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Persian (Farsi) to English: Translation Sample 2 General field: Other Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Persian (Farsi) رئیسجمهوری با تاکید بر اینکه «تحقیق و توسعه خط قرمز ماست و مذاکرهکنندگان به خطوط قرمز واقفند»گفت: نظرات رهبر معظم انقلاب اسلامی برای دولت مطاع است و هرگز توافقی را امضا نمیکنیم که به کسی اجازه دسترسی به اسرار علمی و نظامی کشور را بدهد.
حجتالاسلام حسن روحانی در روز دوم سفر به آذربایجان شرقی در جلسه شورای اداری این استان گفت: به ملت ایران قول میدهم هر کس که امروز شاهد این مذاکرات است و فردا به آن مراجعه میکند، نسبت به مباحث مطرح شده در حوزههای فنی، حقوقی و قضایی احساس غرور و افتخار کند و به دیپلماتها و کسانی که به نمایندگی از ملت ایران بر سر میز مذاکره نشسته و حرف میزنند، فخر ورزد. روحانی با اشاره به مباحث مربوط به پذیرش پروتکل الحاقی در مذاکرات هستهای و با تاکید بر اینکه مدیریت اجرای پروتکل الحاقی با ما و بر مبنای رعایت خطوط قرمز خواهد بود، گفت: امروز ۱۲۴ کشور دنیا این پروتکل را امضا کردهاند زیرا پروتکلها شامل مقررات بینالمللی هستند. رئیسجمهوری با اشاره به پذیرش پروتکلهایی نظیر پروتکل EKO یا پروتکلهای بانکی، گفت: نمیتوان در عرصه بینالمللی گفت که این مقررات ربطی به ما ندارد. روحانی تصریح کرد: همه کشورهایی که به مقررات بینالمللی میپیوندند، عاقلانه تصمیم میگیرند و به دنبال حفظ منافع کشور خود هستند و این مقررات را در چارچوب میپذیرند، زیرا هیچکس نمیخواهد امنیت کشورش را به خطر بیندازد. رئیسجمهوری با اشاره به اجرای پروتکل الحاقی از سوی کشورمان در سالهای گذشته گفت: باید در حفظ اسرار نظامی کشورمان دقت کنیم و دسترسی بازرسان آژانس براساس پروتکل باید مدیریتشده باشد. روحانی با تاکید بر اینکه آن چه رهبر معظم انقلاب روز چهارشنبه فرمودند برای دولت و همه مطاع است، تصریح کرد: اصول و خط قرمزهای نظام را باید مدنظر قرار دهیم. مذاکرات ما در چارچوب خطوط قرمز است. مسایلی نظیر تداوم غنیسازی در کشور از جمله این چارچوبها است چرا که اگر ما نمیخواستیم غنیسازی کنیم، پرونده در مدت کوتاهی مختومه میشد. رئیسجمهوری ادامه داد: ما میخواهیم فناوری در زمینه غنیسازی و تحقیق و توسعه را ادامه دهیم و این خط قرمز ماست، البته مذاکرهکنندگان ما نیز به خوبی با این خطوط آشنا و آگاه هستند و دولت در این زمینه تخصصهای لازم را در اختیار دارد.
Translation - English “The government abides by the remarks of the Supreme Leader and never signs a contract allowing anyone to find out the country’s scientific and military secrets,“ said the Iranian President, stressing that “research and development are our red lines and the nuclear negotiators are familiar with them.”
“I assure the Iranian people that everyone who is now witnessing these negotiations will be proud of the topics discussed in them regarding their technical, legal, and juridical aspects, and of the Iranian diplomats and representatives taking part in them” said Hasan Rouhani in a meeting of the Administrative Council of East Azarbayjan on the second day of his visit to this province. “124 countries have signed this protocol, for protocols do consist the international laws,” Rouhani added, referring to the issues on accepting NPT and reaffirming that Iran would manage the execution of this protocol regarding its red lines. “All the countries observing the international laws make sensible decisions. They all want their own national interests, so they accept these laws within a framework. No country wants to endanger its national security,” he continued, pointing out to the matter of accepting protocols such as EKO. “We need to be careful about keeping our military secrets. IAEA inspectors must access the military sections in a managed way,” Rouhani added. “We need to take the country’s principles and red lines into account. Our negotiations are done within the framework of our red lines, and continuing nuclear enrichment is well included in this framework. If we did not want to conduct nuclear enrichment, the case would be settled in a short time,” he said. “We want to develop our technology for nuclear enrichment, research, and development, and this is our red line. Our negotiators are well familiar with our red lines, of course, and the government has the required expertise in this field,” Rouhani finally added.
