Working languages:
French to English
English to French

Bob Lemay
Where wording and meaning come together!

The Villages, Florida, United States
Local time: 19:15 EDT (GMT-4)

Native in: French (Variant: Canadian) Native in French, English Native in English
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Feb 15, 2023 (posted via  Tesla maintenance manual ...more, + 2 other entries »
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization
Specializes in:
Automation & RoboticsAutomotive / Cars & Trucks
Computers: Systems, NetworksIT (Information Technology)
Engineering (general)SAP
Computers: Software

French to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.11 USD per word / 35 - 35 USD per hour
English to French - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 USD per word / 35 - 35 USD per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) Questions asked: 5
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Check, PayPal | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Translation education Bachelor's degree - École Polytechnique de Montréal
Experience Years of experience: 50. Registered at Mar 2004. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Multilizer, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume English (PDF)
Professional practices Bob Lemay endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.0).

Bob Lemay DBA Domus Citius Holdings LLC

411 Walnut St PMB 13844, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 USA

Tel: +1-772-408-8236

E-mail: [email protected] backup E-mail: [email protected]

am a French and English Canadian engineer with nearly 50 years of experience in
the Information Systems and Manufacturing industries, including software and
hardware development and product marketing; 5 years in the Canadian Army
Primary Reserve as a Maintenance Officer; IFR rated pilot with hundreds of
hours; experienced sailor having refitted and sailed a 50’ sailboat.

have produced many types of documents in French and English concerning the
development, manufacturing, marketing, and legal aspects of a variety of
products. It was an easy transition to translate such documents. I had been
translating part-time for many years, but I transitioned to full-time in 2003.

my career, I have been freelancing in translation from French (FR & CA) to English (US
& UK)
 and English
(US & UK) to French (CA)


of the American Translation Association (ATA)

Translation, transcription, and subtitling expertise domains





Artificial Intelligence

Automation & robotics

Automotive manufacturing

Automotive maintenance

Aviation manufacturing

Aviation operation

Aviation maintenance


Civil engineering


Computer Hardware

Computer Networks

Computer Software

Computer Systems



Military systems

Military operations





Environment & ecology

Enterprise Resource Planning, Government

Health systems

Industrial process

Information Technology/IT

International organizations



Manufacturing process

Maritime operations

Maritime Sailboats

Maritime Shipbuilding

Market Research






Military vehicle maintenance

Mobile phone equipment manufacturing


Nuclear material

Nuclear plants


Patents, Trademarks, Copyright


Printing & Publishing

Public Relations


Shipping operation


TV equipment and software

User Interfaces


Experience level

years of freelance translation FR -
and EN -> FR-CA. I do not translate FR-FR street language.

trans 4 Kwords/day, MTPE 6 Kwords/day proof 24 Kwords/day
FR->EN, and EN->FR.

Tesla Maintenance Manuals full time for the
past 8 months.

Typical Clients

have developed ongoing relationships with many agencies, which have brought
regular work from companies such as:

ABB, Electrical Transformers;

Affaires Maritimes de France, Ship building specifications;

Air France, Aircraft maintenance;

Air Liquide, Compressed air plant;

Airbus, Helicopter flight manuals;

Alstom, Train management software;

Altik, Management software;

Areva, Nuclear plant management software;

Audiolog, Voice recording system;

Axis, IP cameras, Digital security cameras;

Banque de France, Banking;

Banque Postale (France), Banking;

Beck & Amley, Construction equipment;

Bell Helicopters, Helicopter flight manuals;

BMC Software, Software;

BNP Paribas, Banking;

Bouygues Telecom, Mobile network equipment;

Caterpillar, Heavy equipment, Diesel engines;

Cegelec, Electrical power plants, Nuclear power plants;

Daimler trucks North America, Diesel truck maintenance;

Dassault Aviation, Aircraft, Falcon maintenance technical;

ElecLink, DC interconnection between FR and UK power grids;

Électricité de France, Electrical & Nuclear power plants;

EMC2, Storage Array Networks;

ERP software, Enterprise Resource Planning;

Exelis, Airport radar systems;

Fanuc, Industrial robots;

Fellowes, Office equipment;

Fisker Motors, Automobile;

France Telecom, Mobile networks;

Freer Industries, CNC machining;

French Air Force, C130 Hercules flight training manual from

GE, Wind Turbines, Wind Turbines;

Giddings & Lewis, Machine tools;

Goodyear, Tire manufacturing;

HP Computers, Hardware & Software;

Huawei, Mobile network equipment;

Hydro Quebec, Electric power plants;

IBM Canada, PC Software, Mainframe software;

JIB Networks, Network management;

John Deere, Farm equipment, Heavy construction equipment;

Lift rideshare & bike rental, user guides

Lockheed Aviation, Aircraft;

Martin Automation, paper roll handling & splicing

Microsoft, user guides;

Mitsubishi/Caterpillar, Forklift trucks;

Motorola, Mobile phones;

Navistar, Diesel truck engine repair & maintenance;

Oracle DBMS and ERP,

Netcom, Broadband network equipment;

Peugeot Citroën, Car manufacturing process;

Pratt & Whitney, Turbine engines maintenance;

Precia Nolen, Automated weighing equipment;

Remedy, Incident management software;

RightNow CRM, CRM software;

RJG , Plastic pressure molding equipment;

Rolls Royce, Turbine engines;

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Criminal tracking system;

Saint Gobin Construction material, Transportation equipment;

Sandvik Mining equipment, Dust handling equipment;

Schneider Electrical, Electrical equipment;

Seagrave, Firefighting equipment;

Siemens, Industrial networking;

Siplec, Supply chain management;

SNCF, Railway operations;

Sony Mobile, Remote TV management software;

Sony TV, Professional TV User guides

Spartan Tools, Drain and Sewer Line Cleaning Equipment;

STX France, Ship building;

Tesla, Automobile user guide, GPS,
maintenance manuals;

Thales Alenia Space, Satellite equipment;

TOTAL SA, Petroleum & Gas plants;

Transocean, Ocean Oil Platform operations;

Valeo, Automobile parts;

Wacker Industries, Light to medium construction equipment;

Wirewerks, Structured cabling systems.


Translation tools

have full licenses with maintenance contracts for Trados, Memsource, MemoQ, ATMS,
Passolo, Across, Wordfast and Déjà Vu. I am highly technical and an expert user
of current and prior versions of Trados to handle complex text document
structures such as InDesign, PageMaker, Frame maker, and others. I regularly
handle files in the 20k+ words category. My average production rate is about 4,000
equivalent words per day for English to French and French to English.

was an office product and networking software developer for 30 years, so I am
highly skilled in all Microsoft products such MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Visio, databases, and communication technologies.

use Adobe Acrobat Pro to edit and markup PDF files.

use Adobe Acrobat Pro and Abby to convert PDF files to Word format.

have full redundancy in my computers and my Internet access to make sure that
nothing mechanical will prevent me from meeting my deadlines.

Keywords: French to English, English to French Canadian, computer industry, software, technical, industrial, manufacturing, electrical, electronics, contracts. See more.French to English, English to French Canadian, computer industry, software, technical, industrial, manufacturing, electrical, electronics, contracts, marketing, Trados, Wordfast, MemoQ, Memsource, Across. See less.

Profile last updated
Apr 5, 2024

More translators and interpreters: French to English - English to French   More language pairs