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Translation Volume: 5000 words Languages: English to Slovenian
International memorandum of understanding
Translation of memorandum of understanding on co-operation in the fight against serious crime, organised crime, illicit drug trafficking and in like matters of mutual interest
Law: Contract(s), International Org/Dev/Coop
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Translation Volume: 10000 words Languages: English to Slovenian
Elevator management system
Translation of Elevator Management System (windows-based software tool that provides the functions to monitor status, performance, traffic patterns, floor accessibility, operating conditions, and Elevator events and alarms for up to eight groups of elevators)
Computers: Software, IT (Information Technology)
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Translation Volume: 6000 words Languages: English to Slovenian
Contingency Plan
Contingency Plan for a bank (document determines the order and responsibilities in case of critical systems failures and equipment malfunction).
Accounting, Finance (general), IT (Information Technology)
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Translation Volume: 40000 words Languages: English to Slovenian
Battering machine manuals
Translation od battering machine user and maintenance manuals (food industry)
Translation Volume: 50000 words Languages: English to Slovenian
BASIC programming reference manual
Translation of reference manual for programming in BASIC for HP UNIX systems
Computers: Software, IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer, PayPal, Skrill
Sample translations submitted: 5
English to Slovenian: IT marketing text
Source text - English We live in a time of explosive data growth. It’s estimated that data will grow at an annual clip of over 25 percent. So it’s scarcely surprising that data storage now accounts for
more than 15 percent of the average IT budget and that cost is rising. It’s also widely acknowledged that effective disk utilisation is less than 50 percent. We may be producing and storing more data but we have yet to be
effective managers of it.
Translation - Slovenian Živimo v času eksplozivne rasti količine podatkov. Ocenjujejo, da se bo količina podatkov vsako leto povečala za 25 odstotkov, zato ne preseneča, da pomnilniški prostor danes predstavlja več kot 15 odstotkov povprečnega proračuna IT. Ta strošek pa še narašča. Splošno znano je tudi, da je povprečna izkoriščenost diska manj kot 50 odstotkov. Proizvajamo in shranjujemo vse več podatkov, vendar moramo z njimi tudi učinkovito upravljati
English to Slovenian: Document for EU Council debate
Source text - English The intelligent use of energy and reducing the inefficiencies in the today fossil and nuclear based energy and transport system have the biggest reduction potentials and are in general more cost effective than other measures. Greens welcome that the EU has adopted as a first important but not sufficient step in that direction an action plan that if implemented will result in a 20% increase in the efficient use of energy by 2020. This plan must be recognized for the fact that it is the cornerstone of the EU’s fight against climate change; failure to achieve its objectives will make all climate change targets unachievable. Consequently, absolute priority must be given to increasing the efficient use of energy and energy conservation measures, for example through focus on energy efficiency measures.
Translation - Slovenian Inteligentna uporaba energije in zmanjšanje neučinkovitosti današnjih energijskih in transportnih sistemov, ki temeljijo na fosilnih in jedrskih gorivih, kažeta največje možnosti za zmanjšanje izpustov in sta v splošnem bolj stroškovno učinkovita kot drugi ukrepi. Zeleni pozdravljajo dejstvo, da je EU kot prvi pomemben, vendar še ne zadosten korak v tej smeri sprejel delovni načrt, ki bo, če bo uresničen, do leta 2020 privedel do 20% povečanja učinkovitosti rabe energije. Temu načrtu je treba izreči priznanje, saj predstavlja mejnik boja EU proti podnebnim spremembam. Če njegovi cilji ne bodo uresničeni, bodo tudi cilji glede podnebnih sprememb nedosegljivi. Posledično je treba dati absolutno prednost ukrepom za povečanje učinkovitosti rabe energije in varčevanje z energijo, na primer z osredotočenjem na ukrepe za energijsko učinkovitost.
English to Slovenian: Description of gardening equipment
Source text - English A beautiful lawn. Three razor like blades cut the grass cleanly rather than tearing it off. The fact that mower cuts more often produces shorter clippings, which produces better fertilizer. An irregular cutting pattern and wheels that offer outstanding grip also ensure you get the lawn surface you’ve always wanted even in complex or undulating gardens.