English to Persian (Farsi): Translation Sample 3 General field: Other Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English It’s something at least
The European Union approved a scheme to distribute 120,000 additional asylum-seekers among member states, on top of 32,000 already agreed to in July. The scheme will be binding on the countries that voted against it: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. A summit of EU leaders promised €1 billion ($1.1 billion) in aid for Syrian refugees still in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. See article.
The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, appointed a relatively moderate cabinet for his second term in office, after confounding the pundits and winning the election by a surprisingly decisive margin. The new ministers will need to help Mr Tsipras and his left-wing Syriza party carry out the tough austerity policies demanded by Greece’s creditors. See article.
The two ministers of the pro-Kurdish HDP party serving in Turkey’s caretaker government resigned, saying they could no longer work with the governing AK party while it ramped up the country’s war on the banned militant Kurdish group, the PKK. One HDP minister accused the government of creating a “coup-like” atmosphere.
The remains of Tsar Nicolas II and his wife Alexandra were exhumed in Russia for DNA tests. The Orthodox church wants to confirm the identity of two members of the Romanov family, executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918, before they are reburied with the rest of the family in St Petersburg’s Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul.
Translation - Persian (Farsi) به از هیچ
اتحادیهی اروپا با طرحی موافقتکرد که بر اساس آن، ۱۲۰ هزار پناهجوی دیگر نیز افزون بر ۳۲ هزار پناهجویی که با اسکان آنها در کشورهای این قاره در جولای موافقت شدهبود، در این قاره پذیرفته خواهند شد. این طرح برای کشورهایی که با آن مخالف بودند (جمهوری چک، مجارستان، رومانی و اسلواکی) مشکلساز خواهد بود.در نشست رهبران کشورهای این اتحادیه نیز اهدای کمکی ۱ میلیارد یورویی (۱.۱ میلیارد دلاری) به پناهجویان سوری که در اردن، لبنان و ترکیه به سر میبرند نیز به تصویب رسید.
الکسیس سیپراس، نخستوزیر یونان، که توانستهبود برخلاف نظر غالب کارشناسان با اختلاف قابلتوجهی نسبت به سایر رقبایش در انتخابات پیروز شود، کابینهی کمابیش میانهرویی برای دورهی دوم حضور خود در این مقام انتخابکرد. وزرای جدید کابینه، سیپراس و حزب چپگرایش سیریزا را یاری خواهند کرد تا سیاستهای ریاضت اقتصادی دشواری که کشورهای وامدهنده به یونان خواهانشان هستند را به سرانجام برسانند.
دو وزیر پانکُرد حزب دموکراتیک خلقها که از اعضای کابینهی موقت ترکیه بودند از مقام خود کنارهگیری کردند. این دو اظهارکردند که بیش از این نمیتوانند با حزب حاکم عدالت و توسعه، که به جنگ این کشور با گروه نظامی کردی حزب کارگران کردستان دامنزدهاست، کار کنند. یکی از وزرای حزب دموکراتیک خلقها دولت ترکیه را به ایجاد فضای «کودتامانند» متهمکرد.
اجساد تزار نیکلای دوم و همسرش الکساندرا در روسیه برای انجام آزمایشهایی بر روی دیانای آنها از خاک بیرون کشیدهشدند. کلیسای ارتدکس بهدنبال تایید هویت این دو عضو خانواده رومانوف است. این دو پیش از اینکه برای بار دوم با سایر اعضای خانوادهشان در کلیسای جامع سنت پترز و پل در سنتپترزبورگ به خاک سپردهشوند، در ۱۹۱۸ توسط بلشویکها اعدام شدهبودند.
