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French to English: Construction Design/Build Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - French ARTICLE 01 : PREAMBULE
Le présent contrat est passé entre les parties, après que le contractant ait été retenu par le groupement _______ et qualifié par l’ANA (Agence Nationale des Autoroutes), en date du 09/12/2014 référencé DEET/DET/DG/ANA/2014, pour l’élaboration des études d’exécution du projet de réalisation de la liaison autoroutière reliant Batna à l’autoroute Est-Ouest au niveau de CHELGHOUM LAID sur 62 Km, Lot N° 1 reliant la ville de BATNA (PK0) à BIR ECHOUHADA (PK20), sur un tronçon de 20 Km.
Le groupement _________ est chargé de la réalisation du projet.
Le présent contrat a pour objet:
L’élaboration d’une partie des études d’exécution concernant la réalisation du lot n°1 : reliant la ville de BATNA (PK0) à BIR ECHOUHADA (PK20), sur 20 Km.
Les études d’exécution doivent être élaborées conformément aux documents de références ci-dessous :
1- CCTP - Livret A – Prescriptions générales Communes.
2- CCTP - Livret B – Lot routes.
3- CCTP – Livret C – Lot ouvrages d’Arts.
4- Documents listés en annexe.
Le cocontractant est supposé avoir pris connaissance des lieux, nature et conditions générales lors de la visite effectuée en date du 21 Janvier 2015 du site à savoir :
1. La nature du terrain et de la situation du site ;
5. Conditions générales d’exécution des travaux ;
6. Circonstances climatiques ;
7. Toutes les circonstances susceptibles d’avoir une influence sur les conditions d’exécutions des études.
Les études d’exécution à la charge du cocontractant sont reprises dans :
- L’annexe A pour ce qui est du lot route.
- L’annexe B pour ce qui est du lot Ouvrages d’Art.
6.1 - Descriptions des travaux
Cette section autoroutière longue de 20 Km commence au PK0+000, au niveau de l’échangeur existant RN3/RN75 à l’entrée de la ville de Batna.
Les deux premiers kilomètres de cette section se superposent avec la RN75 existante qu’il va falloir donc réaménager .un Viaduc de 1200 m est prévu au PK12+825, celui-ci traverse un Chott.
Les lots route et ouvrages d’Art se présentent sommairement selon l’Avant Projet Détaillé remis au cocontractant.
6.1.1 - Lot route :
Ce lot a une longueur de 20 Km à 2x3 voies, découpées en deux sections.
• Section 1 : du Pk0+000 au PK10+000 : liste prévisionnelle des documents à produire selon annexe A.
• Section 2 : du PK10+000 au PK20+000 : liste prévisionnelle des documents à produire selon annexe B.
Il comporte un échangeur au PK5+625 menant à l’aéroport de Batna et 16 ouvrages hydrauliques identifiés à l’APD.
Translation - English ARTICLE 01 : PREAMBLE
This contract is entered into by the parties after the contractor has been retained by the _____ group and certified by the ANA (Agence Nationale des Autoroutes), on 09/12/2014 reference DEET/DET/DG/ANA/2014, for the design and development of a highway connecting Batna to the East-West highway near CHELGHOUM LAID at 62 Km, Lot N° 1 connecting the city of BATNA (PK0) to BIR ECHOUHADA (PK20), via a section of 20 Km.
The _____ group is responsible for the implementation of the project.
The purpose of this contract is :
The design and development by one party of a plan of execution and implementation of lot no.1 : connection of the city BATNA (PK0) to BIR ECHOUHADA (PK20), of 20 Km.
The project design and execution must be developped according to the documents referenced below :
1. Terms and Conditions booklet A : General requirements .
2. Terms and Conditions booklet B: The Highway
3. Terms and Conditions booklet C: Structures.
4. Documents listed in the appendix.
The co-contractor is assumed to have familiarized itself with the nature and general conditions during the site visit of January 21, 2015, specifically :
5. Terrain conditions and location of the site;
6. General conditions of completion of the work;
7. Climate conditions;
8. All events and circumstances which may affect the conditions of the design and execution of project.
The design and execution of the project for which the co-contractor is responsible are included within :
- Appendix A as to the « highway » section.
