Other 16 Tech/Engineering 16 Bus/Financial 8 Law/Patents 8 Top specific fields (PRO) Engineering (general) 12 Finance (general) 8 Law (general) 8 Insurance 4 Education / Pedagogy 4 Business/Commerce (general) 4 General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters 4 Pts in 1 more fld > See all points earned >
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Russian<>English, Russian<>English interpretation, interpretation Russian<>English, Russian<>English interpreter, interpreter Russian<>English, interpret Russian<>English, Russian<>English interpret;
freelance, freelancer, freelance translation, translation freelance, freelance translator, translator freelance, translating freelance, freelance translating, translate freelance, freelance translate, freelance interpreting, interpreting freelance, freelance interpretation, interpretation freelance, freelance interpreter, interpreter freelance, interpret freelance, freelance interpret, freelancer translation, translation freelancer, freelancer translator, translator freelancer, translating freelancer, freelancer translating, translate freelancer, freelancer translate, freelancer interpreting, interpreting freelancer, freelancer interpretation, interpretation freelancer, freelancer interpreter, interpreter freelancer, interpret freelancer, freelancer interpret;
invoice, contract, packing list, packing-list, conference connection, conference-connection, conference call, conference-call, conference, seminar, lecture, conference translation, translation conference, conference translator, translator conference, translating conference, conference translating, translate conference, conference translate, conference interpreting, interpreting conference, conference interpretation, interpretation conference, conference interpreter, interpreter conference, interpret conference, conference interpret, conference-call translation, translation conference-call, conference-call translator, translator conference-call, translating conference-call, conference-call translating, translate conference-call, conference-call translate, conference-call interpreting, interpreting conference-call, conference-call interpretation, interpretation conference-call, conference-call interpreter, interpreter conference-call, interpret conference-call, conference-call interpret, conference call translation, translation conference call, conference call translator, translator conference call, translating conference call, conference call translating, translate conference call, conference call translate, conference call interpreting, interpreting conference call, conference call interpretation, interpretation conference call, conference call interpreter, interpreter conference call, interpret conference call, conference call interpret, conference connection translation, translation conference connection, conference connection translator, translator conference connection, translating conference connection, conference connection translating, translate conference connection, conference connection translate, conference connection interpreting, interpreting conference connection, conference connection interpretation, interpretation conference connection, conference connection interpreter, interpreter conference connection, interpret conference connection, conference connection interpret, conference-connection translation, translation conference-connection, conference-connection translator, translator conference-connection, translating conference-connection, conference-connection translating, translate conference-connection, conference-connection translate, conference-connection interpreting, interpreting conference-connection, conference-connection interpretation, interpretation conference-connection, conference-connection interpreter, interpreter conference-connection, interpret conference-connection, conference-connection interpret, seminar translation, translation seminar, seminar translator, translator seminar, translating seminar, seminar translating, translate seminar, seminar translate, seminar interpreting, interpreting seminar, seminar interpretation, interpretation seminar, seminar interpreter, interpreter seminar, interpret seminar, seminar interpret, lecture translation, translation lecture, lecture translator, translator lecture, translating lecture, lecture translating, translate lecture, lecture translate, lecture interpreting, interpreting lecture, lecture interpretation, interpretation lecture, lecture interpreter, interpreter lecture, interpret lecture, lecture interpret, contract translation, translation contract, contract