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Apr 4, 2023 (posted I recently finished the translation of a soon to be released RPG on Steam, very excited to share more news soon!...more »
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.07 - 0.08 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour / 25.00 - 30.00 USD per audio/video minute Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.09 USD per word / 30 - 35 USD per hour / 25.00 - 30.00 USD per audio/video minute
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English to Spanish: Phoenotopia Awakening - Eng>Spa Localization Cell General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English Page 1/4 : nnStanding twice as tall as a regular man and carrying about 4 times the muscle mass, the BT43 is capable of incredible feats of strength. And despite its heavy weight, the BT43 can leap many stories tall. Where it lands, a great tremor rocks forth.nnIts mere presence on the battlefield is enough to send enemy combatants scampering.
Translation - Spanish Página 1/4: nnDos veces más alto que un hombre normal y con aproximadamente 4 veces la masa muscular, el BT43 es capaz de increíbles hazañas de fuerza. Y a pesar de su gran peso, el BT43 puede saltar muchos pisos de altura. Fuertes temblores se desatan cuando aterriza.nnSu mera presencia en el campo de batalla es suficiente para mandar corriendo a sus enemigos.
English to Spanish: Helheim Hassle - Videogame Localization/Song Translation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English I'm in the woods! Look at me hiking!
I'm looking for something to kill.
Never a moment of peace for a Viking...
Which I am, and that's Odin's will.
And giants are so dumb, I almost can't believe they're real.
So ugly and disgusting! What's with that? What is the deal?
Translation - Spanish ¡Por el bosque! ¡Por aquí vengo!
Y algo debe morir.
No tengo paz porque soy un Vikingo...
Y es gracias a mi dios Odin.
Y los gigantes son tontos y eso es verdad.
¡Tan feos y olorosos! No mostraré... piedad.
English to Spanish: Russian Subway Dogs - Game Localization/Pun Translation General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English Ra Ra Raspigeon
Kill a pigeon 11 different ways! All poison foods and fire barks are treated the same.
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Die 9 times playing as the Proletaricat in Endless!
Beary Good Friends
Kill 3 poodles with fire bear attacks in a single run of Endless!
Translation - Spanish Ra Ra Raspaloma
¡Mata palomas de 11 formas diferentes! Toda comida envenenada y ladridos de fuego cuentan igual.
La Curiosidad Mató al Gato
¡Muere 9 veces jugando con la Proletarigata en Interminable!
CMV (Caniche Más Valioso)
¡Elimina a un caniche que valga al menos 900 puntos en Interminable!
English to Spanish: The Hidden - Excerpt Literary Translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English The strikingly handsome young man smiled to himself as he con- sidered his good fortune. The rendezvous at the small desert vil- lage to the east of Lake Timsah, bordering the north of the Sinai, where he now found himself, on an icily still, crystal-clear night, was the culmination of a finely tuned plan. He had waited for this moment for months. Nothing and no one had stood in his way. His heart pounded as he searched the darkness. The sharp tang of wood smoke filled his nostrils, mouth, and lungs. In the distance, he saw a group of men lounging by the dying embers of a fire. They were smoking a nargila pipe, laughing drunkenly.
Translation - Spanish El joven asombrosamente apuesto sonrió para sí mismo mientras consideraba su buena fortuna. La reunión en aquel pequeño pueblo del desierto al este del Lago Timsah (bordeando el norte del Sinai, donde ahora se encontraba en una heladamente quieta y cristalina noche) era la culminación de un plan minuciosamente afinado. Había esperado este momento por meses. Nada ni nadie se había interpuesto en su camino. Su corazón latía con fuerza mientras observaba la oscuridad. El agudo sabor del humo de leña lleno su nariz, boca y pulmones. En la distancia, vio un grupo de hombres descansando junto a las moribundas ascuas de una hoguera. Fumaban una pipa de nargila y reían de forma embriagada.
Spanish to English: Donatello and Me - Literary Translation General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish Eladio se marcha por fin y me encuentro pensativo. Buceando en una taza de café malo. Ideas que me producían asco de repente me atraen al ser formuladas de otra manera.
Una pregunta resonaba todavía en mi cabeza: ¿Por qué no te vienes al retiro del próximo fin de semana? Tienes un fin de semana que perder, una eternidad que ganar…
Translation - English Eladio finally walks away and I find myself deep in thought. Swimming in a cup of bad coffee. Ideas that would normally disgust me suddenly feel attractive when presented a different way.
A question still buzzed around in my head: 'Why don’t you come to this weekend’s meeting? You have a couple days to lose, yet an eternity to gain...'
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Years of experience: 8. Registered at Feb 2022. Became a member: Apr 2023.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, CafeTran Espresso, DeepL, EZTitles, FinalSub, Google Translator Toolkit, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Translation Center, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Swordfish
Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
Transition from freelancer to another profession
Greetings, I'm Lisandro Johnston, a Spanish <> English
localization expert and translator based out of Córdoba, Argentina.
I primarily provide
translation and localization services for game companies and developers,
although I also count with experience in literature and a few other fields.
I've been working in the field of video game localization for over 5
years and I thrive in projects and environments where no two work days are the same. I pride myself in providing accurate and fresh translations that can
bring out the soul of the original language while making it shine in the
target language as well. I especially love tackling difficult
assignments and have a lot of experience in translating puns and terms
that might give other translators pause.
In case you'd like to know more about the games I've translated, feel free to check out my portfolio:
Keywords: english, spanish, gaming, localization, videogames, games technology, software, media, literature, latin. See more.english, spanish, gaming, localization, videogames, games technology, software, media, literature, latin, american, gameloc. See less.