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English to Romanian: Article translation General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - English QIGONG
China’s ancient spiritual art hasn’t always been in vogue. But it is now
The Path to a Tranquil Mind
By Anthony Kuhn
Just off Beijing’s main shopping street, Wangfujing, patients with every imaginable malady line up to see qigong doctors in the Hall of the Tranquil Mind clinic. Director Zhang Xiaotong first became a believer in the spiritual art after he was immobilized by three slipped discs. When a qigong doctor tapped on acupuncture points on Zhang’s arms and legs to free up the flow of qi, or bioenergy, his pain subsided.”Qigong masters can’t explain it. Modern science can’t explain it. Only Chinese medical theory can explain qigong’s curative powers.”
That theory holds that circulating qi energy through the body can not only restore health but also slow or reverse aging, as well as increase strength and mental acumen. As far back as the third century B.C., a Chinese medical canon called “The yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”described “regulating the flow of blood and qi, taking medicine while oserving yin and yang, and calming the mind by relaxingthe bones and muscles”. Today China has hundreds of styles of qigong, exercises that combine elements of yoga, meditation, massage and martial arts to regulate breathing, mental activity and posture. Like yoga, qigong is intended to integrate body, mind and spirit, and its practitioners seek enlightenment as well as health.
Numerous studies aimed at determining the medical value of qigong have proved inconclusive. But that hasn’t stopped the Chinese government from promoting the art as a low-cost health-care alternative – especially now that the state is dismantling its welfare system and transferring health-care costs to citizens.
Last month the government began requiring all qigong doctors to take a standardized national test- not just to weed out phonies but also to help prevent psychotic reactions among devotees. (Like meditation, advanced qigong can trigger hallucinations if not guided by an experienced teacher.) Traditionally, qigong was an elite discipline, transmitted through religious sects from master to disciple.
Today qigong instruction is available through video discs and correspondence courses, peddled along with meditation cushions and herbal teas.
The ancient art hasn’t always been widely accepted. During the all-out assault on traditional culture at the height of the Maoist era, qigong was practiced only in secret, if at all. Then, in the late 1980s, China rediscovered some of its cultural traditions, and the government enthusiastically promoted the exercises. In the early 1990s, a wave of self-styled healers, mystics and occultists rose from obscurity to command millions of disciples. But in 1999, Beijing cracked down on the Falun Gong spiritual group, which practices qigong, after 10,000 followers surrounded the Zhongnanhai leadership compound demanding official recognition for their group. The government sent several gurus to jail – and qigong into remission.
Last month, however, Chinese officials signaled a cautious comeback for the meditative practice, announcing that sports authorities would begin promoting several ancient styles of qigong. “Now that we’ve gotten through the craze phase, I think we’ll be entering a period of stable development for qigong”, saysYu Gongbao, author of numerous books on China’s arts of self-cultivation.
China’s ancient spiritual art hasn’t always been in vogue. But it is now
The Path to a Tranquil Mind
By Anthony Kuhn
Just off Beijing’s main shopping street, Wangfujing, patients with every imaginable malady line up to see qigong doctors in the Hall of the Tranquil Mind clinic. Director Zhang Xiaotong first became a believer in the spiritual art after he was immobilized by three slipped discs. When a qigong doctor tapped on acupuncture points on Zhang’s arms and legs to free up the flow of qi, or bioenergy, his pain subsided.”Qigong masters can’t explain it. Modern science can’t explain it. Only Chinese medical theory can explain qigong’s curative powers.”
That theory holds that circulating qi energy through the body can not only restore health but also slow or reverse aging, as well as increase strength and mental acumen. As far back as the third century B.C., a Chinese medical canon called “The yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic”described “regulating the flow of blood and qi, taking medicine while oserving yin and yang, and calming the mind by relaxingthe bones and muscles”. Today China has hundreds of styles of qigong, exercises that combine elements of yoga, meditation, massage and martial arts to regulate breathing, mental activity and posture. Like yoga, qigong is intended to integrate body, mind and spirit, and its practitioners seek enlightenment as well as health.
