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Dec 1, 2020 (posted Finishing up the English subtitles for Ahu Antmen's talk on artist Altan Gürman for ARTER Space for Art. It was such an enjoyable discussion to listen to and translate. Excited to share the link to the video on my profile soon!...more, + 2 other entries »
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7 projects entered 7 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Subtitling Volume: 14 days Duration: Mar 2018 to Apr 2018 Languages: Turkish to English
Subtitle translation for the introduction videos of two art exhibits
I created the subtitles for the 15-minute introduction videos of the Empty House and Isle exhibits that took place at the Arter Space for Art.
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Media / Multimedia
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 42 days Duration: Jan 2019 to Feb 2019 Languages: Turkish to English
Academic translation of a 14-page essay
I translated an academic essay titled Gendering Techno-Dystopias: Posthuman Creation Myths from Ovid to Westworld, which analyzed gender representation in the techno-dystopian genre in film and TV.
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Philosophy, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Subtitling Volume: 11 days Duration: Jun 2019 to Jul 2019 Languages: Turkish to English
Subtitle translation for independent documentary film about the Ubykh language
I created the subtitles for the independent documentary film I Had a Dream, You Wouldn’t Understand Even if I Told You, which chronicled the life of the last native Ubykh speaker remaining and his work with linguists to archive the language before its extinction.
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Linguistics, Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Translation Volume: 7 days Duration: Sep 2019 Languages: Turkish to English
Film festival catalogue translation
I worked on the translation of the catalogue for the 26th edition of the Adana Golden Boll International Film Festival.
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Tourism & Travel
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Transcription Volume: 2 days Duration: Oct 2019 Languages: English
Transcription of the English-spoken parts of a film
I transcribed excerpts of the award-winning film La Flor in preparation for its screening at the Istanbul Modern museum.
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Subtitling Volume: 3 days Duration: Nov 2019 to Dec 2019 Languages: Turkish to English
Subtitle translation for independent documentary film about drag artists
I created the subtitles for the independent documentary film Istanbul Freaks portraying contemporary Turkish drag performers.
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
positive Unlisted : No comment.
Subtitling Volume: 4 days Duration: Oct 2019 Languages: Turkish to English
Subtitle translation for a short promotional video
I created the subtitles for a 10-minute promotional video about the Arcadia Vineyards in which the owners were interviewed about the winery and their model for sustainable farming.
Turkish to English: Istanbul Freaks Independent Documentary Film General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Turkish Yapamadıklarımı Florence üzerinden yapıyorum. Samet o kadar yapamaz ama Florence daha özgür, daha güçlü. Birden fazla kimlikli olmayı seviyorum, bu kimlikleri yaşatıyorum, yerine göre kendimi nasıl daha güçlü hissediyorsam o kimliği kullanıyorum. Bir drag olarak toplumu gözlemliyorum. Toplumdan alacağımı alıyorum, almayacağımı almıyorum. Drag queen nedir? Sanat yaparken güldüren, eğlendiren. Önce basit görünüyor, dalga geçiyor gibi ama alt metnini incelediğinde çok daha dolu, bir şeyleri eleştirdiğin, bir şeye karşı olduğun protest bir sanat drag queenlik. (…)
Aslında hayatın boyunca drag queen olmak için prova yapıyorsun. Yani küçükken annenin kıyafetlerini giyiyorsun makyaj yapıyorsun. Bunu yapmasan bile evde kimse yokken müziği açıyorsun, banyoda aynanın karşında dans ediyorsun, dansçılar da bunu yapar zaten. Bir şekilde gelişmişsin aslında. Sürekli şarkılar söylenirken sen ağzını oynatıyorsun buna lipsync diyoruz zaten playback. Hayatın boyunca sen buna hazırlanmışsın zaten. (…)