- Appendix B as to the « structures » section.
6.1 – Description of the work
This 20 Km highway section begins at PK0+000, at the level of the existing interchange RN3/RN75 at the entry to the city of Batna.
The first two kilometers of this section will be superimposed over the existing RN75, which will need to be redeveloped. An overpass of 1200 meters, which crosses a chott, is planned at PK12+825.
The highway and structures sections have been submitted to the co-contractor as part of the Preliminary Design Details (PDD).
6.1.1 – Highway section :
This lot is 20 Km long, 2x3 lanes, divided into two sections.
• Section 1 : from Pk0+000 to PK10+000 : provisional list of documents to be produced according to Appendix A.
• Section 2 : from PK10+000 to PK20+000 : provisional list of documents to be produced according to Appendix B.
It includes an interchange at PK5 + 625 leading to the Batna city airport and 16 hydraulic structures as identified in the PDD.
Russian to English: Power of Attorney General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Russian Д о в е р е н н о с т ь
Я, _______________, гражданин __________, идентификационный код _______________, проживаю по даресу: ____________________, данной Доверенностью уполномачиваю адвоката ___________, Свидетельство о праве на занятие адвокатской деяльностю №0, выдано Киевской городской квалификационной-дисциплинарной комиссией адвокатуры ______________, представлять мои интересы в качестве адвоката и действовать от моего имени, для чего делегирую ему право быть моим полномочным представителем в органах власти и управления, в любых судах, в которых, по утверждению адвоката ________________, рассматриваются вопросы касательно моих прав и обязанностей и решаются вопросы касательно меня независимо от юрисдикции таких судов (включая суды апелляционной и кассационной инстанции), во всех государственных, общественных, хозяйственных и других органах и организациях, предприятиях и учреждениях независимо от их организационной формы, подчинения, формы собственности и отраслевой принадлежности (в том числе в органах внутренних дел, нотариата, властных структурах, банковских и других кредитных учреждениях и т.д.), общественных объединениях, быть полномочным представителем в моих взаимоотношениях с физическими лицами независимо от гражданства таких лиц, с должностными и служебными лицами, в полномочия которых входит решение соответствующих вопросов в Украине, при решении любых вопросов, которые меня касаются и/или могут касаться.
Translation - English Power-of-Attorney
I, _______________, Mr. __________, identification code _______________, residing at: ____________________, with this power-of-attorney do appoint attorney _________, bar license №0, issued on _____________________, by the Kiev attorney qualifications and discipline committee, to represent my interests as my counsel, and to act on my behalf, for which purpose I grant him the right to be my appointed representative before governing authorities, in any courts and legal proceedings, which ___________ deems to be of consequence to my rights and obligations, and any issues concerning myself, regardless of the jurisdiction of such courts (including appellate and supreme, or cassation courts); in all state, public, business, and other authorities and organizations, enterprises and institutions, regardless of the form of organization, subordination, type of ownership or sector of industry (including internal affairs, notarial, power structures, bank and other credit-related establishments, etc.), and public associations; to be my appointed representative in relationships with physical persons regardless of their citizenship, officers and other official persons whose responsibilities include the resolution of certain relevant questions in the Ukraine; and any questions which concern, or could concern myself.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - University of Missouri
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Mar 2015. Became a member: May 2015.
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Lawyer with native ability in Russian and English, Bachelor of Arts degree in French with prior immersion experience. Previous translation experience includes legal (contracts, terms and conditions, liability waivers, etc.), medical, immigration documents (passports, birth/marriage certificates, school and university diplomas and transcripts), as well as technical/engineering texts - Russian-English, English-Russian, French-English. Would be very interested also in helping to translate books or poetry.
Keywords: French, Russian, English, native, mechanical, engineering, law, legal, contracts, terms and conditions. See more.French, Russian, English, native, mechanical, engineering, law, legal, contracts, terms and conditions, liability waivers, immigration, medical, passports, birth and marriage certificates, school and university degrees and diplomas.. See less.