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English to Danish: Web hosting General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Systems, Networks
Source text - English A2 Hosting is one of the most popular web hosting companies in the world with web developers due to their strong support for PHP, open source projects, and the WordPress CMS. A2 Hosting offers shared Linux hosting, VPS plans, reseller accounts, cloud hosting, and dedicated servers with a managed approach to platform security including server stack software maintenance. A2 Hosting has data centers located in Michigan and internationally for building geo-location solutions with faster local pageload speeds. A2 Hosting's SwiftServer platform runs on CloudLinux with CloudFlare CDN, Railgun, and HTTP/2 support.
Translation - Danish A2 Hosting er iblandt webudviklere en af de mest populære web hosting-virksomheder i verden på grund af deres omfattende support af PHP, open source-projekter og CMS’et WordPress. A2 Hosting tilbyder delt Linux-hosting, VPS-planer, reseller-konti, cloud hosting samt dedikerede servere med håndtering af platformssikkerhed, inklusive vedligeholdelse af server-software. A2 Hosting har datacentre i Michigan og internationalt for at kunne bygge geolokationsløsninger med hurtigere hastigheder på indlæsning af hjemmesider lokalt. A2 Hostings SwiftServer-platform kører på CloudLinux med CloudFlare CDN, Railgun og HTTP/2-support.
English to Danish: Pharma (excerpt) General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Hi girls! You might remember my post where I whined about my husband failing to perform? He wouldn’t get started at all, even with a blow job or a hand job, or he would come in just 1—3 minutes.
At first I was like: OK, where do all those adult film dudes get their stamina — we tried everything you can think of, from Viagra and other boner pills to yoga or that tantric thing. Bullshit — his dick remained limp, sex didn’t last more than a couple of minutes.
In about 6 months I gave up. I decided that’s his genes and his physical condition, and there’s nothing to do about it. After all, I can’t say I wanted him as before, knowing all will end up in nothing, I won’t be satisfied, he’ll be upset. I felt my husband was totally losing confidence.
Help came when I expected it no more ...
I came across an interview with a prominent ED (erectile dysfunction) researcher, where she said any man can perform for up to 2 hours. That’s something I’m interested in, I thought. According to her, she’s using special natural extractions — horny goat, wild yam, Corean ginseng, lycorice root, potency wood, oyster shell extracts — all in a harmless herbal pill which you can buy without prescription. This complex herbal medicine boosts sex hormone production and gives her male counterparts the stiffie of an 18 year old and the endurance of a porn star.
Based on the ingredients she listed, I searched for the perfect product that would "fix" hubbies ED. Original TestoUltra pills with TRTT technology have the correct ingredients, so I found their website on the net and decided to make an order. I was really surprised that they had a special promo offer, so I got one without hesitating.
Translation - Danish Hej piger! I husker måske mit opslag, hvor jeg klynkede over min mands præstation i sengen? Enten kunne han slet ikke komme i gang — selv ikke med et blow job eller et handjob — eller også fik han udløsning allerede efter 1-3 minutter.
I starten var jeg meget sådan: OK, hvorfra får alle de der fyre i pornofilm deres udholdenhed fra? Vi forsøgte alt muligt. Alt fra Viagra over andre stivert-piller til yoga eller det der tantra-halløj. Det er noget lort. Hans pik var stadig slap, og sex varede ikke mere end et par minutter.
Efter omkring 6 måneder gav jeg op. Jeg kom frem til, at det var hans gener og hans fysiske tilstand, den var gal med, og at der ikke var noget at gøre ved det. Det er klart, at jeg ikke længere havde lyst til ham på samme måde som før, nu jeg vidste, at det altid endte ud i ingenting, at jeg ikke ville blive tilfredsstillet, og at han ville blive ulykkelig. Jeg kunne mærke, at min mand var ved at miste sin selvtillid.