En yakın arkadaşlarıma açıldım evet kabul ettiler, seni her türlü seviyoruz dediler, ama ben ne zaman lezbiyenliğim bahsetsem sessizleştiler. "Ha, ok" tarzı bir davranışta çok bulundular. Bir insan istediği insanı sevebilir diyorsun, mesela sen düşündüğünde "evet sevebilir" diyorsun. En mantıklı şey değil mi? Ama insanlar bunu bir anda olağandışı, marjinal, sapıkça bir şey olarak gösterebiliyor. Yani bence en basit insan haklarını marjinal görmekten vazgeçmemiz gerekiyor toplum olarak. (…)
Lubunca nedir hala tam olarak bilmiyorum. Jargon mudur? Gerçek bir dil midir? Özellikle İstanbul'daki lubunyalar arasında, lubunlar arasında bir şekilde iletişim kurma ama çevredekileri anlamayacağı şekilde konuşturabilme derdi. Bir şey diyorlar kendi aralarında gülüşüyorlar ama ben anlamıyorum. Bir şekilde ona dahil olmak istedim zaten. Lubuncanın komüniteyi birazcık birbirine bağladığını düşünüyorum. Mesela yakın arkadaşınla özel dilini kurarsın ona benziyor biraz. Lubuncayı kullanmayı çok seviyorum. Etrafta anlamayan insanların olması hoşuma gidiyor aslında. (…)
Drag ailelerinin performans konusunda olduğu kadar sosyal hayatta da bir aile olduklarını düşünüyorum. LGBTİ+’ler olarak çoğumuzun aile ile ilgili bir travması oluyor genelde, olmaması durumu çok nadir zaten. Benim de kendi travmalarım var. Lezbiyenliğimi babama söylemedim, anneme söyledim. Ama annemle konuşmuyoruz bu konuyu. O yüzden beni koşulsuz olarak kabul eden birine anne demek, geçmişte yaşadığım travmayı çözüyor gibi hissediyorum. Drag ailelerinin sosyal anlamda daha çok anlamı var benim için.
Translation - English I do the things I can’t do through Florence. Samet wouldn’t really dare but Florence is freer, more powerful. I like having multiple identities, I bring them to life. Depending on the circumstances, whichever one I feel the strongest with, I use. As a “drag” I observe society. I retain what I retain from society and leave what I don’t. What is a drag queen? One who entertains and amuses artistically. At first it seems quite simple, like a mockery but when you study the subtext you find much more substance. Being a drag queen is an art of protest, where you criticize and are against some things (…)
Actually, you’re rehearsing your whole life to be a drag queen. I mean, when you’re little you wear your mom’s clothes and put on makeup. Or, if not, you dance in front of the mirror to music when no one’s home. That’s what dancers do too. You’ve developed into it somehow. When songs are on you move your mouth, we call that lip synch or playback. It turns out you’ve been preparing for this throughout your life anyway. (…)
I came out to my close friends and yes, they accepted me and said they loved me but whenever I talked about my lesbianism there was a quietness. A lot of “Ah, okay” type responses. You think to yourself, “yes, a person can love whoever they want”. Isn’t that simply logical? But people can present that as being something outlandish, marginal or perverted all of a sudden. As a society we need to stop seeing basic human rights as being marginal. (…)
I still don’t know what queer slang is. Is it jargon? Is it a real language? Especially amongst queers in Istanbul, it developed out of this need to communicate with each other without other people around making sense of it. They’d say things and laugh amongst themselves; I wanted to be part of it. I believe that queer slang brings the community closer together. It’s like when you have your own language with a close friend. So I really like using queer slang. I like that there’s people around who don’t understand it. (…)
I believe that drag families are just as much families in the social sense as they are in the sense of being a performance family. As LGBTQI+ people, many of us usually have family traumas, it’s very rare that someone doesn’t. I have some traumas of my own. I’m not out to my dad, I’m out to my mom. But we don’t talk about it with my mom. So I feel like calling someone who fully accepts me “mother” resolves that past trauma in a way. So drag families have more meaning for me socially.