Numerous studies aimed at determining the medical value of qigong have proved inconclusive. But that hasn’t stopped the Chinese government from promoting the art as a low-cost health-care alternative – especially now that the state is dismantling its welfare system and transferring health-care costs to citizens.
Last month the government began requiring all qigong doctors to take a standardized national test- not just to weed out phonies but also to help prevent psychotic reactions among devotees. (Like meditation, advanced qigong can trigger hallucinations if not guided by an experienced teacher.) Traditionally, qigong was an elite discipline, transmitted through religious sects from master to disciple.
Today qigong instruction is available through video discs and correspondence courses, peddled along with meditation cushions and herbal teas.
The ancient art hasn’t always been widely accepted. During the all-out assault on traditional culture at the height of the Maoist era, qigong was practiced only in secret, if at all. Then, in the late 1980s, China rediscovered some of its cultural traditions, and the government enthusiastically promoted the exercises. In the early 1990s, a wave of self-styled healers, mystics and occultists rose from obscurity to command millions of disciples. But in 1999, Beijing cracked down on the Falun Gong spiritual group, which practices qigong, after 10,000 followers surrounded the Zhongnanhai leadership compound demanding official recognition for their group. The government sent several gurus to jail – and qigong into remission.
Last month, however, Chinese officials signaled a cautious comeback for the meditative practice, announcing that sports authorities would begin promoting several ancient styles of qigong. “Now that we’ve gotten through the craze phase, I think we’ll be entering a period of stable development for qigong”, says Yu Gongbao, author of numerous books on China’s arts of self-cultivation.
Translation - Romanian QIGONG
Vechea artă spirituală a Chinei n-a fost întotdeauna la modă. Dar acum este
Calea către seninătate spirituală
de Anthony Kuhn
Aproape de Wangjujing, principala arteră comercială a Beijingului, pacienţi suferind de toate bolile posibile stau la rând pe holul clinicii Tranquil Mind pentru o consultaţie qigong. Directorul clinicii, Zhang Xiaotong, a devenit adeptul acestei practici spirituale după ce, în urma deplasării a 3 vertebre, a rămas imobolizat. Când un medic qigong a apăsat anumite puncte energetice de pe mâinile şi picioarele lui Zhang pentru a elibera fluxul bioenergiei sau al chi-ului, durerea a scăzut. « Maeştrii qigong nu pot explica fenomenul. Ştiinţa modernă nu-l poate explica, » spune Zhang. « Numai teoria medicală chineză poate explica proprietăţile curative ale qigong-ului ».
Conform acestei teorii fluxul liber al energiei chi prin corp nu numai că redă organismului starea de sănătate ci, de asemenea, face posibile încetinirea sau inversarea procesului de îmbătrânire precum şi creşterea vitalităţii şi a capacităţilor cognitive. Încă din secolul al III-lea î.Ch., un corpus de texte medicale chineze, « The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic » (Manualul de medicină internă a Împăratului Galben), vorbea despre « reglarea circulaţiei sângelui şi a chi-ului, folosirea medicamentelor în paralel cu observarea yin-ului şi yang-ului, calmarea minţii prin relaxarea oaselor şi a muşchilor ».
Astăzi în China sunt sute de stiluri de qigong, exerciţii care combină elemente de yoga cu meditaţia, masajul şi artele marţiale, în scopul îmbunătăţirii respiraţiei, activităţii mentale şi ţinutei. Ca şi yoga, qigong-ul integrează corpul, mintea şi spiritul, iar practicanţii lui urmăresc dobandirea unei bune stări de sănătate, dar şi iluminarea spirituală.