Persian (Farsi) to English: Translation Sample 4 General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Persian (Farsi) در کتاب سرزمین سازها کودکان و نوجوانان با زبانی ساده با برخی از سازهای ایرانی و ارکستر آشنا میشوند. در معرفی بعضی از سازها به شیوههای ساختن آنها هم اشاره و در برخی از بخشها داستان تاریخی تکمیل شدن ساز هم آورده شده است. کتاب سرزمین سازها را تصاویری از سازها و اجزای تشکیل دهندهی آنها همراهی میکنند. همچنین در بخش پایانی معرفی هر ساز قطعههای موسیقی برای آشنایی بیشتر کودکان با صدای ساز معرفی شده است. در این بخش مخاطب کتاب با نام استادان برجستهای که نوازنده ساز معرفی شدهاند، آشنا میشود.
کودکان نوجوانان در سرزمینها سازها، دربارهی ساختار، شیوهی نواختن و حتی صدای سازهای گوناگون اطلاعاتی به دست میآورند. علاوه بر این کسانی که میخواهند موسیقی را حرفهایتر دنبال کنند با کمک این کتاب میتوانند ساز خود را با آگاهی بیشتری انتخاب کنند.
Translation - English In the Land of Musical Instruments, children and young adults get to know some Iranian and orchestral musical instruments in a simple language. Introducing some musical instruments is accompanied by referring to the way they are built, and the historical background behind their improvements is also brought up in some sections of the book. The Land of Musical Instruments is accompanied by pictures of the musical instruments alongside their different parts. What’s more, in the last section of introducing each musical instrument, musical pieces are presented to familiarize the children with the sound of that musical instrument, and they also get to know the names of notable musicians playing it.
In the Land of Musical Instruments, children and young adults receive information about the structure of various musical instruments, the way they are played, and even their sounds. Moreover, those who wish to pursue music more professionally can choose their musical instrument more wisely with the help of this book.
English to Persian (Farsi): Translation Sample 4 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English There is no better example than the Vietnam War. Today as during
that war American elites insisted that it was a struggle for the hearts
and minds of the people of South Viet Nam. Nonsense. If ever that had been the case, the people of South Viet Nam rendered their judgment unambiguously and invariably by fleeing from Communist controlled areas – never toward them – and by taking to the seas in all manner of craft to escape the Communist victory. Their hearts and minds did not matter. The hearts and minds whose changing dispositions determined the course of the war resided in Washington, D.C., New York, Los Angeles, and faculty lounges in countless American universities. The decisive battles of the Vietnam War were political, and were fought in carpeted rooms, not jungles. The winners were the Communist powers, who were astute enough to realize that the winds of elite opinion in America were blowing their way. And their political – military maneuvers made use of those winds.
Translation - Persian (Farsi) هیچ مثالی بهتر از جنگ ویتنام برای این مورد وجود ندارد. نخبگان آمریکایی امروز هم مانند دوران جنگ اصرار دارند بگویند که این جنگ، مبارزهای برای قلبها و ذهنهای مردم جنوب ویتنام بود. این حرف، مهمل است. اگر داستان اینگونه بود، مردم جنوب ویتنام با گریختن از مناطق تحت کنترل کمونیستها، و نه با رفتن به سمت آنها، نظر خود را به روشنی منتقل میکردند، و از طریق دریاها و با هر شناور کوچکی، از پیروزی کمونیستها فرار میکردند. قلبها و ذهنهای آنها، برای ما اهمیتی نداشت. قلبها و ذهنهایی که تغییر تمایلات آنها، مسیر جنگ را تعیین کرد، در واشنگتن، نیویورک، لسآنجلس و سالنهای استراحتِ استادانِ دانشگاههای بیشمار آمریکایی بودند. جدالهای سرنوشتساز جنگ ویتنام، سیاسی بودند و در اتاقهای فرششده رخ دادند، نه در جنگلها. برندگان این جدالها، قدرتهای کمونیستی بودند. آنها به اندازهی کافی دقیق بودند که دریابند، نظرات نخبگان آمریکایی، همچو باد در جهت دلخواه آنها میوزد، و با مانورهای نظامی-سیاسی خود از این باد استفاده کردند.