Hjælpen kom da jeg mindst ventede den …
Jeg stødte på et interview med en anerkendt forsker med speciale i ED (erektil dysfunktion), hvor hun sagde, at enhver mand kan give den gas i op til 2 timer. Jamen det er jeg da interesseret i, tænkte jeg. Ifølge forskeren bruger hun særlige naturlige præparater — bispehue, mexicansk yams, koreansk ginseng, lakridsrod, muira puama og udtræk fra østersskaller — alle i en harmløs pille, du kan købe uden recept. Denne komplekse urtemedicin øger produktionen af sexhormoner og giver hendes mandlige partnere en 18-årigs stivert og en pornostjernes udholdenhed.
Baseret på de ingredienser, hun havde nævnt, søgte jeg efter det perfekte produkt, som kunne “fikse” min mands ED. Original TestoUltra-piller med TRTT-teknologien havde de rigtige ingredienser, så jeg fandt deres hjemmeside på internettet og besluttede mig for at bestille dem. Jeg blev overrasket, da jeg så, at de kørte et specielt rabattilbud, så jeg placerede ordren uden at tøve.
Danish to English: Taxation (excerpt) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - Danish Det har i tidligere udgaver af Den juridiske vejledning været anført, at der gælder en 5-årig forældelsesfrist for krav på refusion af for meget indeholdt udbytteskat. Denne praksis har været baseret på en fortolkning af kildeskattelovens § 76 A, hvorefter bestemmelsen også omfatter krav på refusion af indeholdt udbytteskat.
SKAT har med virkning fra den 14. september 2016 ændret praksis jf. SKM2016.263.SKAT.
Krav på refusion af indeholdt udbytteskat forældes således ifølge styresignalet:
"Krav på refusion af indeholdt udbytteskat forældes således:
- efter 5 år, hvis anmodningen om refusion af kravet er modtaget hos SKAT inden offentliggørelsen af dette styresignal,
- efter 5 år, hvis anmodningen om refusion af kravet er modtaget hos SKAT i perioden fra offentliggørelsen af dette styresignal og senest 3 måneder efter offentliggørelsen, og
- efter 3 år, hvis anmodningen om refusion af kravet er modtaget hos SKAT senere end 3 måneder efter offentliggørelsen af dette styresignal.
Praksisændringen kan ikke føre til, at forældelsesfristen forlænges ud over de 5 år, der fulgte af hidtidig praksis. Dette gælder dog ikke, hvis en anden forældelsesfrist følger af en dobbeltbeskatningsoverenskomst."
SKM2016.263.SKAT blev offentliggjort den 13. juni 2016 på
Forældelsesfristens begyndelsestidspunkt fremgår af forældelseslovens § 2, stk. 1, som lyder:
"Forældelsesfristen regnes fra det tidligste tidspunkt, til hvilken fordringshaveren kunne kræve at få fordringen opfyldt, medmindre andet følger af andre bestemmelser."
Translation - English In previous versions of The Legal Guide (“Den juridiske vejledning”), it was reported that a 5 year limitation period is in effect regarding claims for the refund of too much dividend tax deducted at source. This praxis has been based on an interpretation of § 67 A in the Withholding Tax Act, according to which the provision also concerns the claim for the refund of withheld dividend tax.
Coming into effect on September 14 2016, SKAT has changed praxis, cf. SKM2016.263.SKAT.
Thus, claims for refund of dividend tax deducted at source will have periods of limitation according to the control signal:
“Claims for refund of deducted dividend tax will have periods of limitation as follows:
- after 5 years if SKAT has received the request for refund of the claim before the publication of this control signal,
- after 5 years if SKAT has received the request for refund of the claim in the period from the publication of this control signal and 3 months after that publication at the latest, and
- after 3 years if SKAT has received the request for refund of the claim later than 3 months after the publication of this control signal.
The change in praxis cannot lead to an extension of the limitation period beyond the 5 years that followed from previous praxis. This, however, is not true if another limitation period follows from a double taxation convention.”