Numeroasele cercetări asupra valorii medicale a qigong-ul s-au dovedit neconcludente. Dar acest lucru nu a împiedicat guvernul chinez să promoveze qigong-ul ca alternativă medicală ieftină- mai ales acum când statul desfiinţează sistemul de asigurări sociale şi transferă cetăţenilor costurile serviciilor medicale. Luna trecută guvernul a început să solicite tuturor medicilor qigong susţinerea unui test standard naţional – nu doar pentru a-i înlătura pe şarlatani, dar şi pentru a preveni apariţia de reacţii psihotice în rândul adepţilor fanatici (Ca şi meditaţia, qigong-ul de nivel avansat practicat fără supravegherea unui profesor experimentat poate declanşa halucinaţii.) La început, qigong-ul era o disciplină a elitelor, transmisă de la maestru la discipol, prin intermediul sectelor religioase. Astăzi cunoştinţele de qigong pot fi dobândite folosind video-CD-uri, cursuri prin corespondenţă, vândute împreună cu perne de meditaţie şi ceaiuri din plante.
Străvechea artă n-a fost întotdeauna acceptată în totalitate. În timpul atacului distrugător asupra culturii tradiţionale din perioada de vârf a epocii maoiste, qigong-ul era practicat pe ascuns, dacă era practicat. Ulterior, la sfârşitul anilor ’80, China şi-a redescoperit unele dintre tradiţiile culturale, iar guvernul a susţinut în mod entuziast exerciţiile de qigong. La începutul anilor ’90 s-a ridicat un val de vindecatori, mistici şi magi, transformaţi peste noapte în lideri a milioane de discipoli. Dar, în 1999 Beijing-ul a strâns şurubul în jurul grupului spiritual Falun Gong, după ce 10 000 de adepţi au înconjurat complexul Zhongnanhai cerând recunoaştere oficială pentru grupul lor. Guvernul a trimis mai mulţi guru la închisoare – şi qigong-ul în dizgraţie.
Cu toate acestea, luna trecută oficialii chinezi au semnalat o revenire a practicilor meditative, anunţând că autorităţi din lumea sportului vor începe promovarea câtorva stiluri vechi de qigong. « Acum că am depăşit etapa qigong-maniei, cred că vom intra într-o perioadă de dezvoltare constantă a qigong-ului. »spune Yu Gongbao, autor a numeroase cărţi despre vechile arte chineze de cultivare a sinelui.
English to Romanian: How Your Mind Works General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English How Your Mind Works
The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life
I'd like to introduce you to your own best friend and worst enemy, your mind. It is an instrument capable of creating a magnificent life. As long as you remain in control, it will act as your best friend. However, if you don't remain at the wheel, in control, it will run on autopilot. Without direction from you, it will operate aimlessly, eventually running amok, and prove to be your worst enemy. The good news is your conscious and subconscious minds work as a team and provide you with the means to lead a rewarding life. The bad news is no one taught us how to use our mind properly.
As Richard Carlson said, "Our minds can work for us or against us at any given moment. We can learn to accept and live with the natural psychological laws that govern us, understanding how to flow with life rather than struggle against it. We can return to our natural state of contentment." The purpose of this article is to learn how we can use the psychological laws that govern us.
How our mind works
Our life unfolds, for better or worse, as our mind goes through the following three steps. 1) Things stimulate our senses and create thoughts in our conscious mind. 2) The thoughts are sent to our subconscious mind where they become beliefs. 3) The beliefs are automatically acted on, resulting in either negative or positive behavior.
For example, Mary says to her five-year-old, "Why are you so clumsy? You're always bumping into things!" Mary's comments stimulate the conscious mind of her son, causing him to think, "I'm clumsy; I'm always bumping into things." These thoughts are then transferred to the subconscious where they become a belief. The result? Without understanding why, or thinking about it, Mary's son keeps bumping into things. So, Mary's comments have become a self-fulfilling prophecy! The moral of the story? We have to be careful of what we say to others and what we say to ourselves.
Our conscious mind resides in the cerebral cortex and is the area used for thinking. We communicate to ourselves and others in an official language. For example, I'm using the English language to create this article in my mind and then transfer it to paper so it can be read by others. Our subconscious mind is located in the primitive parts of our brain: the medulla oblongata and the limbic system.