English to Persian (Farsi) (Allameh Tabataba'i University, verified) Persian (Farsi) to English (Allameh Tabataba'i University, verified) English to Persian (Farsi) (Allameh Tabataba'i University, verified) Persian (Farsi) to English (Allameh Tabataba'i University, verified) English to Persian (Farsi) (Arak University)
Persian (Farsi) to English (Arak University) Persian (Farsi) to English (Arak University) English to Persian (Farsi) (Arak University)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, CafeTran Espresso, CaptionHub, ChatGPT, Crowdin, EZTitles, Google Translator Toolkit, Indesign, Lokalise,, MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, OOONA, Passolo, PhraseApp, Powerpoint, Protemos, SDLX, Smartcat, Smartling, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, Swordfish, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Transifex, Wordbee, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
Once upon a time, there was a teenage boy in Iran who had just started high school. He was a bit of a nerd, a bookworm, and tech-savvy, so he decided to start a blog. The boy in our story was also fascinated by the English language, and his English competence was good compared to his classmates. So, after a while, he began translating articles for his own blog (though he now acknowledges that his translations were not excellent at that time). It was during this period that he subtitled videos for the first time in his life: he fansubbed a famous TV show and a few tech documentaries.
These experiences made him believe he could become a successful translator in the future, so he chose to pursue a Bachelor's program in English Translator Training, even though he had studied Mathematics and Physics in high school. He graduated as the Top Student in 2015, and as a result, he decided to further his career in the field of translation by enrolling in a Master's program in Translation Studies. At the same time, he embarked on his career as a freelance translator. He also obtained ProZ Certified PRO translator status in the English<>Persian language pairs and became a member of ProZ's Pool of Subtitlers in Persian. His dedication to delivering quality work, professionalism, and adherence to ethical standards, along with his constant desire to learn, improve, and perfect his knowledge and skills, allowed him to establish long-term collaborations with reputable companies and individuals. As far as I know, he continues to welcome new and exciting cooperation opportunities.
Oh, it appears I forgot to introduce you to the boy in our story. His name is Mohammad Ghaffari :)
MA in Translation Studies, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran, 2018
BA in English Translator Training, Arak University, Iran, 2015, (First Class Honors)
ProZ Certified PRO Translator: English>Persian (Farsi), Persian (Farsi)>English
+4,000 Projects/+4,000,000 Words Since 2014
General Daily Output for Translation: 2,500 Words
Proficient User of CAT tools and Other Translation Technologies
AVT & Localization Expert
Marketing | Media
Information Technology | App UI | Cryptocurrencies
Legal | Business | Commercial Correspondence
Healthcare | Medical Equipment
Cinema | Movies | Series | Documentaries
Video Games & Mobile Games (In-game texts, UI & menu elements, marketing texts, etc.)
Tourism and travel
Manuals (Home appliances, digital devices, etc.)