SKM2016.263.SKAT was published on on June 13 2016.
The starting point of the limitation period is stated in § 2, section 1 of the Limitation Period Act that reads:
“The limitation period is in effect from the earliest point at which the claimant could claim to have the claim fulfilled, unless something else follows from other provisions.”
Translation education
Master's degree - Aarhus University
Years of experience: 11. Registered at Jul 2017.
Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, Google Translator Toolkit, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MotionPoint, LingoHub, Poedit, Scrivener, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint
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Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
Creative linguist helping your organization or company attract and engage its audience through solid translation, editing, writing, and other language-focused tasks in both Danish and English.
Particularly excited about assisting socially responsible organizations with projects related to sustainability, culture, marketing, science, arts, and travel.
My strong solutions are based on extensive experience with this kind of work across all sectors, an educational background focused on language, psychology, and organizational communication, along with the tailoring of my efforts to the specific goals of your organization and its audience.
# Assisted large US translation agency with intense 3 million words localization and ongoing fine-tunings for a Danish version of well-known international fashion webshop. Successfully completed the project after a long string of solid, weekly deliveries, having ensured the constant quality of my work by referring to source pages, style guides, glossaries, and a number of functions available through the CAT tool WebCATT—all of this in addition to direct communication with both project managers and other affiliated translators.
# Contributed with thoroughly researched website content for Danish translation agency in need of new landing pages, blog posts, and other elements. Drew in the writing process on, for example, experience from the translation industry along with my knowledge about copywriting and digital marketing.
# Helped Irish agency finalize high-quality web content through Language Quality Evaluation (LQE) of localized Danish text for a variety of products from world-famous tech giant. Did the work through client company's specialized CAT and QA tools, applying also an extensive amount of reference material, including a tailored style guide for the Danish market.
# Completed the translation of one of the largest Scandinavian websites focused on informational material related to investment finance and cryptocurrencies. Working on a range of different content types, I made sure to apply current industry jargon and SEO best practices.
# Engaged thousands of daily visitors on one of Denmark's largest affiliate-based media platforms (daily visitor numbers at 100,000+) in my role as web editor and social media manager.
# Significantly increased the number of applicants to the master’s program in Anthropology of Health at Aarhus University by developing and executing a targeted communications campaign.
# Was directly responsible for around 33% of the ticket sales for large international tech and design conference, having handled all social media accounts and press contact.
... But don't just take my word for it; here's what the clients say:
"Yet another excellent experience. It is a pleasure working with Espen. Professional work. High quality delivery. Highly recommended. Thank you Espen!" — JobAssigner Scandinavia (agency)
"We hired Espen to help us fine-tune our translations from English to Danish and were very happy with the results, as well as the overall cooperation. Would hire again without any hesitation, 100% recommended." — K. B. Systems
"Great working with Espen. He is very responsive, meeting deadlines, not afraid to ask additional clarifying questions, good quality of work, he did a translation English-Danish and it was top notch. I will be happy to work with Espen again. Thanks!" — anonymous Upwork enterprise client
"We have had the pleasure of working with Espen during the Aarhus Alpha Conference in 2014 and have been absolutely delighted with his level of service. He is hard-working, committed, enthusiastic and creative and has been an enormous amount of help. I have no hesitation in recommending him to any company looking to increase communications efforts.” — RPD International
"Espen works very independently. He is creative, reliable and conscientious, and always ready to take on new tasks. He is flexible and easy to communicate with, and therefore I do not hesitate to recommend his hiring to anyone." — Aarhus University
"In all contexts, Espen has shown great dedication and responsibility. His ability to always approach the task at hand in a positive, energetic, and enthusiastic way has ensured the consistent production of high quality work. Furthermore, given his sharpness, reflective nature, cheerfulness, and positive thinking, he is very rewarding and inspiring to work with." — Aarhus University Hospital