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Environment & Ecology
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English to Spanish - Rates: 0.12 - 0.10 USD per word French to English - Rates: 0.12 - 0.10 USD per word Spanish to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.12 USD per word
English to Spanish: The Mucosa of the Digestive Tract in Micropogonias furnieri.
Source text - English The histomorphological aspects as well as the histochemical content and distribution of GPs (glycoproteins) in the mucosa of the digestive tract of the white croaker Micropogonias furnieri were studied. The buccopharyngeal cavity and the esophagus showed a squamous stratified epithelium with mucous cells. The stomach presented three portions: cardias, fundus and pylorus. Tubular glands formed by a single type of gland cell were located along the cardias and fundus. Histochemical tests showed that the buccopharyngeal cavity and the esophagus presented the largest amount of the different types of mucosubstances. Both organs showed abundant secretory mucous cells that synthesize large quantities of neutral, sulphated and sialylated GPs. The surface epithelium in the cardias and fundus synthesized and secreted scarce sialylated and neutral GPs whereas the secretions of the apical surface were abundant. The pylorus secreted large amounts of neutral as well as sulphated and sialylated GPs. Gland cells secreted neutral GPs. The ultrastructural features of the gut cells were quite similar to those of other teleosts. The buccopharyngeal cavity and the esophagus surface epithelial cells, identified by their superficial localization, were characterized by cytoplasmic vesicles of different size. Abundant goblet cells with secretory mucous granules were also present. Gastric glands in the stomach contained just one form of cell with a fine structure similar to cells that secrete pepsinogen.
Translation - Spanish Se estudiaron tanto los aspectos histomorfológicos como el contenido histoquímico y la distribución de GPs (glucoproteínas) en la mucosa del tracto digestivo de la corvina blanca Micropogonias furnieri. La cavidad bucofaríngea y el esófago mostraron un epitelio liso estratificado con células mucosas. El estómago presentó tres porciones: el cardias, el fundus y el píloro. A lo largo del cardias y el fundus se ubicaban glándulas tubulares formadas por un único tipo de célula glandular. Las pruebas histológicas mostraron que la cavidad bucofaríngea y el esófago presentaban la mayor cantidad de los diferentes tipos de mucosustancias. Ambos órganos mostraron abundantes células mucosas secretoras que sintetizan grandes cantidades de GPs neutrales, sulfatadas y sialiladas. El epitelio superficial del cardias y del fundus sintetizó y secretó escasas GPs sialiladas y neutrales mientras que las secreciones de la superficie apical fueron abundantes. El píloro secretó grandes cantidades de GPs neutras así como también sulfatadas y sialiladas. Las células glandulares secretaron GPs neutrales. Las características ultraestructurales de las células del tubo digestivo eran bastante semejantes a las de otros teleósteos. La cavidad bucofaríngea y las células epiteliales superficiales del esófago, identificadas por su ubicación superficial, fueron caracterizadas por vesículas citoplasmáticas de tamaños diferentes. También se presentaban abundantes células caliciformes con gránulos mucosos secretores. Las glándulas gástricas del estómago contenían sólo una forma de célula de fina estructura, similar a la de las células secretoras de pepsinógeno.
English to Spanish: Project: Chronology and history of the theatre
Source text - English According to our particular focus, put into practice in our previous projects, three categories will be considered: beliefs, rituals and institution. In order to analyse and carry out a description of the different historic and cultural periods, and to explain the relationships between those categories and the context, the frame of a systemic focus will be used. This same frame has already been utilised in the GIE researches. On the other hand, from the aesthetics point of view, and within the cultural sub-system, the analyses will be extended to the diverse manifestations of local shows and the theoretical focus where poetics and critics are engraved, referred to the theatre facts and extended to the show field.
Given the characteristics of our city, we will extend now the contributions to its culture, with the checking with productions of visitors as well as local and migrants (categories applied along the researches already begun), in order to account for the cosmopolitanism that characterise this city. These instances constitute the components of the adopted systemic point of view, made up of the cultural, biological, political and economic sub-systems.
Translation - Spanish De acuerdo con nuestro particular enfoque, puesto en práctica en los proyectos anteriores, se considerarán tres categorías: las creencias, los rituales y las instituciones. Para analizar y llevar a cabo una descripción de los distintos periodos histórico-culturales, y explicar las relaciones entre esas categorías y el contexto, se utilizará el marco de enfoque sistémico. Este mismo marco ya ha sido utilizado en las investigaciones del GIE. Por otra parte, desde el punto de vista estético, y dentro del subsistema cultural, se ampliarán los análisis a las distintas manifestaciones de los espectáculos locales y al enfoque teórico en que se inscriben poéticas y críticas referidas a los hechos teatrales y ampliados al campo del espectáculo.
Dadas las características de nuestra ciudad, ampliaremos ahora los aportes a su cultura, con el cotejo con las producciones tanto de los visitantes, como de locales y migrantes (categorías aplicadas a lo largo de las investigaciones ya emprendidas), para dar cuenta del cosmopolitismo que caracteriza a esta ciudad. Estas instancias constituyen los componentes del enfoque sistémico adoptado, constituido por los subsistemas cultural, biológico, político y económico.
French to English: TIERRAS ARGENTINAS.pdf General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - French Qui sommes nous?