Subtitle Translation
QC of Subtitles
Audio Description
Project Management
Cultural Consultation
Game Localization
Website Localization
App Localization
Content Creation
Interpreting (OPI/VRI/CI)
Glossary Management
Terminology Management
TM Management
BiText Generation
Test Design
Other linguistic services
SDL Trados Studio
SDL MultiTerm
SDL Passolo
Wordfast Pro
Phrase (Memsource)
QA Distiller
Subtitle Edit
Keywords: Farsi, Persian, English, IT, Information technology, computers, software engineering, official translation, commerce, business. See more.Farsi, Persian, English, IT, Information technology, computers, software engineering, official translation, commerce, business, commercial correspondence, marketing, advertising, Professional Persian creative translations, Professional Persian literary translations, Professional Persian transcription, Professional Persian subtitling, Professional Persian localization, Professional Persian interpreting, Professional Persian translation, Persian political translation, Professional Persian economic translation, Persian legal translation, Persian academic translation, English to Farsi Translation, Professional English to Persian Translation, Farsi to English Translation, Professional English to Persian interpreter in Tehran, Professional Persian to English interpreter in Tehran, Professional Persian to English Translation, English to Farsi translator, Professional English to Persian translation, Farsi to English Translator, Professional Persian to English Translator, Farsi creative translations, Farsi literary translations, Farsi transcription, Professional Persian subtitling, Farsi localization, Farsi interpreting, Farsi translation, Farsi political translation, Farsi economic translation, Farsi legal translation, Farsi academic translation, English to Farsi Translation, Professional English-Persian Translation, Professional Farsi-English Translation, Persian-English Translation, English-Farsi translator, Professional English-Persian translation, Farsi-English Translator, Professional Persian-English Translator, native Persian speaker, native Farsi speaker, native Persian translator, native Farsi translator, Traduction Anglais-Farsi, Traduction Professionnelle Anglais-Persan, Traduction Professionnelle Farsi-Anglais, Traduction Persan-Anglais, Traduction Anglais-Farsi, Traduction Professionnelle Anglais-Persan, Traducteur Farsi-Anglais, Orateur, traducteur persan natif, traducteur Farsi natif, Englisch-Farsi-Übersetzer, professionelle englisch-persische Übersetzung, farsi-englisch Übersetzer, professioneller persisch-englischer Übersetzer, gebürtiger persischer Sprecher, gebürtiger Farsi Sprecher, gebürtiger persischer Übersetzer, gebürtiger Farsi Übersetzer, Traducción Inglés-Persa, Traducción inglés-persa profesional, Traducción inglés-persa profesional, Traducción persa-inglés, Traducción inglés-persa, Traducción inglés-persa profesional, Traductor persa-inglés, Traductor persa-inglés profesional, persa nativo Farsi Orador, traductor persa nativo, traductor farsi nativo, 波斯语翻译, 波斯語翻譯, ペルシア語翻訳者, 페르시아어 번역가, Farsça çevirmen, مترجم من الإنجليزية إلى الفارسية, الفارسية إلى الإنجليزية الترجمة, مترجم من الفارسية إلى الإنجليزية, الإنجليزية إلى الفارسية الترجمة, Английский на персидский перевод, Английский перевод на фарси, Английский для персидского переводчика, Английский переводчик с персидского, Фарси английский переводчик, Персидский английский переводчик, Keywords: مترجم ادبی،آگهی، متون بازرگانی، متون پزشکی, مترجم ،مترجم حرفه ای، مدرس ترجمه، ویراستار، ،ترجمه ادبی ترجمه حقوقی،ترجمه متون،مترجم فارسی،مترجم حرفه محلی سازی, ویرایش مترجم انگلیسی به فارسی, مترجم فارسی به انگلیسی, مترجم حرفه ای, مترجم آنلاین, خدمات ترجمه, ترجمه وب سایت, ترجمه متون, ترجمه متن, ترجمه اسناد, اسناد و مدارک, ترجمه دقیق, مترجم حرفه ای فارسی زبان،مترجم انگلیسی به فارسی، مترجم فارسی به انگیسی، مترجم کتبی، مترجم شفاهی، مترجم متون، مترجم متون حقوقی، مترجم متون زبان شناسی، مترجم متون ادبی، مترجم متون خبری، اخبار، مترجم متون سیاسی، مترجم متون رسانه ای، مترجم متخصص مترجم انگلیسی به فارسی, مترجم فارسی به انگلیسی, مترجم حرفه ای, مترجم, خدمات Professional freelance translator, freelancer, Iran, translation, social science, legal and economic text, research, editor, proofreader, , editing, proofreading, researcher, literary translator, law, technical text, Localization, transcription, journalism, economic, legal, management, accounting, science, chemistry, art and literary, political, poem, ،social science, english to farsi, farsi to english, english to persian, persian to english, Farsi, persian, english to farsi translation, translator, editor, proofreader, iranian linguist, farsi linguist, farsi translator, iranian translaor, English to Persian translator, translate to persian, translate into farsi, translate into persian, farsi editor, persian editor, Master of Arts, B.A, Bachelor of Art social