How our subconscious works
The language of our subconscious mind is feelings (e.g. pain, pleasure, hot, cold), emotions (e.g. anger, frustration, happy, sad) and images (pictures). Since our conscious and subconscious minds speak different languages, our thoughts have to be translated into pictures before they enter our subconscious. For example, let's return to Mary who is irritated by her "clumsy" son, Tommy. "Don't bump into the coffee table!" she shouts at her son. "I mustn't bump into the table." thinks Tommy. When Tommy's thought is translated into a picture for the subconscious mind, part of the message is lost. The verb "mustn't" is an abstraction which doesn't lend itself for easy translation into a picture. As a result, the subconscious receives the message ". . . bump into the table." Unwittingly, Mary's suggestion results in the opposite behavior! To avoid programming our subconscious with the wrong instructions, we should always focus on the behavior we want, not on what we don't want. Thus, "Hit the ball!" easily translates into a picture. However, this is not the case for, "Don't miss the ball!"
Our subconscious cannot distinguish between thoughts that are created by external events (reality) or imaginary events. So, if I merely imagine in my mind that I'm filled with confidence, my subconscious will accept that as true. And when repeated often enough, my behavior will change. That is, I will become the person I imagined myself to be. On the other hand, we must avoid imagining negative events because our subconscious will accept them as true.
Our subconscious interprets our thoughts literally. It doesn't have the power to reason and analyze. For instance, if I'm ambitious and wish to set goals, I may repeat to myself, "In a year, I will earn more money!" One year later, I may find that I'm indeed earning more money, but only five dollars more! What went wrong? The problem is I didn't specify how much more I wanted to earn. My subconscious followed my instructions exactly, and stopped performing as soon as I achieved the target of earning "more" money, even if it was just five dollars. The lesson? When setting goals, be specific!
Bryan Adams describes the message that we should take home with us, "Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances." Henry David Thoreau explains in even simpler terms: "Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be." Let's start using our thought-chisels to become the person we were meant to be.
How Your Mind Works
The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life
I'd like to introduce you to your own best friend and worst enemy, your mind. It is an instrument capable of creating a magnificent life. As long as you remain in control, it will act as your best friend. However, if you don't remain at the wheel, in control, it will run on autopilot. Without direction from you, it will operate aimlessly, eventually running amok, and prove to be your worst enemy. The good news is your conscious and subconscious minds work as a team and provide you with the means to lead a rewarding life. The bad news is no one taught us how to use our mind properly.
As Richard Carlson said, "Our minds can work for us or against us at any given moment. We can learn to accept and live with the natural psychological laws that govern us, understanding how to flow with life rather than struggle against it. We can return to our natural state of contentment." The purpose of this article is to learn how we can use the psychological laws that govern us.
How our mind works
Our life unfolds, for better or worse, as our mind goes through the following three steps. 1) Things stimulate our senses and create thoughts in our conscious mind. 2) The thoughts are sent to our subconscious mind where they become beliefs. 3) The beliefs are automatically acted on, resulting in either negative or positive behavior.
For example, Mary says to her five-year-old, "Why are you so clumsy? You're always bumping into things!" Mary's comments stimulate the conscious mind of her son, causing him to think, "I'm clumsy; I'm always bumping into things." These thoughts are then transferred to the subconscious where they become a belief. The result? Without understanding why, or thinking about it, Mary's son keeps bumping into things. So, Mary's comments have become a self-fulfilling prophecy! The moral of the story? We have to be careful of what we say to others and what we say to ourselves.
Our conscious mind resides in the cerebral cortex and is the area used for thinking. We communicate to ourselves and others in an official language. For example, I'm using the English language to create this article in my mind and then transfer it to paper so it can be read by others. Our subconscious mind is located in the primitive parts of our brain: the medulla oblongata and the limbic system.