User freedom. Mower is equipped with a range of handy functions that combine optimal performance with user freedom. Programming is as easy as personalizing a mobile phone and when this is complete, mower carries out its work quietly, safely and effectively and charges itself when required, even when you’re not at home.
Simple set up. The working area is defined with the help of a low voltage boundary wire, which is easily laid out around the desired cutting area. Flowerbeds and other areas to be avoided are protected using the same wire. An optional guide wire can be used to fine-tune your cutting program for optimal efficiency. This way, mower cuts evenly and safely up to borders, finds its way back to the charging station and avoids obstacles with ease.
Low energy consumption. Efficient energy management means low energy consumption, allowing mower to operate at a fraction of the cost of conventional lawnmowers.
A greener, quieter alternative. Because it is electrically powered, mower produces no harmful exhaust emissions. It is also extremely quiet and works discreetly exactly when you want it to. This means your quiet afternoon in the garden will never be disturbed again.
Safety first. If mower is lifted off the ground or tips over, the cutting blade automatically shuts off. In addition, the cutting blades are placed far from the edge of the machine so if mower meets an obstacle it will stop and redirect itself without causing any damage.
Translation - Slovenian Čudovita zelenica. Tri rezila, ostra kot britev, travo gladko odrežejo in je ne trgajo. Kosilnica reže bolj na gosto, zato so odrezki krajši, kar zagotavlja boljše gnojenje zelenice. Neenakomeren vzorec košnje in kolesa, ki nudijo izvrsten oprijem, zagotavljajo površino zelenice, kot ste jo zmeraj želeli - tudi v kompleksnih vrtovih ali vrtovih z valovitim terenom.
Svoboda uporabnika. Kosilnica je opremljena z obširnim naborom priročnih funkcij, ki združujejo optimalno delovanje ter svobodo uporabnika. Programiranje je tako preprosto kot nastavljanje mobilnega telefona, in ko ga opravite, bo kosilnica delo opravila tiho, varno in učinkovito ter po potrebi sama napolnila svoje baterije - vse to tudi takrat, ko vas ni doma.
Preprosta nastavitev. Delovno območje je določeno z nizkonapetostno mejno žico, ki jo je preprosto položiti okrog območja, ki ga želite pokositi. Na isti način zaščitite cvetlične gredice in druga področja, kjer košnja ni dovoljena. Če želite podrobno nastaviti program košnje, s čimer dosežete optimalno učinkovitost, lahko uporabite žično vodilo, ki je na voljo kot dodatek. Na ta način kosilnica enakomerno in varno kosi do predpisanih meja, sama najde pot do električne vtičnice in se z lahkoto izogiba oviram na poti.
Nizka poraba energije. Učinkovito upravljanje z energijo pomeni nizko porabo energije, kar kosilnici omogoča delovanje ob mnogo nižjih stroških v primerjavi z običajnimi kosilnicami.
Bolj zelena in tišja alternativa. Kosilnica deluje na električni pogon, zato ne proizvaja škodljivih izpušnih plinov. Obenem je izjemno tiha in diskretno deluje natanko takrat, ko vi želite. To pomeni, da tihega popoldneva v vašem vrtu nikdar več ne bo zmotil hrup.
Varnost je na prvem mestu. Če kosilnico dvignete s tal ali če se prevrne, se rezilo samodejno izključi. Rezila so nameščena daleč od roba stroja, kar pomeni, da se bo kosilnica ob stiku z oviro zaustavila in poiskala novo smer, ne da bi povzročila škodo.
English to Slovenian: Legal text - software license
Source text - English The software is licensed on a trial basis. Your rights to use the software are limited to the trial period. The length of the trial period is set forth during the activation process. You may have the option to convert your trial rights to subscription or perpetual rights. Conversion options will be presented to you at the expiration of your trial period. After the expiration of any trial period without conversion, most features of the trial software will stop running. At that time you can continue to open, view and print any documents you created with the trial software.
REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY. The manufacturer or installer will, at its election, either (i) repair or replace the software at no charge, or (ii) accept return of the product(s) for a refund of the amount paid, if any. The manufacturer or installer may also repair or replace supplements, updates and replacement software or provide a refund of the amount you paid for them, if any. Contact the manufacturer or installer about its policy. These are your only remedies for breach of the limited warranty.