semiotic, ، علوم اجتماعی ،مطالعات ترجمه, translation studies, availability ای،professional translator.medical translation, website localization, software localization, reasonable rates, Professional Persian (Farsi) translator. Farsi, political text, advertisement, localization, verified credentials.Education, Contracts, Public relations, Birth Certificates, Advertising & Public Relations; Law, Legal, Medicine, Heath Care, Medical Instruments, reasonable rates, negotiable rates, on time translator, Dentistry, Science (general), Engineering, Computers (general), Business (general), Finance & Economics (general), Hall & Partners (surveys), St. Joseph Healthcare, Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Samsung and Viber Companies, War Child UK (Translation of more than 40, 000 words), Novant Health healthcare, Future Group's Company, Nestle Transportation Company, Swedish Migration Agency, Astronomical Research Center (University of Esfahan), Iran's president’s office, Rosetta Foundation (a charity organization(, Medicare, Medicaid, and MediCal services and, full time translator, Industry and Technology (general) Cosmetics, Printing & Publishing, Transportation, Literature, Arts and Humanities (general), History, European Union, Food & Dairy Technology, translation, English, proofreading, editing, subtitling, transcription, localization, culture, high quality translator, professional translator, easy translation, online translator, online linguist, online translation, quick translation, MSN translator, yahoo translator, translator google, google translator, online farsi translator, English to farsi translator, english to farsi translation, english to persian translation, translate farsi to english, translate english to farsi, translate persian to english, translate english to persian, translate to farsi, technical translator, translator needed, farsi translator needed, google translation, translator jobs, translation jobs, translation works, translation services, certified translation services, translation service, services, best translation service, translation jobs, SDL trados, MemoQ, CAT tools, psychology, business, economics, journalism, military, electronics, technology, music, computers, law, legal, science, social sciences, education, hardware, software, medical translator, samsung translation, mobile translation, medicine, translation of manuals, translation of websites professional translator, high communication skills, hardware, software, native Persian, native Farsi, Advanced in English, contract, reasonable rate, subtitling, proofreader, commercial, educational, general, telecommunication, mobile, phone, hardware., software, websites, localization, Trados, tageditor, sdlx, office, printers, TV, camera, video, IT, Hardware, Diplomas, Proofreading and Revision, mechanical, websites, automotive, food, pharmaceutical, clinical trials, nutrition, recipes, menus, history, language, linguistics, grammar, peacekeeping, translation, translator, interpreter, interpreting, politics, simultaneous interpreter. English to Farsi translator. English to Persian translator. Farsi to English translator. Persian to English translator.Patents general technical automotive chemical pharmaceutical computer science paper pulp foodstuff low rates for translation, online translation services, localization, qualified translator, experienced translator, certified English to Persian translator, certified translator, graduated translator, freelancer, freelance translator, official translator, full-time translator, part-time commercial business press release minutes works council meetings business letter marketing advertisement questionnaire holiday travel general legal contracts intellectual property automotive manual truck Management vehicles electronic, website translator, translation websites, language translation websites, web site translator, web, user interface, UI, telecommunications, document translation, document translation services, translator, experienced translator, reliable translator, translation company, translation firm, translation agency, Iran, Iranian translator, Iranian translators, welding drilling measuring gauges Manufacturing industry glass paint IT/office/home electronics computer paper shredder digital camera Telecom, mobile phone localization, software, medical equipment instructions, hobby handcraft, cooking weighing packaging, recipes, research thesis dissertation, court, immigration, law, legal, security, contract, culture, cultural social technical law, economic, political, journalistic, health care, scientific, Philosophy, biology, Zoology, Botany, government, immigration, education certificate, machinery legal, medical educational translation, proofreading, editing, subtitling Persian/Farsi sdlx, trados ترجمهEnglish to Farsi translation, Farsi Translator, English to Farsi translation, Farsi