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Translation - English Patent laid open 2002-331890 (P2002-331890A) Ref:
In-vehicle driver’s actions moderating system
A system expressing recommended vehicle operations, characterized by:
- means to sense the state of passengers on board the vehicle by detecting their behavior,
- a Lead character to convey recommended vehicle operations based on the motion state of the vehicle carrying those passengers,
- an Assisting character to express reactions reflecting the passengers' state and, based on the state of the said passengers detected by the above mentioned sensing means, and thanks to the communicative interaction between Lead-, and Assisting-, characters under the control of that system, means to control the expression of the recommended vehicle operations made to the operator of the vehicle.
Japanese to English: Wireless LAN system registration method General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Japanese (特開 JP2005117247A)
無線LAN(Local Area Network)用アクセスポイント装置に対して、無線LANを通じて接続される1または複数個の無線LAN用端末側ステーション装置の、前記アクセスポイント装置への登録方法であって、
Translation - English (Patent laid open JP2005117247A,Claim 1)
【Claim 1】
A method permitting one or multiple station terminals linked to a wireless LAN (Local Area Network) to register with the above-mentioned access point device of a wireless LAN, via the [said] wireless LAN, relying on the following means:
- a provisional registration process enabling both the above mentioned access point device and the above mentioned wireless LAN terminal station device to cross-authenticate a preset provisional network identifier,
- thanks to the above mentioned provisional registration process, once the above mentioned cross-authentication of the above mentioned provisional network identifier is settled, a step whereby the above mentioned terminal station device performs a new association request step by sending to the above mentioned access point device a new request for association,
-in response to the above mentioned new association request, a new association response, from the above mentioned access point device to the above mentioned terminal station device, containing the actual operations network identifier [required] for participation in actual operations on the said actual operations network .
Supported by the above mentioned means and processes,
a registration method for wireless LAN systems characterized by a sequence making it possible for the above mentioned station device to retain and use the actual operations wireless network identifier obtained through the above mentioned new association response step, for actual operation level communication between the above mentioned terminal station device and the above mentioned contact point device.
Japanese to English: 京大のGCOE 履修要覧翻訳原稿から Detailed field: Management
Source text - Japanese 6.単位認定等
本プログラムが配当する科目について取得された単位が所属研究科・専攻の修了に必要な単位と認定され得るか否かは、所属研究科・専攻の定めるところによる。 認定され得る場合においても、単位認定されるためには、別途、所属研究科において該当科目についての履修届が必要である。
Translation - English 6. GCOE Program Units Recognition
The decision as to whether or not the units for which accreditation earned for the subjects that are part of this Program can be recognized as counting toward the completion of the major sequence course provided by the research department to which the Student belongs rests with that department. But even when such recognition can be extended, in order to homologate this Program's units, the Student’s research department requires a separate accreditation report detailing the contents and organization of the subject(s) concerned.
Japanese to English: 京大のGCOE 履修要覧翻訳原稿(はじめに)Start Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Japanese これまで人類は、必要とするエネルギーの大部分を化石燃料に依存し、CO2を大量に排出してきました。
Translation - English Mankind has so far relied on fossil fuels for most of its energy needs, and has by now emitted a large volume of CO2 in the process.
By the time global warming has become plainly obvious, the climate change observed in recent years will have worsened, and the CO2 discharged come to be regarded almost unquestionably as the prominent cause of this green house effect.
How CO2 emissions can be suppressed is now a problem of world-scale importance.
This energy problem cannot be solved solely through technological means.
Socio-economic factors too have a lot to do with that outcome.
And so it has become imperative to establish "Low Oxygen-based Energy Science" as an interdisciplinary and composite field of research where the vantage points of social scientists and the humanities are included for consideration together with scientific and engineering inputs.
Since fiscal year 2008, the Energy Scientific Research Department, the Energy Science and Engineering Laboratory, the Engineering Research Lab and Major Course into Nucleonics, and the Nuclear Reactor Testing Center have been jointly promoting the Global Centre of Excellence Program entitled: "For a CO2 Emission-free Energy Science Base for the Global Warming Age".
The aim of this Program is to: form an international educational research base to prepare educators, researchers, and policymakers with the capacity to create and put in place technologies and energy policy proposals conducive to the implementation of scenarios whereby: by 2100, the energy systems used will no longer depend on fossil fuels and will be 100% CO2 emissions-free.
The "GCOE Education Unit" which performs the central education function of this Program pursues this objective through the interrelation of policy measure development research and research focusing on State-of-the-Art technologies.