Translation - Slovenian Programska oprema je licencirana za namene preskušanja. Vaše pravice do uporabe programske opreme so omejene na preskusno obdobje. Trajanje preskusnega obdobja se določi med postopkom aktiviranja. Pravice do uporabe preskusne različice lahko morda spremenite v naročniške ali trajne pravice. Možnosti sprememb bodo na voljo po poteku preskusnega obdobja. Če po poteku katerega koli preskusnega obdobja ne boste spremenili licence, bo večina funkcij preskusne različice programske opreme prenehala delovati. V tem času boste še vedno lahko odprli, pregledovali in tiskali vse dokumente, ki ste jih ustvarili s preskusno različico programske opreme.
PRAVNA SREDSTVA PRI KRŠITVI JAMSTVA. Proizvajalec ali tisti, ki je programsko opremo namestil, bo po svoji izbiri (i) brezplačno popravil ali zamenjal programsko opremo ali (ii) sprejel vračilo izdelka ali izdelkov v zameno za povračilo morebitne kupnine. Proizvajalec oz. tisti, ki je programsko opremo namestil, lahko tudi popravi ali nadomesti dodatke, posodobitve in nadomestno programsko opremo ali vam povrne znesek, ki ste ga morebiti zanje plačali. Če potrebujete več informacij o pravilniku proizvajalca oz. tistega, ki je programsko opremo namestil, se obrnite nanju. To so vaša edina pravna sredstva v primeru kršitve omejenega jamstva.
English to Slovenian: Electronics sample
Source text - English How Scaling Works
Analog modules convert between electrical signals (current or voltage) and digital values. These digital values are 0 to 4095 (for 12-bit converters). Digital values are often referred to as “counts” They represent the data that is transferred between the Bus Interface Unit and an analog module. To make the input or output data of conventional analog modules more meaningful to the application, the Bus Interface Unit performs a conversion process called scaling (note that the BIU performs scaling only for conventional analog modules; “ntelligent” analog modules perform their own scaling). Scaling converts the module's digital values to or from the engineering units values used by the application.
Typically, the engineering units represent millivolts or microamps. In other cases, they represent physical units such as degrees or centimeters per second. Since engineering units values are integers from -32767 to +32767, it is often necessary to use fractional units (such as hundredths of degrees) to preserve the resolution of a physical input or output.
Each channel of an analog module can be scaled independently. Scaling is configured by entering corresponding low and high engineering units values and low and high internal values for two points. The internal values represent millivolts or microamps.
The BIU uses the straight line defined by the two pairs of values to convert between engineering units and analog convertor counts. The conversion takes into account the module type and the range that is selected.
Translation - Slovenian Kako deluje lestvičenje
Analogni moduli pretvarjajo med električnimi signali (tokovnimi ali napetostnimi) in digitalnimi vrednostmi. Te digitalne vrednosti so med 0 in 4095 (pri 12-bitnih pretvornikih). Digitalne vrednosti so pogosto imenovane »števila«. Predstavljajo podatke, ki se prenašajo med vmesnikom vodila (BIU – Bus Interface Unit) in analognim modulom. Vmesnik vodila izvaja postopek pretvorbe, imenovan lestvičenje, s katerim vhodni ali izhodni podatki konvencionalnih analognih modulov postanejo primernejši za uporabo v programu (BIU izvaja lestvičenje le za konvencionalne analogne module, medtem ko »inteligentni« analogni moduli lestvičenje izvajajo sami). Lestvičenje pretvarja digitalne vrednosti modula v ali iz vrednosti tehničnih enot, ki jih uporablja program.
Tehnične enote tipično predstavljajo milivolte ali mikroampere. V drugih primerih predstavljajo fizikalne enote, kot so stopinje ali centimetri na sekundo. Ker so vrednosti tehničnih enot cele vrednosti od -32767 do +32767, je treba za ohranitev ločljivost fizičnega vhoda ali izhoda pogosto uporabiti dele enot (kot so stotinke stopinj).