translator, translator contract, translating contract, contract translating, translate contract, contract translate, contract interpreting, interpreting contract, contract interpretation, interpretation contract, contract interpreter, interpreter contract, interpret contract, contract interpret, invoice translation, translation invoice, invoice translator, translator invoice, translating invoice, invoice translating, translate invoice, invoice translate, invoice interpreting, interpreting invoice, invoice interpretation, interpretation invoice, invoice interpreter, interpreter invoice, interpret invoice, invoice interpret, packing list translation, translation packing list, packing list translator, translator packing list, translating packing list, packing list translating, translate packing list, packing list translate, packing list interpreting, interpreting packing list, packing list interpretation, interpretation packing list, packing list interpreter, interpreter packing list, interpret packing list, packing list interpret, packing-list translation, translation packing-list, packing-list translator, translator packing-list, translating packing-list, packing-list translating, translate packing-list, packing-list translate, packing-list interpreting, interpreting packing-list, packing-list interpretation, interpretation packing-list, packing-list interpreter, interpreter packing-list, interpret packing-list, packing-list interpret;
on site, on-site, onsite, on site translation, translation on site, on site translator, translator on site, translating on site, on site translating, translate on site, on site translate, on site interpreting, interpreting on site, on site interpretation, interpretation on site, on site interpreter, interpreter on site, interpret on site, on site interpret, on-site translation, translation on-site, on-site translator, translator on-site, translating on-site, on-site translating, translate on-site, on-site translate, on-site interpreting, interpreting on-site, on-site interpretation, interpretation on-site, on-site interpreter, interpreter on-site, interpret on-site, on-site interpret, onsite translation, translation onsite, onsite translator, translator onsite, translating onsite, onsite translating, translate onsite, onsite translate, onsite interpreting, interpreting onsite, onsite interpretation, interpretation onsite, onsite interpreter, interpreter onsite, interpret onsite, onsite interpret, telephone talks translation, translation telephone talks, telephone talks translator, translator telephone talks, translating telephone talks, telephone talks translating, translate telephone talks, telephone talks translate, telephone talks interpreting, interpreting telephone talks, telephone talks interpretation, interpretation telephone talks, telephone talks interpreter, interpreter telephone talks, interpret telephone talks, telephone talks interpret;
telephone talks, telephone-talks, call, skype talks, price, price list, price-list, prices, tourist, business, public appearance, public-appearance, sermon, telephone-talks translation, translation telephone-talks, telephone-talks translator, translator telephone-talks, translating telephone-talks, telephone-talks translating, translate telephone-talks, telephone-talks translate, telephone-talks interpreting, interpreting telephone-talks, telephone-talks interpretation, interpretation telephone-talks, telephone-talks interpreter, interpreter telephone-talks, interpret telephone-talks, telephone-talks interpret, call translation, translation call, call translator, translator call, translating call, call translating, translate call, call translate, call interpreting, interpreting call, call interpretation, interpretation call, call interpreter, interpreter call, interpret call, call interpret, price translation, translation price, price translator, translator price, translating price, price translating, translate price, price translate, price interpreting, interpreting price, price interpretation, interpretation price, price interpreter, interpreter price, interpret price, price interpret, price list translation, translation price list, price list translator, translator price list, translating price list, price list translating, translate price list, price list translate, price list interpreting, interpreting price list, price list interpretation, interpretation price list, price list interpreter, interpreter price list, interpret price list, price list interpret, price-list translation, translation price-list, price-list translator, translator price-list, translating price-list, price-list