The Scenario-based Policy Measures Development Research Group conceives zero CO2 emissions technology development road maps and policy measures to address 'zero CO2 emissions' scenarios. It also carries out analyses from the angles of the human values and behaviors of the societies concerned.
These activity programs provided during the formal education stage contribute significantly to personnel training. These outcomes are derived most particularly from the cluster of research fields focused on State-of-the-Art technologies, and reflect the way we promote education and research in conjunction.
By defining, at the "education through research" stage, a cluster of research fields focusing on State-of-the Art technologies, we drive the Scenario-based Policy Measures Development Group to develop a road map to bring together the research teams working in the fields of: energy-oriented societies, the economy, solar energy, biomass, and advanced nuclear powered energy research, and in this way facilitate their cooperation.
By attracting students to this Cluster we form the human resources that will become the prime drivers of future research.
For education in the core subjects of the Global COE, we have set up the "Energy Science GCOE Education Unit" in which are trained hand-picked postgraduate students in the last term of their doctorates.
The students who join this Unit participate in the Scenario-based Policy Measures Development Group and the State-of-the-Art technology-oriented Research Cluster which give them an intimately well versed and hands-on field education. The basic education philosophy of this Unit is to instill in its students the following skills or advantages:
① whether they come from a human- or natural- sciences background, in addition to their deep understanding of and a high attainment record in their respective fields, a capacity to comprehend and understand one another's points and positions and cooperate productively in joint operations;
② the autonomy to put together an ad hoc research group to tackle the problems at hand and to bring that research to completion in cooperation with other researchers;
③ a research ability of world standard, an international outlook and a capacity to communicate with colleagues from any country;
④ the prospects to contribute to the energy and environmental solutions upon which the survival of the human race depends.
Japanese to English: GCOE 履修要覧翻訳原稿 (はじめに)End Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Japanese 本ユニットの提供する「CO2ゼロエミッション教育プログラム」は、①CO2ゼロエミッションをめざした、理工学研究分野に人文社会科学研究分野を含む総合的なグループ研究を自主的に企画実施する「公募型グループ研究」、②最先端重点研究クラスターに独立した研究者として参加し、創造性・自立性を修得する「最先端重点研究」、③原子力発電所、ごみ発電所等、リアリティのあるフィールドで実地に学習する「フィールド実習」、④国際学会や産学連携セミナー、国際研究集会で研究発表をする「研究発表」、以上を必修科目としています。さらに、⑤英語による授業、海外研究者・実務者の招聘等を通じた国際的な教育、⑥海外への長期派遣、海外留学生の受入れ、を実施します。また、本ユニットの学生をRAあるいはTAとして採用し、十分な経済支援を行います。
Translation - English With its "Zero CO2 Emissions Education Program", this Unit provides researchers with the means and channels that are essential to their development: ① a framework for an "open and comprehensive " collective research in both the science, engineering and social sciences fields, ② "State-of-the-art technology-oriented research" -- the participation in the Cluster of which provides a scope to hone in one's creativity and initiative as an independent researcher, ③ "hands-on field practice", getting acquainted on site with the realities of power plant operation, -- be that nuclear- or garbage-fueled , ④ "research publication platforms" from which to announce one's findings to the international research community, whether by way of industry-university exchange seminars, or international symposia. In addition, this Unit provides: ⑤ an international education with lectures delivered in English and by invitating overseas researchers and practitioners, ⑥ long-term assignments to foreign countries, and the acceptance of overseas students in the Program. Moreover, the students of this Unit are eligible for employment as RA or TA, and benefit from a substantial financial support as a result.
The Global COE Program is an operation that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has set up in order to further enhance and strengthen the education
Japanese to English: vacuum casting General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Engineering: Industrial
Source text - Japanese (参照:
Translation - English (Ref:
Vacuum casting is an industrial process used to make copies of plastic moldings under vacuum, using molds made of silicone rubber instead of metal.
Silicone molds can greatly reduce initial costs. Since their rated service life is around 20 molding cycles however, their use is, but for a few exceptions, overwhelmingly confined to industrial plastic product prototyping.
Japanese to English (NAATI 1994~2017(as#17044)) Japanese to English (B.A.(Hon 1stCl), Monash U'. Vic Australia, verified) French to English (Intercultural School, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, (OCR) OmniPage 18 (Asian Lang), Acrobat Pro 9 , Atlas 14, Microsoft Visio, MS Office 10, SDL Trados Studio 2017, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
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