Member since May '08

Working languages:
German to Hungarian
English to Hungarian
Dutch to Hungarian
Hungarian to English
Hungarian to German

Zsolt Palagyi
30 Years in Technical Translation

Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Local time: 02:24 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Hungarian Native in Hungarian
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During the last 3 decades I've been working as a German, English, Dutch > Hungarian technical translator in different fields, like tech. engineering, agricultural machinery,  manuals for operation, repair and maintenance of production lines and equipment, etc. My major field of expertise is automotive technology and agricultural machine industry. I have provided translation for Audi, GM, Ford, Mercedes, Volkswagen, John Deere, Wacker Neuson, Kverneland, Fendt, etc. 

I have also taken part in long term technical interpreting projects. 

I studied literary translation at ELTE University, so it was a great pleasure to translate the novel of WWI Austro-Hungarian submarine commander Georg von Trapp: "Bis zum letzten Flaggenschuss"; published in 2017.


Technical Translation EN-HU, DE-HU

- Altalingua GmbH: Daimler technical documentation, software localization, from German and English

- Attica Translations, (Belgium): translation of regulations, reports and working documents of the European Parliament from English and German (2002- 2005)

- Association of Hungarian Tire Manufacturers: translation of the documentation of the Dutch used tire recycling system from Dutch, legal documents, brochures (2003-2006)

- Bridgestone Hungary Ltd. : translation of news about Formula 1 events, tire manufacturing and development, advertisement materials, brochures, legal documents, contracts etc. from English (1999-2008)

- Lionbridge Ltd. (formerly CLS 4-text (Germany): John Deere technical documentation from English, several 100 K words (2013 - 2020), Krone technical documentation from German (since 2019), Meiko Kitchen appliances, Arburg Spritzgussmachienen, Documents for the European Parliament

- CBG Ltd (Sweden): translation of technical documentations for GM (Opel) and other car makes from English and German (2007-2013)

- Continental Hungary Ltd.: translation of documents about tire development and manufacturing, advertisement brochures from German (2000-2014)

- Fulda Translations (Germany) : Procurement Office software from German and English, 2000 pages, (since 2010)

- KERN AG (Germany, Austria): translation and localization as well as continuous development of the Websites of Hankook Tire, Hella Hueck, Hübner and several other companies, as well as manuals for operation, maintenance and repair for manufacturing lines and equipment.

- M-Prospect Translations, (Hungary): Translation of diagnostic system documentations of different car makes into Hungarian as well as from German into English (2006-2008)

- Seprotec Ltd. (Spain): Translation of patents in the field of chemical and mechanical  engineering since 2016

- Skrivanek Hungary Ltd.: translation of Honda technical documentation from English(2004-2008)

- Star Hungary Ltd. : translation of Honda and Volvo diagnostic system documentations from English, Service Manuals of Kverneland agricultural machines from Dutch (since 2002, Transit NXT)

- Thebigword Ltd, (UK): translation of Honda and Harley Davidson bikes technical documentations, press releases, brochures from English (since 2007 )

Textunited (Austra): translation of all kinds of technical documents from German and English  

- Techtrans Ltd (Hungary) : translation of Audi, Volkswagen, Ford technical documentations and training materials from German and English (1999 - 2006)

- Transperfect Ltd.: Translation of Porsche technical documentation, and Infotainment system

Technical translation NL-HU

- Maróti-Godai Publishing Ltd (Hungary).: translation of about 40 repair and maintenance books of different cars (Alfa Romeo, Citroen, Ford, Opel, Renault, VW, etc.) from Dutch(1995-1999)

- Translavic BV (Netherlands) Translation of documents about employment law and safety regulations from Dutch (Since 2002)

- Vertaalbureau Boot (Netherlands): Technical and legal documents from Dutch (since 2008)

- Vertaalbureau Praha: (Netherlands) All kinds of documents from Dutch (2006 - 2008)

Translation of Literature DE-HU:

Rainer Maria Rilke: Das Florenzer Tagebuch (excerpts)

Georg von Trapp: Bis zum letzten Flaggeschuss (Memoire wirtten by a WWI Submarine Captain) Published in 2019 with the Title: "Az utolsó tisztelgésig"


- KRI Manual for Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (300 pages, 2010)


- Texas Instruments: Interpreting from Dutch and German at the training courses of Hungarian engineers and machine operators in Almelo, The Netherlands and in Hungary (2006-2007)

- Suzuki Hungary, Esztergom (2003-2005): Interpreting from English at training courses for machine operators

- MAN: (1996—2000) Interpreting at the training courses for engineers from German

- KERN AG (Sept 2020_ 2 weeks online and phone): Training for Crane operators from German (Operation, repair and maintenance)

- Schmitz Cargobull (2021) Interperting German-Hungarian, Hungarian – German for Hungarian engineers and machine operators

- Mercedes Benz Hungary, (Kecskemét) (2022-2023) Interpreting (German-Hungarian, Hungarian - German) at training courses for assembly line emloyees,

- Rheinmetall Germany, Rheinmetall Hungary (2022 – 2024) Interpreting (German – Hungarian, Hungarian - German) for engineers and technicians at the vehicle assembly lines

Keywords: Automotive technology, cars, trucks, motorbikes, repair and maintenance manuals, manufacturing process books, manuals tyre technology, agricultural machinery, architecture, European Parliament (reports. See more.Automotive technology, cars, trucks, motorbikes, repair and maintenance manuals, manufacturing process books, manuals tyre technology, agricultural machinery, architecture, European Parliament (reports, working documents) e-commerce, homepage localization, contracts, legal documents, tourism, travel books, art history, literature, human resources, users' manuals, deutsch-ungarisch technischer Übersetzer, Automobiltechnik, Landwirtschaft, Fahrzeug, Industrie. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 26