TIERRAS ARGENTINAS est une agence de tourisme réceptif franco-argentine basée dans la ville de Salta , dans le Nord Ouest de L'argentine. Nous sommes spécialisés dans l'organisation de voyages sur mesure en individuel ou en groupes dans tout le pays avec des intrusions dans les pays limitrophes (Uruguay,Chili, Bolivie, Brésil).Notre équipe vous prends en charge dès votre arrivée sur le sol argentin , depuis les aéroports , les frontières terrestres , les gares routières ou les ports aux quatre coins du pays.
Motivés par une réelle passion des voyages tout autant que par l'Argentine, notre objectif est de vous faire partager l'authenticité de ce pays incroyablement riche en culture, en paysages et dont l'histoire atypique de sa population y a laissé un fabuleux métissage culturel. Sans oublier le grand sens de l'accueil des argentins , peuple extrêmement chaleureux qui vous fera sentir chez vous dès le premier jour de votre voyage!
Partageant notre passion et nos valeurs , notre équipe ainsi que notre réseaux de partenaires ont été rigoureusement sélectionnés afin de vous faire découvrir une Argentine unique, accueillante, généreuse et qui ne cessera pas de vous surprendre!
Nos voyages et prestations
Nos circuits et séjours
Sachant que vos attentes sont uniques, nous avons élaboré un panel de voyages thématiques afin de vous faire découvrir l'Argentine de la manière la plus complète. Nos circuits ont été réalisés grâce à notre expertise de chaque région , en conservant l'idée permanente d'une aventure authentique, proche de la culture et des traditions du pays.
Ainsi,nous vous laissons la liberté totale de choisir un des nombreux circuits directement sur notre site ou de nous contacter afin que nous vous confectionnons un séjour « sur mesure » , fidèle à vos gouts, à votre personnalité et bien sur en accord avec votre budget.
Nos prestations en ligne
Nous ne laissons pas de côté les voyageurs indépendants! Vous préférez organiser vous même votre séjour? Vous désirez uniquement réserver quelques prestations et laisser libre court à l'aventure pour le reste du voyage? Nous vous offrons la possibilité d'effectuer des réservations immédiates de prestations en ligne ou de nous envoyer une demande de réservation pour les prestations soumises à disponibilité ( Hôtels, location de véhicules, guides francophones), sans être contraint de réserver un nombre minimum de prestations. Une fois vos réservations faites vous pouvez donc partir en toute tranquillité sans avoir à vous préoccuper de la recherche d'hôtels ou autres services une fois arrivés sur place.
Nous nous tenons à votre entière disposition afin de vous fournir les meilleurs informations concernant votre projet de voyage , par mail , par téléphone ou par fax depuis notre agence en Argentine. Par mail: [email protected] Par téléphone/ Fax: du lundi au vendredi de 09h00 à 20h30. Samedi de 09h00 à 13h00.
( 54) 0387 431 1574. Pour appeler depuis la France en tarif local ( téléphone fixe uniquement) veuillez composer le ....
Translation - English Who are we?
TIERRAS ARGENTINAS is a Franco-Argentine incoming tourism agency located in the city of Salta, northwestern Argentina. We specialize in individual as well as group-designed travel organization all over Argentina including bordering countries (Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil). Our staff takes charge of your arrival at the Argentine soil from the airport, terrestrial frontiers, bus stations or ports all over the country to your desired destination.
Motivated by a real travel passion as well as by Argentina, our objective is to make you share the authenticity of this country unbelievably rich in culture, landscapes, and where the particular history of its population has left a fabulous cultural patchwork. Not forgetting the great sense of welcoming of the Argentines, an extremely warm people that will make you feel at home from the very first day of your voyage!
Our staffs as well as our net of associates, who share our passion and our values, have been rigorously selected as to make you discover a unique Argentina, welcoming, generous and that will not end to surprise you!
Our travels and services
Our circuits and sojourns
Knowing that your expectations are unique, we have elaborated a panel of thematic voyages in order to make you discover Argentina in its fullest way. Our circuits have been performed thanks to the experience on each region, conserving the permanent idea of an authentic adventure, close to the culture and traditions of the country.
Thus, we give you the total freedom of choosing one of the numerous circuits directly from our website or by making contact with us so we will build you a sojourn “made to measure”, fit to your tastes, your personality and of course, according to your budget.
Our services online
We do not leave out the independent travelers! Do you prefer to organize the sojourn yourself? Do you wish to make reservations for some services and let your imagination run free to adventure for the rest of your voyage? We offer you the possibility of making immediate reservations of services online, or to send us a reservation request for services subject to availability (Hotels, vehicle rental, specialized guides), without being compelled to reserve a minimum number of services. Once you have made the reservations, you will then be able to depart with reassurance and without concerning about hotels search or other services when arriving to the place.
We remain at your entire disposal to supply you the best information concerning your travel project, by mail, by telephone or by fax from our agency in Argentina. By mail: [email protected]. By telephone / Fax: from Monday till Friday from 09:00 am to 8:30 pm. Saturday from 09:00 am to 1:00 pm. ( 54) 0387 431 1574. To call up from France at local rate (fixed-line phone only) please dial....
Please dial Mobile phone, in case of emergency only: (0387) 156 05 10 33
Translation education
Other - ICANA Senior
Years of experience: 57. Registered at May 2008.
-Translator of the Palynology Laboratory (National University of Mar del Plata)
- Translator of the Histology and Histochemistry Laboratory (National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina)
- Freelance translator: Anthropology (National University of Buenos Aires); Fish biology, Vertebrates, Ecology, Palaeoecology, Vertebrates, Physiology (National University of Mar del Plata).
- Freelance translator: Arts, Nutrition, Psychology, general.