translating, translate price-list, price-list translate, price-list interpreting, interpreting price-list, price-list interpretation, interpretation price-list, price-list interpreter, interpreter price-list, interpret price-list, price-list interpret, tourist translation, translation tourist, tourist translator, translator tourist, translating tourist, tourist translating, translate tourist, tourist translate, tourist interpreting, interpreting tourist, tourist interpretation, interpretation tourist, tourist interpreter, interpreter tourist, interpret tourist, tourist interpret, business translation, translation business, business translator, translator business, translating business, business translating, translate business, business translate, business interpreting, interpreting business, business interpretation, interpretation business, business interpreter, interpreter business, interpret business, business interpret, public appearance translation, translation public appearance, public appearance translator, translator public appearance, translating public appearance, public appearance translating, translate public appearance, public appearance translate, public appearance interpreting, interpreting public appearance, public appearance interpretation, interpretation public appearance, public appearance interpreter, interpreter public appearance, interpret public appearance, public appearance interpret, public-appearance translation, translation public-appearance, public-appearance translator, translator public-appearance, translating public-appearance, public-appearance translating, translate public-appearance, public-appearance translate, public-appearance interpreting, interpreting public-appearance, public-appearance interpretation, interpretation public-appearance, public-appearance interpreter, interpreter public-appearance, interpret public-appearance, public-appearance interpret, sermon translation, translation sermon, sermon translator, translator sermon, translating sermon, sermon translating, translate sermon, sermon translate, sermon interpreting, interpreting sermon, sermon interpretation, interpretation sermon, sermon interpreter, interpreter sermon, interpret sermon, sermon interpret, travel, trip, urgent, pressing, express, prompt, with expedition, with-expedition, quick, swift, timed, emergent, immediate, expedite, emergency, time-critical, instant, fast, expedited, of-high-priority, of high priority, expeditious, time-critical, critical, top priority, top-priority, stringent, acute, necessitous, due, exigent, rush, bailout;
ASAP, urgent translation, translation urgent, urgent translator, translator urgent, translating urgent, urgent translating, translate urgent, urgent translate, urgent interpreting, interpreting urgent, urgent interpretation, interpretation urgent, urgent interpreter, interpreter urgent, interpret urgent, urgent interpret, pressing translation, translation pressing, pressing translator, translator pressing, translating pressing, pressing translating, translate pressing, pressing translate, pressing interpreting, interpreting pressing, pressing interpretation, interpretation pressing, pressing interpreter, interpreter pressing, interpret pressing, pressing interpret, express translation, translation express, express translator, translator express, translating express, express translating, translate express, express translate, express interpreting, interpreting express, express interpretation, interpretation express, express interpreter, interpreter express, interpret express, express interpret, prompt translation, translation prompt, prompt translator, translator prompt, translating prompt, prompt translating, translate prompt, prompt translate, prompt interpreting, interpreting prompt, prompt interpretation, interpretation prompt, prompt interpreter, interpreter prompt, interpret prompt, prompt interpret, with expedition translation, translation with expedition, with expedition translator, translator with expedition, translating with expedition, with expedition translating, translate with expedition, with expedition translate, with expedition interpreting, interpreting with expedition, with expedition interpretation, interpretation with expedition, with expedition interpreter, interpreter with expedition, interpret with expedition, with expedition interpret, with-expedition translation, translation with-expedition, with-expedition translator, translator with-expedition, translating with-expedition, with-expedition translating, translate with-expedition, with-expedition translate, with-expedition interpreting, interpreting