How our subconscious works
The language of our subconscious mind is feelings (e.g. pain, pleasure, hot, cold), emotions (e.g. anger, frustration, happy, sad) and images (pictures). Since our conscious and subconscious minds speak different languages, our thoughts have to be translated into pictures before they enter our subconscious. For example, let's return to Mary who is irritated by her "clumsy" son, Tommy. "Don't bump into the coffee table!" she shouts at her son. "I mustn't bump into the table." thinks Tommy. When Tommy's thought is translated into a picture for the subconscious mind, part of the message is lost. The verb "mustn't" is an abstraction which doesn't lend itself for easy translation into a picture. As a result, the subconscious receives the message ". . . bump into the table." Unwittingly, Mary's suggestion results in the opposite behavior! To avoid programming our subconscious with the wrong instructions, we should always focus on the behavior we want, not on what we don't want. Thus, "Hit the ball!" easily translates into a picture. However, this is not the case for, "Don't miss the ball!"
Our subconscious cannot distinguish between thoughts that are created by external events (reality) or imaginary events. So, if I merely imagine in my mind that I'm filled with confidence, my subconscious will accept that as true. And when repeated often enough, my behavior will change. That is, I will become the person I imagined myself to be. On the other hand, we must avoid imagining negative events because our subconscious will accept them as true.
Our subconscious interprets our thoughts literally. It doesn't have the power to reason and analyze. For instance, if I'm ambitious and wish to set goals, I may repeat to myself, "In a year, I will earn more money!" One year later, I may find that I'm indeed earning more money, but only five dollars more! What went wrong? The problem is I didn't specify how much more I wanted to earn. My subconscious followed my instructions exactly, and stopped performing as soon as I achieved the target of earning "more" money, even if it was just five dollars. The lesson? When setting goals, be specific!
Bryan Adams describes the message that we should take home with us, "Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances." Henry David Thoreau explains in even simpler terms: "Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be." Let's start using our thought-chisels to become the person we were meant to be.
How Your Mind Works
The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life
I'd like to introduce you to your own best friend and worst enemy, your mind. It is an instrument capable of creating a magnificent life. As long as you remain in control, it will act as your best friend. However, if you don't remain at the wheel, in control, it will run on autopilot. Without direction from you, it will operate aimlessly, eventually running amok, and prove to be your worst enemy. The good news is your conscious and subconscious minds work as a team and provide you with the means to lead a rewarding life. The bad news is no one taught us how to use our mind properly.
As Richard Carlson said, "Our minds can work for us or against us at any given moment. We can learn to accept and live with the natural psychological laws that govern us, understanding how to flow with life rather than struggle against it. We can return to our natural state of contentment." The purpose of this article is to learn how we can use the psychological laws that govern us.
How our mind works
Our life unfolds, for better or worse, as our mind goes through the following three steps. 1) Things stimulate our senses and create thoughts in our conscious mind. 2) The thoughts are sent to our subconscious mind where they become beliefs. 3) The beliefs are automatically acted on, resulting in either negative or positive behavior.
For example, Mary says to her five-year-old, "Why are you so clumsy? You're always bumping into things!" Mary's comments stimulate the conscious mind of her son, causing him to think, "I'm clumsy; I'm always bumping into things." These thoughts are then transferred to the subconscious where they become a belief. The result? Without understanding why, or thinking about it, Mary's son keeps bumping into things. So, Mary's comments have become a self-fulfilling prophecy! The moral of the story? We have to be careful of what we say to others and what we say to ourselves.
Our conscious mind resides in the cerebral cortex and is the area used for thinking. We communicate to ourselves and others in an official language. For example, I'm using the English language to create this article in my mind and then transfer it to paper so it can be read by others. Our subconscious mind is located in the primitive parts of our brain: the medulla oblongata and the limbic system.