to English Translation, Farsi Translator, English to Farsi translation, Farsi to English Translation, , Farsi Translator, English to Farsi translation, Farsi to English Translation, Farsi Translator..freelancer.freelance translator.Persian freelancer.Persian freelance translator.Desktop publishing, Wordfast, Typesetting, Localization, Website, Farsi, Persian, Web design, MS Office 2007, Open Office, Trados7.5, MS Office 2007, Trados, Open Office, Wordfast, Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional, voice, Localization, Localisation, Farsi Translation, Persian Translation, Farsi Translator, Translator, Eastern Farsi, Professional Farsi Translator, Aerospace, Caterpillar, manuals, translation commercial, educational, general, telecommunication, mobile, phone, hardware., software, websites, localization, trados, sdlx, tv, camera, video, IT, Hardware, Diplomas, Proofreading and Revision, mechanical, websites, automotive, food, pharmaceutical, clinical trials, nutrition, recipes, menus, history, language, linguistics, grammar, peacekeeping, translation, translator, interpreter, interpreting, politics, simultaneous interpreter. English to Farsi translator. English to Persian translator. Farsi to English translator. Persian to English translator.Patents general technical automotive chemical pharmaceutical computer science paper pulp foodstuff commercial business press release minutes works council meetings business letter marketing advertisement questionnaire holiday travel general legal contracts intellectual property automotive manual truck Management vehicles electronic welding drilling measuring gauges Manufacturing industry glass paint IT/office/home electronics computer paper shredder digital camera Telecommunications mobile phone localization software medical equipment instructions hobby handcraft cooking weighing packaging recipes research thesis dissertation court immigration law legal security contract culture cultural social technical law economic political journalistic health care scientific Philosophy biology Zoology Botany government immigration education certificate machinery legal medical educational translation proofreading editing subtitling Persian/Farsi sdlx trados, IT, engineering, medical charts, medical test, guidelines, neuroscience, microbiology, nursing, nutrition, pathology, physiotherapy, history, medication, guides, pharmaceutical, guides, patient information, soccer, agronomy, forestry, cinema, criminology, patent application, song translation, history, records, life sciences, methodology, newsletters, agreements, social sciences, contracts, biology, scientific papers, chemistry, crude-oil, yahoo, medicine, experience, insulation, English, embryology, genetics, health care, holistic, therapies, lab equipment, lab practice, marketing, flyers, bibliographies, trade, electronics, welding, mechanical, Spanish, localization, Portuguese, freelance, Mexico, legal, pipeline, press releases, banks, platform, oil, offshore, gas piping, process, compression, tractor, motor, tools, balance, machinery, isolation, construction, compressor, turbine, steel, electricity, computers, internet, biology, genetics, mechanics, equipment, instruments, safety, environmental, science, technical, legal, electrical, computer, hardware, aerospace, nuclear, chemistry, satellite, cellular, network, publications, presentations, brochures, press releases, websites, books, web, red, package, closure, switch, mobile, cable, connector, savings, mortgage, credit, debit, preparations, chemical, preparation, plant, agents, inventory, work, area, barrel, vaccine, Education, Contracts, Public relations, Birth Certificates, Advertising & Public Relations; Law, Legal, Medicine, Heath Care, Medical Instruments, Dentistry, Science, Engineering, ture, Marketing, Psychology, Agriculture, Energy, International Development, Business (general), Sociology, Biochemistry, Machinery & Tools, Tax Law, Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights, Sports, Government, Travel & Tourism, Telecommunications, Banking & Financial Law, Corporate Law, Accounting & Auditing, Art, Mining & Minerals, Gastronomy, Shipping & Maritime, Ecology & Environment, Film & Television, Real Estate, History, European Union, Food & Dairy Technology, translation, English, proofreading, editing, subtitling, transcription, localization, culture, IT, computers, music, software, hardware, media, marketing, tourism, medicine, social, sciences, telecommunications, journalism, social science, linguistics, linguist, information, engineering, literary, paypal, moneybookers, websites, web, guitar, html, xhtml, ADSL, CAT, tools, CATs, freelance, freelancer, PC, Trados, adobe, acrobat, arte, certificates, letters rotatory, resume, transcript, accounting, birth certificate, passports, agreements, patents, bylaws, articles of incorporation, market