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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Translation, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Medical: Instruments
Medical (general)
Also works in:
Poetry & Literature
Volunteer / Pro-bono work
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Estonian - Rates: 0.16 - 0.19 USD per word / 55 - 60 USD per hour Estonian to English - Rates: 0.16 - 0.19 USD per word / 75 - 75 USD per hour
English to Estonian: Excerpt from SPC General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Renal impairment: In patients with moderate to severe renal impairment, the terminal plasma half-life of xxx is increased due to decreased clearance; therefore the dose should be adjusted (see section 4.2).
Triple nucleoside therapy: There have been reports of a high rate of virological failure and of emergence of resistance at an early stage when xxx was combined with xxx and xxx as well as with xxx and xxx as a once daily regimen.
Opportunistic infections: Patients receiving xxx or any other antiretroviral therapy may continue to develop opportunistic infections and other complications of HIV infection, and therefore should remain under close clinical observation by physicians experienced in the treatment of patients with associated HIV diseases.
Pancreatitis: Cases of pancreatitis have occurred rarely. However it is not clear whether these cases were due to the antiretroviral treatment or to the underlying HIV disease. Treatment with xxx should be stopped immediately if clinical signs, symptoms or laboratory abnormalities suggestive of pancreatitis occur.
Translation - Estonian Neerukahjustus: Mõõduka kuni raske neerukahjustusega patsientidel on xxx plasma lõplik poolväärtusaeg kliirensi aeglustumise tõttu pikenenud, seetõttu tuleb annust kohandada (vt lõik 4.2).
Nukleosiidide kolmikravi: Xxx kombineerimisel xxx ja xxx, samuti kombineerimisel xxx ja xxx manustamisskeemiga üks kord ööpäevas, on teatatud viroloogilise ebaõnnestumise suurest esinemissagedusest ja resistentsuse tekkest ravi varjases staadiumis.
Oportunistlikud infektsioonid: Xxx või mistahes muud retroviirustevastast ravi saavatel patsientidel võib jätkuvalt esineda oportunistlike infektsioonide ja muude HIV-infektsiooni tüsistuste tekkerisk. Seetõttu peab HIV-ga seotud haiguste ravikogemusega arst neid patsiente rangelt kliiniliselt jälgima.
Pankreatiit: Pankreatiidi juhtusid on esinenud harva. Siiski ei ole selge, kas nende juhtude põhjuseks oli retroviirustevastane ravi või ravitav HIV-infektsioon. Ravi xxx tuleb katkestada otsekohe, kui ilmnevad pankreatiidile omased kliinilised nähud, sümptomid või laboratoorsed kõrvalekalded.
English to Estonian: Pneumonia in patients with COPD General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Pneumonia in patients with COPD
An increase in the incidence of pneumonia, including pneumonia requiring hospitalisation, has been observed in patients with COPD receiving inhaled corticosteroids. There is some evidence of an increased risk of pneumonia with increasing steroid dose but this has not been demonstrated conclusively across all studies.
There is no conclusive clinical evidence for intra-class differences in the magnitude of the pneumonia risk among inhaled corticosteroid products.
Physicians should remain vigilant for the possible development of pneumonia in patients with COPD as the clinical features of such infections overlap with the symptoms of COPD exacerbations.
Risk factors for pneumonia in patients with COPD include current smoking, older age, low body mass index (BMI) and severe COPD.
Translation - Estonian Pneumoonia KOKiga patsientidel
Inhaleeritavate kortikosteroididega ravitud KOK-iga patsientidel on täheldatud pneumoonia, sealhulgas haiglaravi vajava pneumoonia esinemissageduse suurenemist. Leitud on mõningaid tõendeid pneumoonia tekkeriski suurenemise kohta steroidide annuse suurendamisel, aga seda ei ole kõigi uuringute lõikes lõplikult tõestatud.
Puuduvad veenvad kliinilised tõendid inhaleeritavate kortikosteroidpreparaatide klassisiseste erinevuste kohta seoses pneumoonia tekkeriski raskusastmega.
Arstid peavad olema jätkuvalt valvsad pneumoonia tekkevõimaluse osas KOK-iga patsientidel, sest selliste infektsioonide kliinilised tunnused kattuvad KOK-i ägenemise sümptomitega.
KOK-iga patsientide pneumoonia tekkeriski tegurite hulka kuuluvad jätkuv suitsetamine, kõrgem iga, madal kehamassiindeks (KMI) ja raske KOK.
I was born in Estonia into a bilingual society and languages have continued to be an important part of my life. I studied English and Russian from the first grade and by the time I graduated from Tartu Medical School in 1989, I had a good control over three languages.
1990 found me living in Europe and that is when I first started as a translator/interpreter. 4 years in Stockholm were followed by 6 years in Estonia, where I worked in several multilingual settings, and 25 years in USA. Being part of an English-speaking community has been very beneficial to my career as a linguist.
I have studied and worked in many different fields (medical, legal, financial) and am still continuing my education. Languages, like most everything else, are constantly morphing, changing, and growing. In 2007 I began specializing more in EMA projects and am very much at home with their guidelines, templates, terminology etc. Which does not mean that I would not welcome other challenges, but I must admit that I would prefer it if these came from the medical field.
While medical translations are my bread and butter, I love to let my imagination fly with translating fiction, non-fiction, and songs. I also assisted with launching the Estonian version of NG, working as a linguistic editor at National Geographic International Editions. Here are a few examples of the books I have translated for the Estonian publishing house Pegasus:
“In Praise of Slow” by Carl Honoré, “Destructive Emotions and How to Overcome Them – Scientific Dialogue with Dalai Lama” by Daniel Goleman, “The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World” by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Howard Cutler MD, “Dream Journeys: Explore the World's Most Incredible Places” by Mary-Ann Gallagher, “The Girl of His Dreams” by Donna Leon, etc.
Currently, I have only translated into Estonian, but I am in the process of adding English literary translations to my portfolio as well.
Keywords: Translations, general, medical field, pharmaceutical, estonian
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