with-expedition, with-expedition interpretation, interpretation with-expedition, with-expedition interpreter, interpreter with-expedition, interpret with-expedition, with-expedition interpret, quick translation, translation quick, quick translator, translator quick, translating quick, quick translating, translate quick, quick translate, quick interpreting, interpreting quick, quick interpretation, interpretation quick, quick interpreter, interpreter quick, interpret quick, quick interpret, swift translation, translation swift, swift translator, translator swift, translating swift, swift translating, translate swift, swift translate, swift interpreting, interpreting swift, swift interpretation, interpretation swift, swift interpreter, interpreter swift, interpret swift, swift interpret, timed translation, translation timed, timed translator, translator timed, translating timed, timed translating, translate timed, timed translate, timed interpreting, interpreting timed, timed interpretation, interpretation timed, timed interpreter, interpreter timed, interpret timed, timed interpret, emergent translation, translation emergent, emergent translator, translator emergent, translating emergent, emergent translating, translate emergent, emergent translate, emergent interpreting, interpreting emergent, emergent interpretation, interpretation emergent, emergent interpreter, interpreter emergent, interpret emergent, emergent interpret, immediate translation, translation immediate, immediate translator, translator immediate, translating immediate, immediate translating, translate immediate, immediate translate, immediate interpreting, interpreting immediate, immediate interpretation, interpretation immediate, immediate interpreter, interpreter immediate, interpret immediate, immediate interpret, expedite translation, translation expedite, expedite translator, translator expedite, translating expedite, expedite translating, translate expedite, expedite translate, expedite interpreting, interpreting expedite, expedite interpretation, interpretation expedite, expedite interpreter, interpreter expedite, interpret expedite, expedite interpret, emergency translation, translation emergency, emergency translator, translator emergency, translating emergency, emergency translating, translate emergency, emergency translate, emergency interpreting, interpreting emergency, emergency interpretation, interpretation emergency, emergency interpreter, interpreter emergency, interpret emergency, emergency interpret, time-critical translation, translation time-critical, time-critical translator, translator time-critical, translating time-critical, time-critical translating, translate time-critical, time-critical translate, time-critical interpreting, interpreting time-critical, time-critical interpretation, interpretation time-critical, time-critical interpreter, interpreter time-critical, interpret time-critical, time-critical interpret, instant translation, translation instant, instant translator, translator instant, translating instant, instant translating, translate instant, instant translate, instant interpreting, interpreting instant, instant interpretation, interpretation instant, instant interpreter, interpreter instant, interpret instant, instant interpret, fast translation, translation fast, fast translator, translator fast, translating fast, fast translating, translate fast, fast translate, fast interpreting, interpreting fast, fast interpretation, interpretation fast, fast interpreter, interpreter fast, interpret fast, fast interpret, expedited translation, translation expedited, expedited translator, translator expedited, translating expedited, expedited translating, translate expedited, expedited translate, expedited interpreting, interpreting expedited, expedited interpretation, interpretation expedited, expedited interpreter, interpreter expedited, interpret expedited, expedited interpret, of-high-priority translation, translation of-high-priority, of-high-priority translator, translator of-high-priority, translating of-high-priority, of-high-priority translating, translate of-high-priority, of-high-priority translate, of-high-priority interpreting, interpreting of-high-priority, of-high-priority interpretation, interpretation of-high-priority, of-high-priority interpreter, interpreter of-high-priority, interpret of-high-priority, of-high-priority interpret, of high priority translation, translation of high priority, of high priority translator, translator of high priority, translating of high priority, of high priority translating, translate of high priority, of high priority