How our subconscious works
The language of our subconscious mind is feelings (e.g. pain, pleasure, hot, cold), emotions (e.g. anger, frustration, happy, sad) and images (pictures). Since our conscious and subconscious minds speak different languages, our thoughts have to be translated into pictures before they enter our subconscious. For example, let's return to Mary who is irritated by her "clumsy" son, Tommy. "Don't bump into the coffee table!" she shouts at her son. "I mustn't bump into the table." thinks Tommy. When Tommy's thought is translated into a picture for the subconscious mind, part of the message is lost. The verb "mustn't" is an abstraction which doesn't lend itself for easy translation into a picture. As a result, the subconscious receives the message ". . . bump into the table." Unwittingly, Mary's suggestion results in the opposite behavior! To avoid programming our subconscious with the wrong instructions, we should always focus on the behavior we want, not on what we don't want. Thus, "Hit the ball!" easily translates into a picture. However, this is not the case for, "Don't miss the ball!"
Our subconscious cannot distinguish between thoughts that are created by external events (reality) or imaginary events. So, if I merely imagine in my mind that I'm filled with confidence, my subconscious will accept that as true. And when repeated often enough, my behavior will change. That is, I will become the person I imagined myself to be. On the other hand, we must avoid imagining negative events because our subconscious will accept them as true.
Our subconscious interprets our thoughts literally. It doesn't have the power to reason and analyze. For instance, if I'm ambitious and wish to set goals, I may repeat to myself, "In a year, I will earn more money!" One year later, I may find that I'm indeed earning more money, but only five dollars more! What went wrong? The problem is I didn't specify how much more I wanted to earn. My subconscious followed my instructions exactly, and stopped performing as soon as I achieved the target of earning "more" money, even if it was just five dollars. The lesson? When setting goals, be specific!
Bryan Adams describes the message that we should take home with us, "Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances." Henry David Thoreau explains in even simpler terms: "Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be." Let's start using our thought-chisels to become the person we were meant to be.
How Your Mind Works
The right train of thought can take you to a better station in life
I'd like to introduce you to your own best friend and worst enemy, your mind. It is an instrument capable of creating a magnificent life. As long as you remain in control, it will act as your best friend. However, if you don't remain at the wheel, in control, it will run on autopilot. Without direction from you, it will operate aimlessly, eventually running amok, and prove to be your worst enemy. The good news is your conscious and subconscious minds work as a team and provide you with the means to lead a rewarding life. The bad news is no one taught us how to use our mind properly.
As Richard Carlson said, "Our minds can work for us or against us at any given moment. We can learn to accept and live with the natural psychological laws that govern us, understanding how to flow with life rather than struggle against it. We can return to our natural state of contentment." The purpose of this article is to learn how we can use the psychological laws that govern us.
How our mind works
Our life unfolds, for better or worse, as our mind goes through the following three steps. 1) Things stimulate our senses and create thoughts in our conscious mind. 2) The thoughts are sent to our subconscious mind where they become beliefs. 3) The beliefs are automatically acted on, resulting in either negative or positive behavior.
For example, Mary says to her five-year-old, "Why are you so clumsy? You're always bumping into things!" Mary's comments stimulate the conscious mind of her son, causing him to think, "I'm clumsy; I'm always bumping into things." These thoughts are then transferred to the subconscious where they become a belief. The result? Without understanding why, or thinking about it, Mary's son keeps bumping into things. So, Mary's comments have become a self-fulfilling prophecy! The moral of the story? We have to be careful of what we say to others and what we say to ourselves.
Our conscious mind resides in the cerebral cortex and is the area used for thinking. We communicate to ourselves and others in an official language. For example, I'm using the English language to create this article in my mind and then transfer it to paper so it can be read by others. Our subconscious mind is located in the primitive parts of our brain: the medulla oblongata and the limbic system.
