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Serbian to English: Football Club Radnicki Nis - Website General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - Serbian Malo koji klub deli život svojih navijača i sugrađana kao „Radnički“. Osnovan 24. aprila 1923. Pod okriljem i iz delovanja opozicione Komunističke Partije, koja je u Nišu, radničkom gradu, bila na vlasti od 1920. Te godine, osnovan je FK „Iskra“ koji će potom menjati ime u „Proleter“ i konačno „Radnički“. Predsednik kluba bio je Miloš Marković, a među osnivačima i igračima bili su i Josip Kolumbo i Stanko Paunović. Klub je svojom požrtvovanom borbom za ulazak u Moravsku fudbalsku župu, zadobio simpatije i naklonost celog grada, a kako bi izborio materijalnu sigurnost i mogućnost da nastupa u višem rangu takmičenja, „Radnički“ je dobijao pomoć građana, a pre svih Kulturno umetničkog društva „Abrašević“ koje je 1924. priredilo humanitarnu zabavu kojom su obezbeđena sredstva za funkcionisanje kluba. U tim godinama, klub, njegovi igrači, čak i navijači, prolazili su kroz represiju policije i vlasti, kojoj su naziv kluba, boja njegovih dresova, kao i petokraka na grbu kluba, predstavljali političku pretnju. Popularnost kluba je, ipak rasla, i tu niko, pa ni represija vlasti, nije mogao ništa. „Radnički“ je u svojoj prvoj sezoni, 1924/1925. osvojio prvo mesto u takmičenju Moravske fudbalske župe. Ovaj uspeh, klub će ponoviti u sezoni 1927/1928. Valja istaći, da je u okviru Sport Kluba „Radnički“ 1925. godine, sa svojim delovanjem otpočela sekcija u ženskoj hazeni (velikom rukometu), preteči današnjeg rukometa, sporta koji će se u sledećim decenijama razvijati i snažiti u Nišu i koji će do danas ostati jedan od najznačajnijih i najuspešnijih sportova u našem gradu. Uvođenje šestojanuarske diktature 1929. godine, dovelo je do političke zabrane rada Sport Kluba „Radnički“.
Translation - English Not many football clubs can take pride in sharing their life with their fans and fellow citizens as FC “Radnicki”. The club was formed on April 24th, 1923 under the auspice of the oppositional Communist Party, which was the ruling party at the time since 1920 in the working-class city of Nis. FC “Radnicki” was first known as FC “Iskra” (founded in 1920), only to change its name to “Proleter” and finally to be known as “Radnicki”. The club President was Milos Markovic and among the players and founders were Josip Kolumbo and Stanko Paunovic. Owing to its fierce and wholehearted matches to enter the Morava Football Division, the club gained affections of the entire city as well as the opportunity to perform in higher divisions and reach out for financial stability. “Radnicki” received help from citizens, especially from the Folklore Ensemble “Abrasevic” which organized a fundraising party in order to keep the club working. During these years, the club, its players and even supporters were undergoing police and authority repression. The name of the club, the colour of their jerseys and the star on the club’s crest represented political threats. Nevertheless, the popularity of the club grew so even the repression of the authorities was futile. “Radnicki” ended the 1924/1925 season in the Morava Fudball Division in the leading position. This success will be repeated in the 1927/1928 season. Starting from 1925, sports club "Radnicki" introduced women's házená (forerunner to today's team handball), a sport which will in the following decades thrive and develop to become one of the most significant and most successful sports in our city, even up to day.
English to Serbian: Poker Rules General field: Other Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English The game of poker is traditionally played against other players. The object of the game is to finish with a better hand than that of your opponent. Each different poker variation has its own rules and it is important that you learn the rules of that particular game before beginning to play. Most of the poker games follow the same basic rules concerning the value of the poker hand that you are trying to win. The game of Poker begins with each player submitting their bet into the pot. The player will be dealt his cards. Depending on the game being played there will be a different combination of concealed and revealed cards. After seeing their cards, the player must place an additional wager to stay in the game. Players may exchange cards with the dealer to obtain a better hand. The player with the best hand will win the pot. The skill that is required in the game of poker is to know which cards to hold onto and which to exchange for the best possible poker hand.
Translation - Serbian Poker je igra koja se obično igra protiv drugih igrača. Cilj igre je da na kraju ruke imate bolje karte od protivnika. Svaka verzija pokera ima svoja pravila i jako je važno da naučite pravila svake igre pojedinačno pre nego što se upustite u samu igru. Većina poker igara ima ista pravila u pogledu vrednosti karata koju pokušavate da dobijete. Igra Pokera počinje tako što svaki igrač stavlja određeni iznos novca u takozvani pot. Svakom igraču se zatim dele karte. U zavisnosti od varijacije igre koja se igra, postoje različite kombinacije otkrivenih i sakrivenih karata. Nakon što imaju prilike da pogledaju svoje karte, igrači moraju staviti određeni ulog kako bi ostali u igri. Igrači mogu razmeniti karte sa deliocem kako bi imali bolju ruku. Igrač sa najboljom rukom osvaja pot. Veština koja je potrebna u pokeru jeste da znate koje karte bi trebalo zadržati a koje zameniti kako biste dobili što bolju ruku.
Translation education
Master's degree - Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Aug 2014. Became a member: May 2019.
Crowdin, Lokalise, MateCat, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Workshop, Trados Studio, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
Translator-Proofreader-Editor-Transcriber with excellent skills combined with the professional approach to clients and work.
MA in English language and literature and rich, multi-year experience in the given areas give me an edge compared to other freelancers seeking similar jobs.
I deliver results with utmost professionalism and respect to the client, within all deadlines, to the satisfaction of both of us.
Member of Mensa Serbia - Mensa International, the high IQ society.