Working languages:
English to Arabic
Arabic to English
Arabic (monolingual)

Mohamed A. Moustafa
Precise, detail-oriented, and punctual

United States
Local time: 10:25 PST (GMT-8)

Native in: Arabic 
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Translation from English into Arabic and vice versa. 


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If you are a humanities publisher, a marketing company, a production outlet, a legal institution, a university, etc. and you want your documents professionally translated into Arabic, you are encouraged to email me with a sample text to review. I am honest enough to decline any assignment that falls beyond my capabilities. You are in safe and caring hands! I am fine with an array of subjects: business, marketing, legal, technical, humanities, media, educational, religious, etc. I have done translation assignments to major institutions in the Middle East, the Gulf countries, Europe, and USA, including UN bodies and world-ranking universities. I am a published translator! Arabic is my mother tongue (I have translated classical, modern standard, and colloquial Arabic into English). I am proficient in English and am learning German and Persian.

NB. I prefer to translate from scratch rather than proofread a mediocre translation. For me, a mediocre translation is that which sacrifices content to form and vice versa. In other words, the target text could be well written but the meaning is screwed up. I call it "perfect mistranslation." Some would probably mistake it for "creativity." Creativity, I maintain, equals precision that follows from an adept understanding of textual nuances and competence to render them in a suitable register. Perfect command of the target language and appreciation of its literary genera help to translate creatively. If a text "turns you inside out," you feel it, you taste it. With the required linguistic, literary, and professional expertise, you are qualified to get the most out of the text, to do it as it should be done, not as you might like to do it. Remember to be objective rather than subjective. Alternatively, the target text could be carelessly written, but the meaning is conveyed well. Such a sloppy text ignores proper punctuation, spelling, and/or grammar. It looks out of place in one way or another. While the first problem arises from a deficient interpretative process, the other is caused by limited awareness of linguistic conventions. I do my best to save your target texts from both defects.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 533
PRO-level pts: 529

Top languages (PRO)
English to Arabic291
Arabic to English238
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)52
Finance (general)36
Medical (general)24
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters23
Government / Politics23
Pts in 40 more flds >

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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects3
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Arabic2
Arabic to English1
Specialty fields
Tourism & Travel1
Education / Pedagogy1
Other fields
Keywords: Arabic, software localization, website localization, education, consumer, human rights, political science, IT, media, health. See more.Arabic, software localization, website localization, education, consumer, human rights, political science, IT, media, health, literature, parenting, journalism, business, legal, islamic studies, academic papers, book reviews, history, cultures, official documents, personal documents, product details, technical specifications, construction, urban development, travel industry, hotels, resorts, jihad, islam, fatwa, sharia, scholarly, documentary, financial, legal, websites, machine, creative, transcript, diploma, certificate, quran, sunnah, fiqh, seerah, sirah, aqeedah, aqidah, translation, editing, proofreading, teaching, training, mentoring, translator, editor, proofreader, professional translator, accurate translation, precise, detail-oriented, punctual, islamweb, islamway, islamonline, islam story, acting and directing, advertising, agriculture, agronomy and crop science, aircraft, animal sciences, anthropology, aquaculture, archaeology, architecture, art, aviation, banking and financial, bible and biblical studies, biostatistics, biotechnology, botany, broadcast journalism, buildings, business general, business marketing, ceramics arts and ceramics, child care, civil engineering, computer and information sciences, criminology, culinary arts, data communications, data processing, design and applied arts, ecology, education, entomology, environmental science, ethnic and cultural studies, fibre, textile and weaving, finance, fire protection, fishing and fisheries sciences, food sciences, forestry, general, geology, health, heating, air condition and refrigeration, history, hospitality, humanities and humanistic studies, information sciences and systems, internet, islamic studies, journalism and mass communication, literature, medicine, nursing, medicine, psychiatry, medicine, public health education and promotion, medicine — social psychology, medicine (general), military technologies, patent translation, philosophy, photography, political science, psychology, religion, religion and religious studies, sociology, sport and fitness, taxation, telecommunications, textile sciences and engineering, theology and theological studies, tourism and travel, transportation, veterinary, women studies, immigration, medication, medicare, physical education, skype, hotmail, yahoo, google, bing, orbit, downloader, applications, faculty of languages and translation, translation agency, translation office, wordweb, onelook, windows vista, wordfast classic, wordfast pro, court, teaching fellow, teaching assistant, reliable, fast, quick, good rate, kudos, points, facebook, dedicated, committed, manual, brochures, document, image, scanned, faxed, emailed, webpage, homepage, orientalism, occidentalism, literary criticism, cultural adaptation, classical Arabic, modern standard Arabic, colloquial Arabic, everyday Arabic, MSA, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Yemen, Qatar, Oman, Russia, USA, UK, Spain, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, ASP, DOC, DOCX, HTM, HTML, INX, JSP, MIF, PDF, PPT, RTF, TTX, TXLT, TXML, TXT, XLS, XLSX, properties files, watching america, proz, translators cafe, Arab professional translators society, golbtra.. See less.

Profile last updated
Jun 4, 2024

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