How our subconscious works
The language of our subconscious mind is feelings (e.g. pain, pleasure, hot, cold), emotions (e.g. anger, frustration, happy, sad) and images (pictures). Since our conscious and subconscious minds speak different languages, our thoughts have to be translated into pictures before they enter our subconscious. For example, let's return to Mary who is irritated by her "clumsy" son, Tommy. "Don't bump into the coffee table!" she shouts at her son. "I mustn't bump into the table." thinks Tommy. When Tommy's thought is translated into a picture for the subconscious mind, part of the message is lost. The verb "mustn't" is an abstraction which doesn't lend itself for easy translation into a picture. As a result, the subconscious receives the message ". . . bump into the table." Unwittingly, Mary's suggestion results in the opposite behavior! To avoid programming our subconscious with the wrong instructions, we should always focus on the behavior we want, not on what we don't want. Thus, "Hit the ball!" easily translates into a picture. However, this is not the case for, "Don't miss the ball!"
Our subconscious cannot distinguish between thoughts that are created by external events (reality) or imaginary events. So, if I merely imagine in my mind that I'm filled with confidence, my subconscious will accept that as true. And when repeated often enough, my behavior will change. That is, I will become the person I imagined myself to be. On the other hand, we must avoid imagining negative events because our subconscious will accept them as true.
Our subconscious interprets our thoughts literally. It doesn't have the power to reason and analyze. For instance, if I'm ambitious and wish to set goals, I may repeat to myself, "In a year, I will earn more money!" One year later, I may find that I'm indeed earning more money, but only five dollars more! What went wrong? The problem is I didn't specify how much more I wanted to earn. My subconscious followed my instructions exactly, and stopped performing as soon as I achieved the target of earning "more" money, even if it was just five dollars. The lesson? When setting goals, be specific!
Bryan Adams describes the message that we should take home with us, "Thoughts are things; they have tremendous power. Thoughts of doubt and fear are pathways to failure. When you conquer negative attitudes of doubt and fear you conquer failure. Thoughts crystallize into habit and habit solidifies into circumstances." Henry David Thoreau explains in even simpler terms: "Thought is the sculptor who can create the person you want to be." Let's start using our thought-chisels to become the person we were meant to be.
Translation - Romanian Cum îţi funcţionează mintea
Gândul potrivit îţi aduce o viaţă mai bună
Aş vrea să te prezint celui mai bun prieten şi duşman, mintea ta. E un instrument capabil să creeze o viaţă magnifică. Cât timp tu rămâi la control, va acţiona ca cel mai bun prieten al tău. Totuşi, dacă nu rămâi la cârmă, în control, va funcţiona pe pilot automat. Fără indicaţii din partea ta va acţiona fără scop, creând haos în final şi dovedindu-se cel mai de temut duşman. Vestea bună e că conştientul şi subconştientul lucrează în echipă şi îţi oferă mjloacele de a duce o viaţă plină de satisfacţii. Vestea rea e că nimeni nu ne-a învăţat cum să ne folosim mintea în mod adecvat.
După cum spunea Richard Carlson, “Mintea noastră poate lucra în favoarea sau împotriva noastră în orice moment. Putem învăţa să acceptăm situaţia şi să trăim după legile psihologice naturale care ne conduc, înţelegând cum să progresăm o dată cu viaţa în loc să luptăm împotriva ei. Ne putem întoarce la starea noastră naturală de mulţumire sufletească.” Scopul acestui articol este să învăţăm cum putem folosi legile psihologice care ne guvernează.
Cum ne funcţionează mintea
Vaţa noastră se desfăşoară, bine sau rău, pe măsură ce mintea parcurge următorii trei paşi:
1) lucrurile stimulează simţurile şi produc gânduri în mintea conştientă.
2) gândurile sunt trimise subconştientului unde devin convingeri.
3) convingerile sunt automat activate ducând la comportamente negative sau pozitive.
De exemplu, Maia îi spune copilului ei de 5 ani : “De ce eşti aşa de neîndemânatic ? Mereu te împiedici de lucruri ! ” Observaţiile Mariei stimulează mintea conştientă a fiului său, determinându-l să se gândească : “Sunt neîndemânatic; mereu mă împiedic de lucruri.” Aceste gânduri sunt transferate subconştientului unde se transformă în convingeri. Rezultatul ? Fără să înţeleagă de ce, sau gândindu-se la asta, fiul Mariei continuă se se împiedice de lucruri. Astfel, cuvintele Mariei devin o profeţie auto-împlinită ! Morala poveştii ?Trebuie să fim atenţi la ce le spunem altora şi la ce ne spunem nouă înşine.