Vsak kanal analognega modula je mogoče neodvisno lestvičiti. Konfiguriranje lestvičenja se izvede z vnosom ustrezajočih spodnjih in zgornjih vrednosti tehničnih enot ter spodnjih in zgornjih notranjih vrednosti za dve točki. Notranje vrednosti predstavljajo milivolte ali mikroampere.
BIU za pretvorbo med tehničnimi enotami in števili analognega pretvornika uporablja premico, določeno s tema dvema paroma vrednosti. Pri pretvorbi se upoštevata vrsta modula in izbran razpon.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Maribor
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Dec 2006. Became a member: Aug 2007.
English to Slovenian (Association of Scientific and Technical Translator, verified)
Association of Scientific and Technical Translators
Adobe Acrobat, Google Translator Toolkit, Idiom, LocStudio, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace
I've been working as an English to Slovenian translator and proofreader for the last 20 years and have done so far approximately 4.5 million words worth of translation in connection with various fields (IT/computers, telecommunications, marketing, technology, machinery, economics, business, management, etc.) including many complex translation projects each consisting of several hundreds of pages.
I specialize in IT/Computers which is also my central field of professional proficiency and interest (university degree diploma in Computer Science & Informatics). When it comes to computer hardware or software, including software localization, you can rest assured that you will get top quality translations, backed up by professional knowledge and many years of experience. My main specialization are user interfaces, manuals and help files for mobile devices, especially the ones with Android. Also, my experience with telecommunications related texts and user interfaces is quite substantial. Marketing texts are one of my fields of proficiency as well, and my experience includes marketing materials (web based and printed) for several major international corporations. I’m especially skillful in translating dynamic in highly idiomatic texts, producing perfectly and naturally sounding Slovenian translations. This is where the difference between simple translating and actual localization comes to expression.
My experience in translating manuals, user interfaces and other documentation for domestic appliances and home electronics is very extensive. From refrigerators and fryers to LCD TVs and cameras – I have in-depth knowledge, understanding and experience, guaranteeing supreme quality of translation.
I can also fully offer my translation services in the field of general business. I have been on executive positions in various companies in the last 15 years and have extensive experience in translating general business related texts.
I'm experienced in using SDL TRADOS - most of my translation projects are done with this CAT tool. I’m also proficient in using memoQ, SDLX and Idiom.
I never compromise on quality. If I’m not absolutely sure that I can provide top quality results, I will simply reject the project offer. I only do what I’m good at.
I use the 4-phase TEP2 translation methodology that results in correct, nicely flowing, good sounding and grammatically correct translation.
I have collected a list of selected translation projects that I have worked on. Please expand the Project History section of my ProZ profile to see the list.
To see samples of my translations please expand the Portfolio section.
Perhaps it is worth mentioning that my knowledge of Slovenian language is far above the average. I'm author of several textbooks (IT) and other published texts. I'm sure you are very much aware that knowledge of foreign language alone is not sufficient to produce top quality translations. You will appreciate the fact that you can expect me to deliver perfectly Slovenian sounding translations.
Currently I work for several translation agencies based in Europe, USA, Japan and China.
Keywords: english to slovenian translation, english to slovenian translator, english to slovene translation, english to slovene translator, english to slovenian, english to slovene, english to slovenian proofreading, english to slovenian review, english to slovenian proofreader, english to slovenian reviewer. See more.english to slovenian translation, english to slovenian translator, english to slovene translation, english to slovene translator, english to slovenian, english to slovene, english to slovenian proofreading, english to slovenian review, english to slovenian proofreader, english to slovenian reviewer, english to slovene proofreading, english to slovene review, english to slovene proofreader, english to slovene reviewer, translator, editor, proofreader, reviewer, translate, translation, translating, proofread, proofreading, edit, editing, review, reviewing, transcreation, localization, english to slovenian localization, english to slovene localization, website translation, website localization, web site translation, web site localization, english to slovenian website translation, english to slovenian website localization, english to slovenian web site translation, english to slovenian web site localization, english to slovene website translation, english to slovene website localization, english to slovene web site translation, english to slovene web site localization, software translation, software localization, english to slovenian software translation, english to slovenian software localization, english to slovene software translation, english to slovene software localization. See less.
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