Member since Jan '21

Working languages:
French to Spanish
French to Catalan
English to Spanish
English to Catalan
Spanish (monolingual)

Mireia Goula
Quality, meticulousness and punctuality

Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain
Local time: 19:58 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish, Catalan (Variant: Oriental) Native in Catalan
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10 positive reviews
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Born in Barcelona (Spain), Spanish and Catalan are my native languages.

At the age of 21, I went to live in France, where I worked as an au pair and had my first working experiences as a Secretary. I lived in France for 5 years and I got several diplomas which accredit my knowledge of French (for accreditation, please, see my CV). 

I also studied English in several schools (British Institute) and done successfully the course "Technical Translation English-Spanish" at the school International House.

Furthermore, I have worked as an Executive Secretary many years and, after a period without activity, I decided to focus on my true passion: translation.

I have mainly translated commercial (catalogues, rates...) and technical, but also medical equipment documents (user guides, technical specifications...), from English or French into Spanish.

I usually use Trados Studio for my translation works, but I also know other TAO.

For me, it is a duty and a pride to deliver the jobs on time.

Try my services! You won't be disappointed!

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects1
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
Specialty fields
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama1
Other fields
Government / Politics1
Keywords: marketing, electric wheelchair, walking frame, user manual, instructions manual, electricity, meter, rates, measurement, power transformer. See, electric wheelchair, walking frame, user manual, instructions manual, electricity, meter, rates, measurement, power transformer, current transformer, catalogue, catalogue, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet. cadires de rodes elèctriques, caminadors, manuals instruccions, electricitat, comptadors, tarifes, mesura, transformadors, catàlegs, fulletons, . See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 14