Turkish to English: Empty House Art Exhibit Introduction Video General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Media / Multimedia
Source text - Turkish Aslında “Boş Ev” nereden geldi diye bir şeyler söyleyeyim. “Mesken” kelimesi, “ev”, “mesken”, “sükûn”, “iskân”, “sükûnet” ve “sessizlik”, aslında bütün bu kelimeler aynı kökten geliyor. Mesken kelimesi bir yerde sükûneti, sessizliği çağrıştırdı ve bu serginin ismini böyle seçtim. Aslında ev konusu, mekân konusu resimde çokça işlenen, günümüz sanatında da çokça örneklerini gördüğümüz bir konu. Ben bu konuya bir yorum getirmek istedim. Burada bütünsel bir mekân fikri yerine çeşitli farklı kadrajlarda mekân parçaları bir araya gelerek görme yoluyla bir mekân oluşturmaya çalışıyorlar. İşler, kâğıtlar, tuvaller sergi mekânının kendisiyle, yani fiziksel mekânla da ilişki kurarak o mekâna bir yorum getirmeye çalışıyorlar. (…)
Fakat ben şunu konu etmek istedim bir parça. Demin bahsettiğim Rönesans döneminden bugüne resim sanatında aslında tablolar olduğu kadar mekânın kendisine, yani fiziksel olarak o duvara yapılmış freskler da büyük yer kaplarlar. Örneğin, herkesin bildiği Leonardo'nun Mona Lisa’sının yanı sıra, o bir tablo hiç şüphesiz ve tuval üzeri yağlıboya ve sürekli hayat boyu yanında taşıdığı bir resimken Leonardo'nun Son Akşam Yemeği resmi ise gerçek bir yemekhanenin duvarlarında yer alır. Hatta bugüne kadar biraz tahrip olmuştur. Michelangelo'nun Sistine Şapeli’ndeki tavan resmi de bir fresk tekniğinde yapılmıştır. Burada bu iki yaklaşım, yani taşınabilir tablolar ve o duvara özel olarak yapılmış resimler bütün sanat tarihi boyunca devam etti bu gelenek. Ben bu sergide mekâna yerleşirken bu iki gelenek arasında bir ilişki kurmak istedim. (…)
Şundan da bahsedebiliriz belki bu sergide. Görme yoluyla aslında mekânı tamamen ele geçirmek mümkün değil. Aslında mekâna yayılan, mekân içinde var olan: ses. Ses, Walter Ong'un da dediği gibi, aslında bütün mekâna yayılarak onunla bütünleşen bir şey. Bakış ise ister istemez mekâna, yüzeye çarpıp dönüyor. Yani yine ondan yola çıkarak söylüyorum, aslında bir "iç” ten bahsetmek pek mümkün değil. (…)
Yuhani Palasmaa'nın Tenin Gözleri kitabında, odaklanmış görmeye, yani optik görmeye, kadrajın içine yönelen görmeden ziyade, bundan farklı olarak, bütün mekâna yayılan çevresel görmeden bahsediyor. Çevresel görme, Deleuze'ün kitabında “haptik görme” dediği, yani bir kadrajın içine odaklanan, ona sahip olduğumuz bir şekilde, tamamlanmış bir yanılsama alanı değil, ondan biraz farklı olarak, belki tam göremediğiniz, yanından geçtiğiniz, ama bir şekilde görme yoluyla algıladığınız bir farklı tür bir görme. Bu mekânla ilişki kuran, Pallasmaa buna “tenin gözleri” diyor, bedenin dâhil olduğu, aslında Pallasmaa da bunu biraz Merleau-Ponty'den alıyor, yani optik görmeden farklı olan ve kadrajlar içindeki resimle mekânın kendisinin farklı bir ilişkiyle birleşmesinden söz edebiliriz.
