Working languages:
English to French
Portuguese to French

Accuracy, expertise & creativity

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Native in: French Native in French
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Fields of expertise: 


- Civil law, commercial law, corporate law, employment law, litigation

* leases, contracts, international and commercial agreements, license
agreement, patent law, court pleadings, proceedings, deeds, memoranda, leases,
last will and testament, etc. 


-Healthcare, pharmacology

* clinical study reports & protocol, drugs data sheet, new drug studies,
product description, informed consent, clinical trials, medical statement, etc. 

Keywords: translation, proofreading, subtitling, dubbing, english, portuguese, brazilian portuguese, french, legal, contracts. See more.translation, proofreading, subtitling, dubbing, english, portuguese, brazilian portuguese, french, legal, contracts, agreement, deeds, judgements, penal code extracts, law, energy, solar energy, wind energy, renewables energies, medical, consent form, studies, environment, specialized translation, expert translation, proofreading, traducteur juridique, juridique, environnement, énergies, énergie solaire, éolienne, énergies renouvelables, médical, français, portugais, portugais du Brésil, contrat, relecture, transcription, sous-tire, doublage, legendagem, traduções jurídicas, financeiras, técnicas, de software e websites.. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 8, 2024

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