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Arabic to English (Heriot Watt University, verified) Arabic to English (Heriot Watt University, verified) English to Arabic (Heriot Watt University, verified)
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About Me
I am an experienced freelance & in-house linguist, translator, and interpreter specializing in Arabic/Tamazight and English, with additional proficiency in French and Spanish as source languages. With a PhD in Translator Education, a Master’s in Translation and Interpreting, and an Honors degree in English Linguistics, I bring a strong academic foundation to my work.
Throughout my career, I have built a reputation for delivering accurate, culturally nuanced solutions for businesses and individuals. My expertise spans multilingual translation, education, training, research, and consulting, all tailored to meet diverse client needs.
What I Offer
Multilingual Services: Translation, testing, transcreation, and content localization for businesses and academics.
Training & Education: Workshops, training, curriculum development, entrepreneurial language ventures, and mentorship in translation technologies and practices.
Research & Consulting: Industry-focused research, competency frameworks, and AI & technology integration in translation education.
Specialized Services: AI tasks for linguistics, e-learning localization, interpreting, copy editing, and quality assurance.
I leverage AI tools to enhance accuracy, consistency, and efficiency in my work, ensuring innovative and impactful results.
Let’s Collaborate Partner with me to achieve your multilingual/bilingual, training or research goals. Together, we can create value-driven solutions tailored to your needs.
Keywords: International development projects and programs, management, marketing, immigration, business, economics, human resources, international trade, strategy, legal and finacial. See more.International development projects and programs, management, marketing, immigration, business, economics, human resources, international trade, strategy, legal and finacial, academic and research studies, training documents, banking, governments and politics, cooperation projects, interpreting, translation pedagogy, teaching translation, translator training in morocco, interpreting and translation courses in morocco, technical translation, berber, tamazight, consecutive interpreting, liaison interpreting, audiovisual translation, translation of manuals, media translation, transcription, transcription, sight translation
le management, le marketing, l'immigration, le comemrce internationale, finance, loi internationale, economie, recherche, strategie et management, Transcription -audio and video-.formation en traduction au maroc, formation en interpretariat au maroc, cours de traduction prives au maroc, comercio international, la ley judicial, Publicidad y marketing, sector financiero, negocios, interprete, ensegnanza de traduccion y interpretacion, transcripcion.Animation, Articles, Audio, Books, Brochures, Business cards, Catalogs, Certificates, Contracts and agreements, Corporate letters, Dictionaries, E-Learning Courses, Economic/Trade materials, Educational records/documents, Film scripts, Financial statements, Flash files, Flyers, Hardware, Illustrations, Immigration documents, Informed, Labels/Packaging, Legal content, Legal documents, Letters/Emails, Logo, Manuals, Manuals (employee), Manuals (non-technical), Manuals (pharmaceutical), Manuals (technical), Marketing, Marketing (advertisements), Medical records/documents, Newsletters, Patents, Policy wordings, Presentations, Scientific, Software, Surveys, User guides, Veterinary records/documents, Video, language testing, testing, training, translator education, interpreter education, Voice over scripts, Web sites.
Art/literary, Engineering, Entertainment, Finance / Banking / Accounting, Software, Advertising (marketing), Advertising (media), Aerospace, Agriculture, Architecture, Automotive, , Business products, Chemical, Compliance, Construction, Consumer products, Defense, Electronics, Energy, Environmental, Environmental Engineering, Fashion, Finance (Microfinance), Financial/markets, Government, Healthcare, Higher Education, Homeopathy, Hospitality, Information technology, Insurance, Internet/E-commerce, Investment / Securities, Journalism, Law/Legal, Logistics, Management, Manufacturing/Industrial, Marketing/Communications, Medical/Life Sciences/Pharmaceutical, Metallurgy/casting, Oil, paper / paper mills, Pharmaceutical, Philosophy, Real estate, Religion, Safety, SAP ERP, Security, Social sciences, Software (educational), Software (games), Software (multimedia), Sports, Telecommunications, Tourism, Training/Education.
Audio dubbing/subtitling, Consulting, Content development, Desktop publishing (DTP), Document translation, Editing, Glossary/Terminology, Interpreting, Language training, Linguistic Testing, Local guides, , Multimedia localization, Project Management, Proofreading, Staffing/Outsourcing, Subtitling, Summarizing, Technical writing, Telephone interpreting, Training, Transcriptions, Translation.Advertising (media), Agriculture, Biotechnology, Chemical, Defense, Electronics, Environmental, Environmental Engineering, Government, Information technology, Internet/E-commerce, Law/Legal, Manufacturing/Industrial, , , Religion, Social sciences, Software, Software (educational), Software (games), Software (multimedia), Tra Audio dubbing/subtitling, Desktop publishing (DTP), Document translation, Editing, Glossary/Terminology, Internationalization, Language training, , , Transcriptions, Translation training /Education.translation tutor, translation teacher, translation trainer, distance learning and translation, e-learning translation, e-teacher of interpreting, trainer of interpreters, interpreting teacher (Arabic -English-French-Spanish), translator training, translation pedagogy, translation teaching methodologies.
Moroccan Transtion teacher, translation teacher, interpreter trainer in Morocco, liason interpreting trainer, consecutive training trainer in morocco and the arab world, teacher of translation studies in morocco and the arab world, translation pedagogy in morrocco, script translator, online translation course tutor, online translation courses in morocco, translator of pedagogicla material in translation into arabic...
spanish to arabic freelance translator in morocco, french to arabic translator in morocco, french to english translator, translation of moroccan french into arabic and englihs, translation of forums and audio files.Web content translation, content translation and editing, post-editing, revision, checking.Translation pedagogy, translation studies, reserach in translation, translation methodology in morocco, arabic translator in quebec, arabic translator in canada, translation into arabic in canada, freelance translator french into arabic or english into arabic in quebec and canada, translator from arabic into english in canada, translator from french into arabic in quebec, reviser and proofreeder of arabic in quebec, reviseur et traducteur du francais en arabe a quebec ou au canada, traducteur de l anglais en arabe au quebec, language evaluator arabic, language assessement, TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING EDUCATION, INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATION RESEARCH, MIXED RESEARCH IN TRANSLATION STUDIES, CURRICULUM AND PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES IN TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING, CURRICULUM IN TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING PROGRAMS, TRANSLATOR EDUCATION AND TRAININGالترجمة من الإسبانية إلى العربية POST EDITING ARABIC AND ENGLISH MACHINE OUTPUTS, REMOTE INTERPRETING IN ARABICتدريس الترجمة بالمغرب و الوطن العربي, تدريس الترجمة الشفاهية والفورية, البحوث في الترجمة, تدريس علوم الترجمة, ترجمة عربي أنجليزي, تلرجمة من الأنجليزية إلى العربية ترجمة من الفرنسية إلى العربية, تدريس الترجمة عن بعد الترجمة من الإسبانية إلى العربية, تدريس الترجمة بالمغرب و الوطن العربي, تدريس الترجمة الشفاهية والفورية, البحوث في الترجمة, تدريس علوم الترجمة, ترجمة عربي أنجليزي, تلرجمة من الأنجليزية إلى العربية ترجمة من الفرنسية إلى العربية, تدريس الترجمة عن بعد. See less.
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