Translation - English Let me discuss how the name “Empty House” came about. In Turkish, the words “house”, “abode”, “inhabiting”, “calm”, “serenity” and “quietness” all have the same linguistic root. So the word “house” evoked a sense of serenity and quietness for me and led me to choose this name for the exhibition. “House” and “space” are recurrent themes in paintings, and we often see examples of them in today’s artworks. I wanted to give my interpretation of these subjects. Instead of displaying an intact structure, we’re trying to construct a space that comes together in the viewer’s mind through the process of seeing pieces of that structure divided on various fragments. The works, such as the sketches and canvases, create bonds with the physical space around them, and thus form a commentary on that space. (…)
To talk further about my subject matter, in the period spanning from the Renaissance until today, frescoes executed on the walls of buildings- on physical spaces- were just as prevalent in the art of painting as paintings on canvas. For example, Leonardo da Vinci’s infamous Mona Lisa was an oil painting on canvas which the artist carried with him throughout his life, whereas his Last Supper piece is painted on the walls of an actual dining hall. In fact, it’s been somewhat damaged throughout the years. Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling at the Sistine Chapel also employed the fresco technique. The traditions of the two approaches, of “portable paintings” and paintings made specifically for a surface or a wall have continued on throughout the history of art. When settling into this space for the exhibition, I wanted to create a relationship between these two traditions. (…)
We can also say the following about the exhibition: It’s not possible to fully capture the space by way of seeing. What truly spreads and exists in space is sound. Sound, as Walter Ong mentioned, spreads all throughout a space and is therefore inseparable from it. On the other hand, a gaze involuntarily bounces off of a surface to return back to the viewer. Thus, it isn’t feasible to discuss a visual “interior”. (…)
In his book The Eyes of The Skin, Juhani Pallasmaa discusses a peripheral gaze that’s spread throughout a space as opposed to an optic gaze, which is focused in on a frame. This peripheral gaze, which Gilles Deleuze calls a “haptic” gaze in his book, describes a different way of seeing - as opposed to the illusion of a completed, focused frame - whereby we can somehow sense spaces that are out of our point of focus through sight. This is what Pallasmaa calls “the eyes of the skin”, an idea he borrows to some extent from Merleau-Ponty, which describes a type of sight that forms a bond with spaces outside of the frame of focus.
Years of experience: 7. Registered at Dec 2019.
Combining my love for languages and the arts, I specialize in subtitlingfor independent films but above all value working on projectsI find meaningful. The works I’ve translated thus far explore a variety of socially relevant themes such as LGBTQI+ culture, gender representation in film and the sociology of assimilation.
I offer my services to anyone who believes they can benefit from my expertise in subtitling, my proficiency in translation and transcription and my knowledge in the areas of film, art and academics. I’m open to projects with subject matters outside of my fields of familiarity and welcome opportunities in copywriting, transcreation, MT post-editing and voice-over work as well.
I attended an international high school where I pursued a writing-intensive, bilingualcurriculum for my International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Upon receiving my diploma, I enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences program at NYU, spending my first year at the school’s Florence campus in Italy before relocating to New York City.
Getting my career start as a tour guide at an art biennial, I went on to work as a coordinator for various international film festivals in Turkey for three years. I especially enjoyed working for one of the leading independent film festivals, !f Istanbul, where I became immersed in independent film culture. As I worked closely with that festival’s subtitling coordinator, I became interested in translation work and decided to transition into that field.
Thank you for visiting my profile, I look forward to our collaboration.
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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (7 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
Turkish to English
Specialty fields
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Media / Multimedia
Tourism & Travel
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Food & Drink
Environment & Ecology
Other fields
Keywords: AVT, audiovisual translation, audiovisual translator, english translation, english subtitling, english transcription, english writing, english copywriting, english editing, english translator. See more.AVT, audiovisual translation, audiovisual translator, english translation, english subtitling, english transcription, english writing, english copywriting, english editing, english translator, english subtitler, english transcriptionist, english writer, english editor, turkish translation, turkish subtitling, turkish transcription, turkish translator, turkish subtitler, turkish transcriptionist, subtitle translation, film translation, script translation, academic translation, literary translation, voice-over, general translation, human translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, communicative translation, english voice-over, turkish to english, english to turkish, turkish to english translator, english to turkish translator, turkish to english translation, english to turkish translation, turkish to english audiovisual translator, english to turkish audiovisual translator, turkish to english audiovisual translation, english to turkish audiovisual translation, turkish to english subtitle translator, english to turkish subtitle translator, turkish to english subtitler, english to turkish subtitler, turkish to english academic translator, turkish to english academic translation, turkish to english literary translator, turkish to english literary translation, turkish to english transcreation, english to turkish transcreation, turkish to english voice-over, turkish to english mt post-editing, english to turkish mt post-editing. See less.