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English to Estonian: Commission Directive 92/69/EEC of 31 July 1992 General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Source text - English The Annex sets out test methods for the determination of physicochemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological properties listed in Annexes VII and VIII to Directive 79/831/EEC. The methods are based on those recognized and recommended by competent international bodies (in particular OECD).
When such methods were not available, national standards or scientific consensus methods have been adopted. Generally, tests should be performed with the substance as defined by the Directive. Attention should be given to the possible influence of impurities on the test results.
When the methods of this Annex are inappropriate for the investigation of a certain property, the notifier must justify the alternate method used.
Animal tests and studies shall be conducted in accordance with national regulations and shall take into account humane principles and international developments in the field of animal welfare.
Among equivalent testing methods, the method using the minimum number of animals is chosen.
Translation - Estonian Käesolevas lisas sätestatakse direktiivi 79/831/EMÜ VII ja VIII lisas loetletud füüsikalis-keemiliste, toksikoloogiliste ja ökotoksikoloogiliste omaduste määramise meetodid. Meetodid põhinevad pädevate rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide (eelkõige OECD) tunnustatud ja soovitatud meetoditel.
Selliste meetodite puudumisel on kasutusele võetud siseriiklikud standardid või teadusmaailmas üldtunnustatud meetodid. Üldjuhul tuleks katsed läbi viia direktiivis määratletud ainega. Silmas tuleb pidada lisandite võimalikku mõju katsetulemustele.
Kui käesolevas lisas osutatud meetodid ei sobi mingi kindla omaduse uurimiseks, peab teavitaja põhjendama muu meetodi kasutamist.
Loomkatsed ja -uuringud viiakse läbi kooskõlas siseriiklike õigusaktidega, võttes arvesse humaanseid põhimõtteid ja rahvusvahelisi suundumusi loomade heaolus.
Võrdväärsete katsemeetodite seast valitakse meetod, kus kasutatakse kõige vähem loomi.
English to Estonian: EN 590:2009: Automotive fuels - Diesel - Requirements and test methods General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Source text - English Diesel fuel may contain up to 7 % (V/V) of FAME complying with EN 14214, in which case the climate-dependent requirements set out in 5.4 of EN 14214:2008 do not apply. The finished blend of diesel fuel shall however comply with the climate dependent requirements set out in 5.5.
It is strongly recommended to add oxidation stability enhancing additives in the FAME product, at the production stage and before storage, providing an action similar to that obtained with 1 000 mg/kg of 3,5 di tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-toluol (butylated hydroxyl-toluene, BHT).
NOTE 1 A suitable method for the separation and identification of FAME is given in EN 14331 [3].
NOTE 2 Requiring FAME to meet the climate-dependent requirements set out in EN 14214 could result in incompatibility between the cold flow additives used in the FAME and the diesel fuel. This may compromise the performance of the finished diesel/FAME blend in respect of the low temperature operability and cause field failures as result of filter plugging in cold weather. Cold flow additives should be specifically matched to the base diesel fuel and FAME quality to ensure correct performance consistent with the requirements set out in this European Standard. The choice of cold flow additive technology should be a contractual matter between the fuel blender and the biodiesel supplier taking into account the climatic-dependent requirements of the finished diesel fuel.
Translation - Estonian Diislikütus võib sisaldada kuni 7 mahu% standardile EN 14214 vastavaid rasvhapete metüülestreid (FAME), sellisel juhul ei rakendu kliimatingimustest olenevad nõuded, mis on esitatud standardi EN 14214:2008 jaotises 5.4. Diislikütuse valmissegu peab aga vastama kliimatingimustest olenevatele nõuetele, mis on esitatud käesoleva standardi jaotises 5.5.
Tootmisfaasis ja enne ladustamist on FAME-toodetele soovitatav lisada oksüdatsioonikindlust parandavaid lisandeid, mille mõju on analoogne 1000 mg/kg 3,5-di-tert-butüül-4-hüdroksü-tolueeniga (butüülhüdroksütolueen, BHT).
Sobiv meetod FAME eraldamiseks ja identifitseerimiseks on antud standardis EN 14331 [3].
Standardi EN 14214, kliimast olenevate nõuete rakendamine rasvhapete metüülestritele võib põhjustada FAME ja diislikütuse külmvoolavuslisandite kokkusobimatust. See võib halvendada diislikütuse/FAME segu tööomadusi ja filtri ummistumisel külma ilmaga põhjustada tõrkeid töös. Külmvoolavuslisandid tuleb sobitada baasdiislikütuse ja FAME omadustega, et tagada õiged tööomadused vastavalt käesoleva standardi nõuetele. Külmvoolavuslisandi tehnoloogia valik peaks olema kütusesegaja ja biodiislikütuse tarnija vahelise lepingu küsimus ja võtma arvesse kliimast olenevaid nõudeid valmis diislikütusele.
My primary experience is with texts related to pharmaceuticals, in vitro diagnostics (software, equipment and chemistry), surgical accessories, general chemistry and food science. I have translated about 2000 pages of pharmaceutical patents, about 800 pages of in vitro diagnostics product manuals, about 500 pages of EMA/EMEA-(European Medicines Agency)-related documents, mostly drug SPC-s/SmPC-s and leaflets, but also some Public Assessment Reports etc, about 1600 pages of ISO/EN/DIN/VDI standards on ambient air and pollution monitoring, about 600 pages of documents on surgical accessories, about 150 pages of material safety data sheets, about 100 pages of food-related EU directives (mostly related to food analysis methods and food safety) and about 50 pages of ISO/EN standards on fuels from English into Estonian. I have also translated about 900 pages of Estonian Government food regulations (mostly related to food additives, but also various other food chemistry) into English.
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