translate, of high priority interpreting, interpreting of high priority, of high priority interpretation, interpretation of high priority, of high priority interpreter, interpreter of high priority, interpret of high priority, of high priority interpret, expeditious 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priority interpretation, interpretation top priority, top priority interpreter, interpreter top priority, interpret top priority, top priority interpret, top-priority translation, translation top-priority, top-priority translator, translator top-priority, translating top-priority, top-priority translating, translate top-priority, top-priority translate, top-priority interpreting, interpreting top-priority, top-priority interpretation, interpretation top-priority, top-priority interpreter, interpreter top-priority, interpret top-priority, top-priority interpret, stringent translation, translation stringent, stringent translator, translator stringent, translating stringent, stringent translating, translate stringent, stringent translate, stringent interpreting, interpreting stringent, stringent interpretation, interpretation stringent, stringent interpreter, interpreter stringent, interpret stringent, stringent interpret, acute translation, translation acute, acute translator, translator acute, translating acute, acute translating, translate acute, acute translate, acute interpreting, interpreting acute, acute interpretation, interpretation acute, acute interpreter, interpreter acute, interpret acute, acute interpret, necessitous translation, translation necessitous, necessitous translator, translator necessitous, translating necessitous, necessitous translating, translate necessitous, necessitous translate, necessitous interpreting, interpreting necessitous, necessitous interpretation, interpretation necessitous, necessitous interpreter, interpreter necessitous, interpret necessitous, necessitous interpret, due translation, translation due, due translator, translator due, translating due, due translating, translate due, due translate, due interpreting, interpreting due, due interpretation, interpretation due, due interpreter, interpreter due, interpret due, due interpret, exigent translation, translation exigent, exigent translator, translator exigent, translating exigent, exigent translating, translate exigent, exigent translate, exigent interpreting, interpreting exigent, exigent interpretation, interpretation exigent, exigent interpreter, interpreter exigent, interpret exigent, exigent interpret, rush translation, translation rush, rush translator, translator rush, translating rush, rush translating, translate rush, rush translate, rush interpreting, interpreting rush, rush interpretation, interpretation rush, rush interpreter, interpreter rush, interpret rush, rush interpret, bailout translation, translation bailout, bailout translator, translator bailout, translating bailout, bailout translating, translate bailout, bailout translate, bailout interpreting, interpreting bailout, bailout interpretation, interpretation bailout, bailout interpreter, interpreter bailout, interpret bailout, bailout interpret, ASAP translation, translation ASAP, ASAP translator, translator ASAP, translating ASAP, ASAP translating, translate ASAP, ASAP translate, ASAP interpreting, interpreting ASAP, ASAP interpretation, interpretation ASAP, ASAP interpreter, interpreter ASAP, interpret ASAP, ASAP interpret, trip translation, translation trip, trip translator, translator trip, translating trip, trip translating, translate trip, trip translate, trip interpreting, interpreting trip, trip interpretation, interpretation trip, trip interpreter, interpreter trip, interpret trip, trip interpret, travel translation, translation travel, travel translator, translator travel, translating travel, travel translating, translate travel, travel translate, travel interpreting, interpreting travel, travel interpretation, interpretation travel, travel interpreter, interpreter travel, interpret travel, travel interpret; Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk, region, Molodechno, Bobruisk, Baranovichi, Bereza, David-Gorodok, Drogichin, Gantsevichi, Ivacevichi, Ivanovo, Kamenec, Kobrin, Lyahovichi, Luninets, Pinsk, Malorita, Pruzhany, Stolin, Zhabinka, Beshenkovichi, Braslav, Chashniki, Dokshitsy, Dubrovno, Glubokoe, Gorodok, Lepel, Liozno, Miory, Orsha, Polotsk, Rossony, Postavy, Senno, Sharkovschina, Shumilino, Tolochin, Ushachi, Verhnedvinsk, Bol. Berestovitsa, Dyatlovo, Ive, Hrodno, Korelichi, Lida, Mosty, Novogrudok, Ostrovec, Oshmyany, Schuchin, Slonim, Svisloch, Smorgon, Volkovisk, Voronovo, Zelva, Berezino, Borisov, Cherven, Dzerzhinsk, Logoisk, Kletsk, Kopyl, Krupki, Luban, Marina