Conştientul nostru aparţine de cortexul cerebral şi este zona rezervată gândirii. Comunicăm cu noi înşine şi cu alţii într-un limbaj oficial. De exemplu, folosesc limba engleză ( în cazul nostru lb. Română – pentru a realiza acest articol în mintea mea şi pentru a-l transfera apoi pe hârtie ca să poată fi citit de către alţii. Subconştientul nostru e localizat în porţiunile primitive ale creierului nostru : medulla oblongata (măduva spină şi sistemul limbic.
Cum ne funcţionează subconştientul
Limbajul subconştientului e format din senzaţii (de ex. durere, plăcere, fierbinte, rece), emoţii (de ex. mânie, frustrare, fericire, tristeţe) şi reprezentări (imagini). De vreme ce conştientul şi subconştientul folosesc limbaje diferite, gândurile noastre trebuie traduse în imagini înainte de a intra în subconştient. De exemplu, să ne întoarcem la Maria care este iritată de neîndemânaticul ei fiu, Tommy. “Nu da peste măsuţa de cafea!”strigă la el. “Nu trebuie să dau peste măsuţa de cafea.” se gândeşte Tommy. Atunci când gândul lui Tommy este tradus într-o imagine pentru subconştient, o parte din mesaj este pierdută. Verbul “nu trebuie” este o abstracţiune care nu se pretează unei traduceri uşoare în imagini. Ca urmare, subconştientul primeşte mesajul “...da peste masă.” Fără să-şi dea seama, sugestia Mariei se are drept consecinţă comportamentul opus! Pentru a evita programarea subconştientului cu instrucţiuni greşite ar trebui să ne concentrăm întotdeauna asupra comportamentului pe care îl dorim şi nu asupra celui nedorit. Astfel, “Loveşte mingea!” se traduce uşor într-o imagine. Nu la fel stau lucrurile pentru “Nu rata mingea!”.
Subconştientul nostru nu face diferenţa între gândurile create de întâmplări externe (realitate) si evenimente imaginare. Deci, dacă doar îmi imaginez că sunt plin de încredere, subconştientul meu va accepta acest lucru ca fiind adevărat. Şi, repetat suficient de des comportamentul meu se va schimba. Adică, voi deveni persoana care mi-am imaginat că sunt. Pe de altă parte, trebuie să evităm să imaginăm evenimente negative deoarece subconştientul le va accepta drept adevăr.
Subconştientul ne interpretează gândurile literal. Nu are capacitatea de a raţiona şi analiza. De exemplu, dacă sunt ambiţios şi doresc să-mi stabilesc scopuri pot să-mi repet: “Într-un an voi câştiga mai mulţi bani!”. Un an mai târziu, s-ar putea să aflu că, într-adevăr, câştig mai mulţi bani, dar numai cu cinci dolari în plus! Ce n-a mers bine? Problema e că nu am specificat cât vreau să câştig în plus. Subconştientul meu mi-a urmat instrucţiunile întocmai şi a încetat să mai lucreze imediat ce mi-am atins scopul de a câştiga “mai mulţi” bani, chiar dacă erau numai cinci dolari. Lecţia? Când îţi propui scopuri fii concret!
Bryan Adams descrie mesajul pe care ar trebui să-l luăm acasă :”Gândurile sunt lucruri; au o putere uriaşă. Gândurile de îndoială şi teamă sunt căi spre eşec. Când învingi atitudini negative de îndoială şi teamă învingi eşecul. Gândurile se cristalizează în obicei, iar obiceiul se consolidează în circumstanţe.” Hery David Thoreau explică în termeni şi mai simpli: “Gândul e sculptorul care poate crea persoana care vrei tu să fii.” Haideţi să începem să folosim dalta gândurilor pentru a deveni persoanele care trebuia să fim.