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English to Arabic: إختبارالخزعة السائلة للحمض النووي الريبوزي منقوص الأكسجين السرطاني الدوراني ctDNA General field: Medical
Source text - English In 2016, FDA approved a liquid biopsy test, called the cobas® EGFR Mutation Test for the detection of EGFR gene mutations in ctDNA of patients with lung cancer. The purpose of the test is to identify patients who may be candidates for treatment with erlotinib (Tarceva®)erlotinib (Tarceva®) and osimeritinib (Tagrisso®)osimeritinib (Tagrisso®)—targeted therapies that attack cancer cells with EGFR mutations. Because the test may produce a false-negative test result, FDA recommends a tissue biopsy if the liquid biopsy is negative (meaning it does not detect an EGFR mutation). Many other liquid biopsy tests are commercially available but have not been rigorously tested by scientists
Monitoring Treatment Response with Tumour DNA because they are non-invasive and easily repeated, ctDNA-based liquid biopsies may be useful for monitoring patients' responses to therapy both during treatment and after it is completed. Clinicians are hopeful that tracking a patient’s response to treatment may allow adjustments to be made in real time. In other words, the treatment could be stopped or adjusted if the test indicates it is not working.
Translation - Arabic في عام 2016، اعتمدت إدارة الغذاء والأدوية اختبارًا للاختزاع السائل، سُمي باختبار كوباس ® للطفرة الخاصة بمستقبل عامل نمو البشرة، وذلك للكشف عن الطفرات الچينية في مستقبِلات عامل نمو البشرة في ctDNA للمرضى المصابين بسرطان الرئة. الغرض من الاختبار هو تحديد المرضى المرشحين للعلاج الموجه بعقار"إرلوتينيب"Tarcevaوعقار "اوسيميريتينيب" Tagrisso اللذان يستهدفان الخلايا السرطانية التي لديها طفرات في مستقبل عامل نمو البشرة. ونظرًا للنتيجة السلبية الخاطئة التي قد ينتجها الاختبار، فتوصي إدارة الغذاء والدواء بعمل فحص للأنسجة إذا كانت الخزعة السائلة سلبية النتيجة (أي إنها لا تكشف عن وجود طفرة بمستقبِل عامل نمو البشرة) وتوجد العديد من اختبارات الخزعة السائلة الأخرى بشكل تجاري، غير أن لم يتم اختبارها بدقة من قِبل العلماء.
رصد الاستجابة للعلاج بواسطة الحمض النووي للورم
لأنها غير جراحية ويمكن تكرارها بسهولة، فقد تكون الخزعات السائلة القائمة على ctDNA مفيدة لرصد استجابات المرضى للعلاج أثناء العلاج وبعد اكتماله. يأمل الأطباء في أن تتبع استجابة المريض للعلاج قد يسمح بإجراء تعديلات في الوقت الفعلي. بعبارة أخرى، يمكن إيقاف العلاج أو تعديله إذا تبين أن الاختبار غير ناجح.
English to Bulgarian: Прокалцитонин General field: Medical
Source text - English Procalcitonin (PCT) is a 116 amino acid protein prohormone of calcitonin (CT). Under normal metabolic conditions, hormonally active CT is produced and secreted in the C-cells of the thyroid gland after specific intracellular proteolytic activity.
In healthy individuals, the intact PCT is not secreted from the thyroid and levels in the blood are very low. Response to inflammatory stimuli, including bacterial infections, induces an increased expression of the CALC-I gene with production and secretion of intact PCT from all parenchymal tissues and differentiated cell types throughout the body.
An increase in circulating PCT can be observed 2-4 hours after bacterial induction and may increase to levels up to several hundred ng/mL in severe sepsis and septic shock. PCT levels rise rapidly, reaching a plateau after 6-12 hours. PCT concentrations remain high for up to 48 hours, falling to their baseline values over several days if the infection is controlled. The half-life of PCT is about 24-30 hours.
After successful treatment intervention, the PCT value decreases, indicating a positive prognosis. Persistent high or even further increasing levels are indicators for poor prognosis. PCT can be a useful test for diagnosis and prognosis of bacterial infection and is usually ordered, along with other tests to help detect or rule out sepsis, bacterial meningitis, or bacterial lower respiratory tract infection in those who are seriously ill and in children with a fever of unknown origin.
Translation - Bulgarian Прокалцитонинът (PCT) е 116 аминокиселинен протеинов прохормон на калцитонин (CT). При нормални метаболитни условия хормонално активен КТ се произвежда и секретира в С-клетките на щитовидната жлеза след специфична вътреклетъчна протеолитична активност.
При здрави индивиди непокътнатият РСТ не се секретира от щитовидната жлеза и нивата в кръвта са много ниски. Реакцията на възпалителни стимули, включително бактериални инфекции, индуцира повишено изразяване на гена CALC-I с производство и секреция на непокътнат PCT от всички паренхимни тъкани и диференцирани типове клетки в цялото тяло.
Увеличение на циркулиращия PCT може да се наблюдава 2-4 часа след бактериална индукция и може да нарасне до нива до няколкостотин ng / mL при тежък сепсис и септичен шок. Нивата на РСТ се повишават бързо, достигайки плато след 6-12 часа. Концентрациите на РСТ остават високи до 48 часа, падащи до основните им стойности за няколко дни, ако инфекцията е овладяна. Полуживотът на РСТ е около 24-30 часа.
След успешно лечение стойността на РСТ намалява, което показва положителна прогноза. Постоянните високи или дори допълнително нарастващи нива са показатели за лоша прогноза. PCT може да бъде полезен тест за диагностика и прогноза на бактериална инфекция и обикновено се поръчва заедно с други тестове, които да помогнат за откриване или изключване на сепсис, бактериален менингит или бактериална инфекция на долните дихателни пътища при сериозно болни и при деца с треска с неизвестен произход.
Bulgarian to English: Gramada General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Bulgarian Залюбил е млади Камен
Цена хубавица,
И за Цена се милее
Негова душица.
Но не че тя има наниз,
Скъпи огърлици,
Свила ръбени сукмани,
Три върви жълтици.
Не че Цена е прочута
И кметова щерка,
И че бащино й имане
Няма брой, ни мярка;
Но че тя е паметлива
И добра в сърцето,
И защото има очи
Сини кат небето;
(Иван Вазов)
Translation - English In love he is Young "Kamen"
with pretty "Tsena"
and for "Tsena" is longing
his little soul.
But for not that she's wearing beads,
precious necklaces,
silky ridged dresses, or
three gold coins.
Not because "Tsena" is famous
or she's the mayor's daughter
and her parents are wealthy
of unlimited land;
But for that she keeps well memories
and her heart is good
and because she has eyes
as blue as the skies
(Ivan Vazov)
My name is Amr Bayoumi, I'm a pharmacist, polyglot, musician, event organiser and a certified PRO translator.
I translate since 2009 providing translation services languages; Arabic, English & Bulgarian. My fields of speciality are medicine & pharmaceutics, however I have also a good background and field experience in bilingual contracts and governmental translation.
I'm also proud to be a volunteer with TWB and a being a verified KATO translator since 2017, working on important projects for the UN, WHO, UNICEF, Red Cross among many other world organisations.
Apart from translation and pharmacy, I'm also a professional musician and composer, which means that I have a very good experience in audio/video editing and subtitling.
I'll be very glad to cooperate with translation agencies to offer my knowledge and experience.