Gorka, Molodechno, Nesvizh, Myadel, Slutsk, Smilovichi, Smolevichi, Soligorsk, Starye Dorogi, Stolbtsy, Vileika, Volozhin, Uzda, Zhodzino, Belynichi, Byhov, Bobruisk, Chausy, Cherikov, Dribin, Glusk, Horki, Hotimsk, Kirovsk, Klichev, Klimovichi, Krasnopole, Kostukovichi, Krichev, Krugloe, Mogilev, Mstislavl, Osipovichi, Shklov, Slavgorod, Miensk, Bieraście, Homiel, Horadnia, Hrodna, Mahiloŭ, Viciebsk, Homyel, Hrodna, Mahilyow, Vitsyebsk, Baranavičy, Biaroza, Drahičyn, Hancavičy, Ivacevičy, Ivanava, Kamianiec, Kobryń, Lachavičy, Łuniniec, Małaryta, Pinsk, Stolin, Pružany, Žabinka, Baranavichy, Byaroza, Drahichyn, Hantsavichy, Ivatsevichy, Ivanava, Kamyanyets, Kobryn, Lyakhavichy, Luninets, Malaryta, Pinsk, Stolin, Pruzhany, Zhabinka, Baranovichi, Bereza, Beryoza, Drogichin, Gantsevichi, Ivatsevichi, Ivanovo, Kamenets, Kobrin, Lyakhovichi, Luninets, Malarita, Pinsk, Stolin, Pruzhany, Zhabinka, Brahin, Buda-Kašalova, Čačersk, Chojniki, Dobruš, Jelsk, Kalinkavičy, Karma, Lelčycy, Łojeŭ, Mazyr, Naroŭla, Rahačoŭ, Pietrykaŭ, Rečyca, Śvietłahorsk, Vietka, Žłobin, Žytkavičy, Brahin, Buda-Kashalyova, Chachersk, Khoiniki, Dobrush, Yelsk, Kalinkavichy, Karma, Lelchytsy, Loyew, Mazyr, Narowla, Rahachow, Pyetrykaw, Rechytsa, Svetlahorsk, Svyetlahorsk, Vyetka, Zhlobin, Zhytkavichy, Bragin, Budo-Koshelevo, Chechersk, Khoyniki, Dobrush, Yelsk, Kalinkovichi, Korma, Lelchitsy, Loev, Mozyr, Narovlya, Rogachev, Rogachyov, Petrikov, Rechitsa, Svetlogorsk, Vetka, Zhlobin, Zhitkovichi, Ašmiany, Astraviec, Vialikaia Bierastavica, Dziatłava, Iŭje, Kareličy, Lida, Masty, Navahradak, Ščučyn, Słonim, Smarhoń, Vaŭkavysk, Śvisłač, Voranava, Zelva, Ashmyany, Astravyets, Vyalikaya Byerastavitsa, Dzyatlava, Iwye, Karelichy, Lida, Masty, Navahrudak, Shchuchyn, Slonim, Smarhon, Vawkavysk, Svislach, Voranava, Zelva, Oshmyany, Ostrovets, Bolshaya Berestovitsa, Dyatlovo, Ivye, Korelichi, Lida, Mosty, Novogrudok, Shchuchin, Slonim, Smorgon, Volkovysk, Svisloch, Voronovo, Zelva, Amścisłaŭ, Asipovičy, Babrujsk, Białyničy, Bychaŭ, Čavusy, Čerykaŭ, Chocimsk, Drybin, Horki, Hłusk, Kaściukovičy, Kličaŭ, Kiraŭsk, Klimavičy, Krasnapolle, Kruhłaje, Kryčaŭ, Škłoŭ, Słaŭharad, Mstsislaw, Asipovichy, Babruysk, Byalynichy, Bykhaw, Chavusy, Cherykaw, Khotsimsk, Drybin, Horki, Hlusk, Kastsyukovichy, Klichaw, Kirawsk, Klimavichy, Krasnapolle, Kruhlaye, Krychaw, Shklow, Slawharad, Mstislavl, Osipovichi, Bobruysk], Belynichi, Bykhov, Chausy, Cherikov, Khotimsk, Dribin, Gorki, Glusk, Kostyukovichi, Klichev, Kirovsk, Klimovichi, Krasnopolie, Krugloye, Krichev, Shklov, Slavgorod, Barysaŭ, Biarezań, Červień, Dziaržynsk, Kapyl, Klecak, Krupki, Łahojsk, Lubań, Belarus, Maładečna, Marjina Horka, Miadzieł, Salihorsk, Niaśviž, Słuck, Smalavičy, Staryja Darohi, Stoŭpcy, Uzda, Vałožyn, Vialejka, Barysaw, Byerazino, Chervyen, Dzyarzhynsk, Kapyl, Klyetsk, Krupki, Lahoysk, Lyuban, Belarus, Maladzyechna, Maryina Horka, Myadzyel, Salihorsk, Nyasvizh, Slutsk, Smalyavichy, Staryya Darohi, Stowbtsy, Uzda, Valozhyn, Vilyeyka, Borisov, Berezino, Cherven, Dzerzhinsk, Kopyl, Kletsk, Krupki, Logoysk, Lyuban, Molodechno, Maryina Gorka, Myadel, Soligorsk, Nesvizh, Slutsk, Smolevichi, Staryie Dorogi, Stolbtsy, Uzda, Volozhin, Vileyka, Biešankovičy, Brasłaŭ, Čašniki, Dokšycy, Dubroŭna, Haradok, Hłybokaje, Lepiel, Lozna, Miory, Pastavy, Połack, Sianno, Rasony, Tałačyn, Ušačy, Vierchniadźvinsk, Byeshankovichy, Braslaw, Chashniki, Dokshytsy, Dubrowna, Haradok, Hlybokaye, Lepel, Lyozna, Myory, Pastavy, Polatsk, Syanno, Rasony, Talachyn, Ushachy, Vyerhnyadzvinsk, Beshenkovichi, Braslav, Chashniki, Dokshitsy, Dubrovna, Gorodok, Glubokoye, Lepel, Liozno, Miory, Postavy, Polotsk, Senno, Rasony, Tolochin, Ushachi, Verkhnedvinsk, Davyd-Haradok, Navapołacak, Fanipal, Skidziel, Śmiłavičy, Turaŭ, Zasłaŭje, Žodzina, Davyd-Haradok, Navapolatsk, Fanipal, Skidzyel, Smilavichy, Turaw, Zaslawye, Zhodzina, David-Gorodok, Novopolotsk, Fanipol, Skidel, Smilovichi, Turov, Zaslavl, Zhodino, Voblast, voblast, oblast, in, graduate, diploma, yrs, honours, BA, B.A., bachelor, bachelor of arts, graduate diploma, qualified, experience, arts, education, wire, transfer, wire transfer, complete, High quality is a long-term asset, high, quality, is, long-term, asset, A stitch in time saves nine, stitch, in time, in, time, saves, save, nine, positive entry, positive, entry, willingness to work again, WWA, verified, commerce, transport, transportation, shipping, marketing, market research, degree, self-employed, dwg. 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