research, marriage certificates, banking, Shareholders Agreement, Anthropology, Archeology, Architecture, Art History, Conservation, Law, Jurisprudence, Cultural Rights, Museums, Museology, Painting, Sculpture, Travel, Tourism, Information Technology, Computer Graphics, Digital Image Processing, Film, Video Editing, Telecommunications, Interpretation Services, Railroads, Railways, Renewable Energies, Law, Contracts, Finance, Statements, Balance, Sheets, Accounts Professional, medical, industrial, legal translator, Professional, Anthropology, Architecture, Archeology, Art History, Conservation, Law, Jurisprudence, Cultural Rights, Museum, Painting, Sculpture, Travel, Tourism, Information Technology, Computer Graphics, Digital Image Processing, Film Services, Railways, Railroads, Legal, Law, Attorney Lawsuit Complaint Contract Certified Conference Written Translation Interpretation, accounting, Acrobat, cultural, adaptation, adaptation, adapted, Adobe, ADSL, Advertising & Public Relations, Affaires, agents, agreement, agreements, area, arte, articles, articles of incorporation, arts, Arts and Humanities (general), attorney, auditing, balance, bank, banking, banks, Belgium, bibliographies, birth certificates, books, brochures, Brussels, business, business, Business (general), business plan, business translation, business translator, bylaws, cable, CAT, CATs, CATs Tools, cellular, certificates, commerce, commercial translation, , complaint, conferences, context, contextual, convention, conventions, corporate life, correction, , cultural adaptation, culture, CV, debit, Desktop Workbench, documents, Ecology & Environment, economics, editing, editing, edition, editorial, education, email, e-mail, English, environmental, European Union, Excel, exportation, exporting, Film & Television, finance, Finance & Economics (general), finances, financial, financier, flyers, Food & Dairy, freelance, free-lance, freelancer, French, gastronomy, geopolitics, good prices, good writing skills, Google, guidelines, guides, health care, histoire, history, html, human rights, humanities, idioms, Idioms Word Server, information, international, International Development, Internet, inventory, job description, journalism, journalism, jurisprudence, language, Latin America, law, Law (general), lawsuit, legal, legal translator, leisure industry, ley, life sciences, linguist, Linguistics, literary, Literature, localisation, localization, , management, manuals, market research, marketing, markets, marriage certificates, Master's, media, Printing & Publishing, private correspondence, process, professional, professional, professional translator, professor, programmes de formation, proofreading, prospection, Public Relations, publications, publishing, qualified, readership, Real Estate, red, relations, researcher, research, resume, safety, savings, Science (general), sciences, SDLX, Shareholders Agreement, shares, social, social impact assessment, social science, social sciences, sociology, song translation, Spanish, Spanish Translation, , TV, film, cinema, theatre, lighting, sound, PA, public address, Audio, Video, audiovisual, EMC, radio, Engineering, tourism, websites, property, real estate, British English, American English, , proof-reader, proof reader, highly qualified standard, stock, stock exchange, strategic plan, summary, system, teacher, telecommunications, text, texts, therapies, tools, tourism, trade, Trados, transcript, transcription, translation from English to Spanish, translation from French to Spanish, translation from Portuguese to Spanish, translation services, translation to Farsi, translation to Persian, translation to فارسی, travel, tribunal, urgent, web, websites, Word, Wordfast, work, worksheet, written, written translation, xhtml, Yahoo, SDL TRADOS STUDIO, STAR-TRANSIT CATALYST, WORDFAST, mechanical engineering, technical manuals, marketing, copywriting, presentations, 9 years of experience, multilingual, machinery and technical manuals, human resources and industrial relations documents, business correspondence and brochures, general medicine and managed health care documents, Internet presentations, web sites, technical, electrical, electronic, professional freelancer, English, Persian.Persian editor, Persian proofreader, Persian translatorوComputers, Business, Finance & Economics, Industry and Technology Cosmetics, Printing & Publishing, Automotive Industry, Transportation, Literature, Arts and Humanities, Military, Multimedia, Insurance, Music, Biology, Architecture, work on holidays and weekends, long term cooperation, medical, Medicine, methodology, mobile, moneybookers, mortgage, network, New York, newsletter, newsletter, newsletters, Nueva York, pc, pdf, plan commercial, plan, PowerPoint, preparation, preparations, presentations, press release, press releases, . 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