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Professional, Dependable Freelance Somali Translator and Proofreader.
Account type
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified member
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Scams targeting older persons are now called “the crime of the 21st century,” as they have become so widespread. Seniors are actively pursued by fraudsters for many reasons, including perceived accessibility, vulnerability and reluctance to report this crime. Social isolation is also a big risk factor. Frauds and scams have a major financial impact on Canadians and cause severe economic hardship. The proliferation of scams is a direct result of an increasingly larger older population, as well as the enhanced use of social media, such as social networking and dating sites. It is these sites that are the most common with scams requiring some level of trust between the victim and the fraudster. To prevent fraud, it must be reported. By being silent, criminals are enabled and will continue to victimize others. In other words, “you may be a target, but you don’t have to be a victim.”
Dhaca bartilmaameedka dadka da’da ayaa hadda loo yaqaan “dambiga qarniga 21aad,” markii ay aad u soo bateen. Dadka da’da ah waxay si aad ah ugu daba guraan tuugtu sababo badan, oo ay kujirto iyaga oo ku ogaado galdaloolo, nuglaansho iyo diidmadooda inay sheegaan dambiga. Takoorka bulsheed ayaa sidoo kale ah arrin halis ah oo wayn. Xatooyada iyo dhacu waxay ku leeyihiin raad dhaqaale oo wayn dadka Kanada waxayna keenaan dhibaato dhaqaale oo daran. Soo badashada dhacu waxay toos ula xidhiidha dadka waawayn ooo sii badanaya, iyo sidoo kale isticmaalka sare u kacay ee baraha xidhiidhka bulshada, sida baraha xidhiidhinta iyo haasaawaha bulshada. Waa barahan kuwa ay ku badan yihiin dhacu ee u baahan heer kalsooni ah oo dhexmara dhibbanaha iyo tuuga. Si looga hortago xatooyada, waa in la sheego. Haddii laga aamuso, dambiilayaashu waxay awood u yeelanayaan oo ay sii wadi doonaan inay dhibaan dadka kale. Marka si kale loo dhigo, “waxa dhici karta inaad tahay bartilmaameed, laakiin waa inaanad noqon dhibbane.”
English to Somali: English DOJ_USED joint release on ELs Q and A (2) English
Source text - English Information for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Parents and Guardians and for Schools and School Districts that Communicate with Them
This fact sheet answers common questions about the rights of parents and guardians who do not speak, listen, read, or write English proficiently because it is not their primary language.
Must my child’s school provide information to me in a language I can understand?
Yes. Schools must communicate information to limited English proficient parents in a language they can understand about any program, service, or activity that is called to the attention of parents who are proficient in English. This includes, but is not limited to, information related to:
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I am a highly experienced native Somali translator, specializing in English <>
Somali translations, proofreading, and editing for over 13 years. I have worked
on projects encompassing diverse fields such as Police/Court documents,
Educational documents, and Business documents, among others. To date, I have
translated or proofread millions of words.
If you would like more detailed information about me and my services, please
let me know, and I can send you my CV.
Keywords: Translating, Proofreading and Editing, English to Somali translator, English - Somali, English > Somali, Economy, Education, Educational, Educational Documents, Medical. See more.Translating, Proofreading and Editing, English to Somali translator, English - Somali, English > Somali, Economy, Education, Educational, Educational Documents, Medical, Immigration, Healthcare, Pedagogy, school handbooks, Somali, privacy policy, law, code of conduct, informed consent, refugee, . See less.
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